• @Dylan:



    Hard to make out the Canadian roundel (gulp)

    1. there will be a canada roundle on all but newfoundland.


    Greenland looks ridiculous. its too close to Canada. Its nearly so far west that i think you can draw a straight line from it to Chicago.

    If you’re talking about the land in the corner, that’s Canada. The island barely overlaps the US

    1. no that not what he is talking about, look right and look at the lump on the edge of the board.

    Newfoundland seems to have the same roundel.

    I think you mean the Canadian one, if so that is the British one for sure

    You’re right; I was wrong.

  • Very very clever.  Map looks nice from this view.  Can’t wait to see the real thing! :-)

  • @questioneer:

    Very very clever.  Map looks nice from this view.  Can’t wait to see the real thing! :-)

    yeah then I can zoom in and just put my head on the bored, and it will be a high resolution one  :-D

  • @GrayBlaZe:

    Ok, here one more I did the other day.  Again, just to get a perceptive idea of what it would look like.  Nothing to scale or detailed, just slapped together quickly for the what-it’s-worth department.

    Why is Australia upside down?

  • You kids know that this IS NOT the start up set up right?

  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    You kids know that this IS NOT the start up set up right?

    are you talking too me, do I look stupid.

  • '12

    Greenland being too close to Canada.  It is actually less than 40 KM away from Canada’s ellesmere island, though that is much further north than shown on the map.   From the look of the gamemap it looks like the Canuck territory Nunavut is shown next to greenland, in that case its about 325 KM away, about the same width (east-west) of Lake ontario or erie.

    Now as far as being able to draw a straight line from Greenland to Chicago, can’t you draw a straight line between any to places on a map?  wg  Now if you drew a line straight north of Chicago to the north pole it would cut Hudson’s bay roughly down the middle.  It also come within about 325 KM from the western tip of Greenland.

    Projecting a curved surface onto a flat one always makes the northern territories distorted (northern hemisphere anyways).   The map is a bit off but not too bad really.

    I can’t see what roundel Newfoundland has but it should be British.  Newfoundland was a British territory until 1949 when it joined Canada.

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    Greenland being too close to Canada.  It is actually less than 40 KM away from Canada’s ellesmere island, though that is much further north than shown on the map.   From the look of the gamemap it looks like the Canuck territory Nunavut is shown next to greenland, in that case its about 325 KM away, about the same width (east-west) of Lake ontario or erie.

    Now as far as being able to draw a straight line from Greenland to Chicago, can’t you draw a straight line between any to places on a map?  wg  Now if you drew a line straight north of Chicago to the north pole it would cut Hudson’s bay roughly down the middle.  It also come within about 325 KM from the western tip of Greenland.

    Projecting a curved surface onto a flat one always makes the northern territories distorted (northern hemisphere anyways).   The map is a bit off but not too bad really.

    I can’t see what roundel Newfoundland has but it should be British.  Newfoundland was a British territory until 1949 when it joined Canada.

    Thats dumb, Nunavut shouldn`t be a territory, it was part of Northwest Territory till 1999.

  • '12

    I didn’t mean to imply nunavut was a territory then…  I was merely pointing out where the relative positions were using todays geographical terms.

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    I didn’t mean to imply nunavut was a territory then…  I was merely pointing out where the relative positions were using todays geographical terms.

    Is Northwest Territory in, because they put freaking Yukon in.

  • Bulgaria and Yugoslavia look like neutrals, like Yugoslavia pro-ally and Bulgaria pro-axis? Romania and Hungary are for sure German, Finland is hard to say. From other topics Iraq sounds pro-axis and Iran sounds pro-ally.  :-)

  • @Dylan:


    Look at you being all clever! 8-)  Pretty sweet!

    was that an insult towards him, like look at you being clever like it`s like your like wow he did something clever :-P

    No, I was genuinely impressed with rotating and shifting the image to make it easier to see the map itself, since the unit setup is fudged.

  • It’s hard to tell from the picture, but it looks as though Norway goes all the way to the top of the map, without any sea space connecting the Norwegian Sea to the Barents Sea, which would mean no possibility of naval movement between Britain and Russia.

  • There’s probably a small strait that connects them

  • Customizer

    Can anyone see if Norway has a boundary with USSR; historically there should be a small strip of Finland between them.

  • Tough to see with those Russian units in the way, but it looks like the two are not connected to me.

  • How many territories will French North Africa have, I wonder?

  • @UN:

    How many territories will French North Africa have, I wonder?

    I see Morroco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    How many territories will French North Africa have, I wonder?

    I see Morroco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

    Same here…

    IPC values: Algeria 2, Tunis 1, Morocco none (or 1 if Larry’s feeling generous)?

  • @UN:



    How many territories will French North Africa have, I wonder?

    I see Morroco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

    Same here…

    IPC values: Algeria 2, Tunis 1, Morocco none (or 1 if Larry’s feeling generous)?

    Are those guesses or do you see the ipc values?

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