Personally I think the civilian tracking is unneeded.
Well, if you drop that then you can drop the Civ transportation rules.
Basically, I wanted to get the feel for fleeing refugees into the game. Think of WWZ and the Great Panic. Not only do you have to kill the Zs, but you have to protect your Civs by transporting them to safety, which are your production and your “hit points”. You almost have to do it because with the Zs attacking your Civs directly you stand a risk of being over-run where 2 Zs have a 5/36 chance of becoming 6 Zs and a 1/36 chance of becoming 10 Zs.
I was also pondering a rule about diminishing returns for Civs in low IPC territories. Basically, you get 1 IPC per Civ up to the IPC value of the territory. Past the IPC value, you only get 1 IPC for every 2 Civs rounding down. For example, in Germany, you get 9 IPCs for 9 Civs and 10 for 10, but 11 Civs only gets you 10 IPCs and 12 Civs get you 11 IPCs. That way you don’t get Hawaii with 36 IPCs produced, but only 18, whereas Germany would give you 23 with that same 36 Civs. However, it may be too restrictive.