I think it’s a great idea. Also a Soviet sub or two in the Pacific off Amur might help dissuade a Japanese invasion.
They should look into this during the next Alpha revision.
Seem pretty reasonable true neutrals then, Yoper. Are them one territory neutrals or maybe Spain and Turkey are 2 territories?
I guess some other true neutrals: Arabia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela. I guess that Brazil is going to be pro-allies and Switzerland impassable
I’m wondering if the setup for Pacific side of Global is going to be the same than AAP40, because that could cause problems. For AAP40 is pretty reasonable that China or India fall early because allies can still win the game and Japan needs take them early to have a chance of winning. But for global, a too early fall of China or India can create havoc in soviet rear (specially without the non-agression treaty) and mess the game as did with AA50
Hmm. That could be a problem. We might need a more strict Russo-Japanese non-aggression rule. Maybe Japan can’t attack any Russian controlled territory unless the Axis has already captured at least one of the following: London, Moscow, Washington, San Francisco. Russia can’t attack any Japanese controlled territory unless the Allies already control either Berlin or BOTH Rome AND Paris.
“Hmm. That could be a problem. We might need a more strict Russo-Japanese non-aggression rule. Maybe Japan can’t attack any Russian controlled territory unless the Axis has already captured at least one of the following: London, Moscow, Washington, San Francisco. Russia can’t attack any Japanese controlled territory unless the Allies already control either Berlin or BOTH Rome AND Paris.”
Almost forgot: …and Russian units may not enter Chinese territory until they are at war with Japan.
almashir, can you do some more of your great research to come up with actual fleet strength around May-June 1940 for sweden, turkey and spain?
Add Argentina and Brazil if information exists regarding their naval strength.
Turkey: 1 BB, 4 CL, 13 DD, 11 SS
The Turkish battleship was actually a WWI German battlecruiser that was trapped in the Med in August 1914, and “loaned” to the Turks for the duration. They kept it until after WWII.
Spain: 2 BB, 2 CA, 5 CL, 21 DD, 14 SS
The Spanish forces listed above are what Spain had before/during the Spanish Civil War, and includes both Nationalist and Republican ships. At least 1 battleship and 1 heavy cruiser were sunk prior to 1940.
Sweden: Couldn’t find much yet, but they had at least 2-3 light cruisers, probably 5-10 destroyers, and assorted gun boats and coastal defense ships.
Brazil: 2 BB, 2 CL, 7 DD,
Argentina: 2 BB, 4 CA, 30 DD
Argentina also had a couple of heavy coastal defense ships. Two of the four heavy cruisers listed above were older ships (1896), but still dangerous, if slow.
Japan’s real navy: 10 BB, 38 CA, 108 DD, 8 CV, 68 SS
Japan’s game navy: 2 BB, 2 CA, 4 DD, 3 CV, 2 SS
Ratio of real to game: 5/1, 19/1, 27/1, 8/3, 34/1
Using the preceding ratios we get the following game navies
Turkey’s game navy: 0.2 BB, 0.2 CA, 0.5 DD, 0 CV, 0.3 SS
Spain’s game navy: 0.4 BB, 0.4 CA, 0.8 DD, 0 CV, 0.4 SS
Brazil’s game navy: 0.4 BB, 0.1 CA, 0.3 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Argentina’s game navy: 0.4 BB, 0.1 CA, 1.1 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Now with my professional fudging and some sketchy reasoning I will put what I assume will be the games starting navy sizes.
Turkey’s game navy: 0 BB, 0 CA, 0 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Spain’s game navy: 0 BB, 0 CA, 0 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Brazil’s game navy: 0 BB, 0 CA, 0 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Argentina’s game navy: 0 BB, 0 CA, 0 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
since we know there are no other powers in the game we can assume that these nuetrals will have no units on the map. but if anyone is creating house rules they may want to do something like the following
Turkey’s game navy: 0 BB, 0 CA, 1 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Spain’s game navy: 0 BB, 1 CA, 1 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Brazil’s game navy: 0 BB, 1 CA, 0 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Argentina’s game navy: 0 BB, 1 CA, 1 DD, 0 CV, 0 SS
Ok this is very good. I will use this for my new project if possible
Ok this is very good. I will use this for my new project if possible
Which new project?
Sshhh its a secret!!