• Sponsor


    Can you tell me who Larry deems qualified to do rule clarifications. Our group plays strictly by the book and we only want answers from larry’s people. No offense to anyone.

  • @Trisdin:


    Can you tell me who Larry deems qualified to do rule clarifications. Our group plays strictly by the book and we only want answers from larry’s people. No offense to anyone.

    Trisdin, Kevin is always the bottom line.  If anyone answers a question on here incorrectly, or incompletely Kevin always fixes it.

    If a question is answered correctly and completely, then Kevin stays silent.  Silence is consent.  So if you ask a question and it gets answered by some yehu like me, if Kevin doesn’t say anything about it for a few days, or he answers someone else’s question without referencing the other, then you can be sure the answer is correct.

    Again, Kevin is very thorough and does not allow an incorrect answer to stand, but by allowing other yehus like me to answer, he saves a lot of time, energy, and effort.

    Oh.  And if you didn’t want a yehu like me to answer a question (not about A&A rules per se) you directed at Kevin, you probably should have PM’d him.  :-)

  • Sponsor

    Thankyou gamerman, great information on how this thread works. Keep up the good work.

  • Official Q&A

    It’s not necessary to PM me.  As gamerman01 said, if I don’t contradict an answer on this thread (usually within a few hours, or maybe a day if I’m really busy), you can trust it.

  • Does a AA Gun in a transport count as something onboard? Can I still bring an inf and a tank with it?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Here’s one:

    England can move into China without officially declaring war on Japan, right?  (The effect is that the war is declared since Japan can then declare war without worry about America) but can Russia do the same?

  • Official Q&A


    Does a AA Gun in a transport count as something onboard? Can I still bring an inf and a tank with it?

    Yes, it counts.  You can only bring an infantry with it.


    England can move into China without officially declaring war on Japan, right?  (The effect is that the war is declared since Japan can then declare war without worry about America) but can Russia do the same?

    Neither can move units into China when not at war with Japan.

  • I need a clarification: Rules Alpha2+

    Someone ask: are Greece and Turkey connected?
    Answer Krieghund: Greece and Turkey are connected by land.

    So Turkey is not longer a Narrow strait, I don’t need transports to reach the other side, this has changed from the Europe rulesbook?
    So Danish is the only narrow strait without an exception. Because Turkey is connected to land and subs is allowed to pass gibraltar.

    If I wonna move warships from seazone 99 to 100 which territories I have to control?
    1.)Only turkey
    2.) Only Greece
    3.) or both turkey and Greece?

    And what is the meaning of DD, I found it several times here in the forum. I suspect Battleship but be not sure.

  • DD is destroyer
    Panama and Suez canals are canals and not straits, but they work the same way as the Danish strait - as you said, there are no exceptions (subs getting through and whatnot).

    You do not need transports to go from Greece to Turkey.

    Moving warships between 99 and 100, you need to control only Turkey because the land on both sides is Turkey and not Greece.

  • Official Q&A

    The Turkish Straits are still a narrow strait - nothing has changed.  The reason that you can cross from Turkey to Greece by land, and that you need only control Turkey to control the Turkish Straits, is that the strait is contained entirely within the territory of Turkey.  This is the same situation with the Panama Canal in Central America.

  • Thxs again Krieghund and gamerman for your answers.

    Actually I m writing a german Alpha 2+ guide which is most in relation to what I have found here in this forum. Its quite hard to read more than 100 sites, if you are not a native speaker but also very interesting and I have learnd a lot from this “incredibles” support here.

    The guide is almost 40 sites now with a lot of examples from the questions in this tread.
    An Introduction, Victory Conditions, Border Spaces, Neutrals, Land Movement, Air Movement, Sea Movement, Knowledge about every Country, lineup, the new NO´s and finally some houserules which sounds interesting.

    We play next weekend our first global game with same friends, maybe I have some more questions than.

    If somebody is interested to get a copy of it, if it is finish, please feel free to contact me.

    When can we expect the offcial faq for alpha 2+ ?

  • How far can a “damaged” capital ship(carrier or battleship) move?

    1.) if it start in a seazone within an ally naval base?

    2.) if it start in a seazone without an ally naval base?

  • Official Q&A


    When can we expect the offcial faq for alpha 2+ ?

    It’s hard to say.


    How far can a “damaged” capital ship(carrier or battleship) move?

    The same distance as any other ship.

  • Convoy Question:

    Germany has 4 Subs in seazone 109. This will cost UK the maximum of IPCs, 8 for United Kingdom and 2 for Scotland. We guess the convoy cost of any sub is 3 instead of 2.
    It’s the turn from UK now. UK has nothing to destroy the 4 german subs, so UK decide to build a destroyer and in sequence 5 Mobilize, UK place the new destroyer in seazone 109. So there is no combat!
    Can UK than in sequence 6 “Collect Income” gets all his normal IPC because of the presence of the destroyer or can germany destroy 10 IPC?

  • Official Q&A


    Germany has 4 Subs in seazone 109. This will cost UK the maximum of IPCs, 8 for United Kingdom and 2 for Scotland.

    No, 6 for United Kingdom and 2 for Scotland.


    We guess the convoy cost of any sub is 3 instead of 2.

    Normally it’s 2, but there’s an optional rule that makes it 3 for German subs only.


    It’s the turn from UK now. UK has nothing to destroy the 4 german subs, so UK decide to build a destroyer and in sequence 5 Mobilize, UK place the new destroyer in seazone 109. So there is no combat!
    Can UK than in sequence 6 “Collect Income” gets all his normal IPC because of the presence of the destroyer or can germany destroy 10 IPC?

    The destroyer has no effect on the subs’ ability to do convoy raids.  UK still loses the IPCs.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Can Russia take advantage of an Allied Naval base to move 3 spaces if not at war?

  • @Emperor:

    Can Russia take advantage of an Allied Naval base to move 3 spaces if not at war?

    No.  It’s stated in the sidebar on page 15 of the Europe manual, under “movement”, second sentence.

  • 2007 AAR League



    Can Russia take advantage of an Allied Naval base to move 3 spaces if not at war?

    No.  It’s stated in the sidebar on page 15 of the Europe manual, under “movement”, second sentence.


  • Can Japan place units in German/Italian controlled (former Russian) territories with/out being at war with russia?

  • @ghr2:

    Can Japan place units in German/Italian controlled (former Russian) territories with/out being at war with russia?

    By place units, you must mean a non-combat movement of existing units, not a placement of new units at an industrial complex.  Also, I assume you mean Alpha2.  Under OOB rules, Japan and Russia work out their nonagression pact however they want, basically.

    Yes Japan can occupy those territories without DOW on Russia because occupying German/Italian controlled territory is not an act of war against Russia (is not a combat move).  AFAIK the only thing Japan can’t do without declaring war on Russia, is attack Russia.  That means attacking Russian units or making a combat move on Russian-controlled territory.

    If there’s a rule against Japan occupying formerly Soviet territory controlled by G/I when Japan has not declared war on Russia previously, I’ve never seen it.  There is, however, the rule that the Soviets can’t move anything (even an AA gun) into CHINA without a DOW on Japan, but I’ve never seen a rule restricting the Japs from joining the Germans/Italians.

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