I’m axis allies’s foreign fan. And I bought axis allies anniversary 50. But, when I unbox, the inside boxes are a little breakage. So I want to repair them!
Is there axis allies anniversary 50 box(inside) art pdf file?
So I have a copy of A&A50, still sealed, with the shipper box. It is my only copy, bought in the last few weeks cheaply. I don’t play A&A that often, maybe twice a month, and my gaming group is still sinking it’s teeth into A&AP40 and A&A1942. My choices:
a. Open it now, and play with it, $400 value be darned!
b. Keep it sealed for future use and/or until I find another copy and/or until a reprint is announced and is enroute.
Sell it for $500 on ebay, download my maps and buy AA42. Then repaint a set of pieces for the Italians and download the rules and player aids and you got something just as good and $500 bucks for your trouble minus printing cost of say $100, but you got a larger map and nicer pieces.
And his maps are better than the AA50 ones. They are the only ones we use now.
Sell it for $500 on ebay,
They’ll go for that much now??? :-o
Gold be damned and open the box - play a game! :-D
Sell it for $500 on ebay,
They’ll go for that much now??? :-o
Last I checked, they were $425 on Amazon, so $500 on eBay would not be out of the question.
Sell it for $500 on ebay,
They’ll go for that much now??? :-o
Last I checked, they were $425 on Amazon, so $500 on eBay would not be out of the question.
Ok well to be fair, the highest currently on EBay is $419.77 (Canadian, which today is almost exactly the same as the US$) as a buy it now. The auction which ends in a day is currently at $350.
Makes me wonder if I should hang on to mine too!
Sell it for $500 on ebay,
They’ll go for that much now??? :-o
Last I checked, they were $425 on Amazon, so $500 on eBay would not be out of the question.
Ok well to be fair, the highest currently on EBay is $419.77 (Canadian, which today is almost exactly the same as the US$) as a buy it now. The auction which ends in a day is currently at $350.
Makes me wonder if I should hang on to mine too!
I sold mine a couple of months ago for $250. It will only go up in price until AAE40 comes out when a bigger global game is available when combined with AAP40. I would have held onto mine but I needed the money to pay some unexpected medical bills. I had it on the table maybe 3 times from the time it was released and had to have plexi-glass over the map to keep the boards from warping. I don’t really miss mine and have been playing AA42 which hits the spot for an AA game. I had all but the Nova version and have sold a few. I am holding onto Revised, Europe, Pacific and AAP40 along with AA42. AAE40 will probably be picked up when released but will not be played until next year sometime when I get my game room back and have tables to leave the game set up on. The new global game will be the standard and AA50 will go by the wayside and won’t be played much IMHO.
Anniversary WILL be reprinted.
and to be honest a “sealed” copy, doesnlt sell for any more than an “unsealed” copy. I’ve sold both for $350. As long as you respect your pieces it won’t matter.
People want this game anyway that they can get it. So you might as well play it and decide for yourself if you need the money, or want to keep it.
My gaming group lost our copy of anniversary in a house fire :cry:. I am in charge of getting a replacement for it.
Whats the best way to duplicate the anniversary edition? Can I use the 1942 rulebook or do I need to find, download and print a copy of the anniversary rulebook? What exactly is the difference between the 2009 version and the 2008 anniversary edition that we so loved?
The new global game will be the standard and AA50 will go by the wayside and won’t be played much IMHO.
New GLOBAL game?
to what do you refer?
Are you talking about putting two games together to make on global game?
I believe it refers to the latest Pacific and upcoming Europe… together they portray WWII on a ‘global’ level.
I disagree that AAA50th will be on the wayside, for a lot of reasons…
I believe it refers to the latest Pacific and upcoming Europe… together they portray WWII on a ‘global’ level.
I disagree that AAA50th will be on the wayside, for a lot of reasons…
yes, that option to join AAE and AAP (perhaps it’s more intended to be complimentary THIS time) didn’t work out before.
So I agree, two saperate games put together do not make one great global game.
I could be wrong, but the track record for making ONE good/balanced A&A game is not that great, let alone trying to tie together two seperate ones?
I believe it refers to the latest Pacific and upcoming Europe… together they portray WWII on a ‘global’ level.
I disagree that AAA50th will be on the wayside, for a lot of reasons…
Yes, it refers to the AAE40 and AAP40 when combined. I say AA50 will not be played much because if you listen to people that say they have AA50 and Revised, they no longer play Revised and only play AA50. Why? Maybe it is because of the addition of a playable China and Italy and a bigger map? What will we have in combined games of 1940? A much bigger map and more countries, 7 or 8 players worth, and with the convoy routes that AA50 did not include, tactical bombers, mechanized infantry, air bases, sea ports, etc. I believe that AA50 will collect dust on the shelf. Maybe I am wrong but if you follow the trends that people soon forget the old when the new and improved is released it makes sense. What are the reasons why you think that AA50 will not be shelved? Other than players that have AA50 but have no intentions on getting the 1940 global games.
The same applies to Pacific. How many players that have both versions of Pacific still play the old one? I hear complaints that the new version left this or that out, or they should have done this or that but that does not indicate that the new one was ditched to keep playing the old.
My reasons… well, first off, the new Pacific has some serious issues. Granted, the ‘global rules’ may take care of those issues, but they may also surface in the Europe game (and I’m not holding my breath for an error free European edition…).
And you mention all those new features, " convoy routes that AA50 did not include, tactical bombers, mechanized infantry, air bases, sea ports, etc."
Well yeah - it’s actually getting to the point where it’s not the same game… (good and bad). And then there’s the time restraints, the whole global game will take much, much longer. Some folks can’t commit to that. And overall, AAA50 is a great game, I find it much more enjoyable than the latest Pacific - or any of the previous for that matter. But that’s because it is a good game - not simply because it’s the latest. Not that I won’t play the new global combo, I will. But AAA50th has earned a spot in my heart alongside my Nova ed., and it certainly won’t get dusty.
And I don’t think the assessment that everyone is packing up revised is accurate… I think revised still makes some appearances out there.
And no one plays the old Pacific because it was lame in the first place (imho).
And no one plays the old Pacific because it was lame in the first place (imho).
I loved the old pacific and thought it was very easy to handicap by sliding the VP scale. Might even be better now if one uses the aa50 sub rules which would eliminate substalling. I miss my US marines.
Well… statement was a bit strong on my part - gotta admit that it did see quite a few plays with some rough house rules. Did love the concept of course.
Sidenote: Despite previous post, I really, really hope the global A&A is good.
Sidenote: Despite previous post, I really, really hope the global A&A is good.
So do I.
My reasons… well, first off, the new Pacific has some serious issues. Granted, the ‘global rules’ may take care of those issues, but they may also surface in the Europe game (and I’m not holding my breath for an error free European edition…).
Well yeah - it’s actually getting to the point where it’s not the same game… (good and bad).
I cannot disagree with these statements. Lets hope for the best and I know I will expect the worst. I do know that I will not buy AAE40 the day it is out like I did with AAP40. I am going to wait. I waited months before buying AA42. I really enjoy the small global games compared to the theater specific games. But these small global games do take too long to play. I have recently gone around long games by getting Settlers of Catan. 3 games in 2 days. Not too bad.
I say AA50 will not be played much because if you listen to people that say they have AA50 and Revised, they no longer play Revised and only play AA50. Why? Maybe it is because of the addition of a playable China and Italy and a bigger map?
I have AA50 and still play revised. Why? Because revised has AARe, and as of yet, there is nothing comparable in AA50 (we are working on it though - see AA50: Strategic). I still like AA50 as a lighter game, but for real strategy and matches of skill I play AARe. Additionally, revised takes less time than AA50 and AA50 will likely take less time than the global game. This is needed if you are playing with friend and they aren’t staying more than 5-6 hours.