• Hi, i am new here.

    2 issues which i am not clear about:

    1. Aircraft movement into/out of island group
      From the rulebook, pg 26, it is stated that
      “To determine range, count each space your air unit enters “after takeoff.” When moving over water from a coastal territory or an island group, count the first sea zone entered as one space. When flying to an island group, count the surrounding sea zone and the island group itself as one space each.”

    So my understanding is when you are flying out from an island, the seazone the island is on is counted as 1 movement. What about landing into an island? My understanding from above is that the seazone and island is counted as 1 movement for landing. Am i right?

    1. Amphibious Assault
      Example, 1941 Japan turn 1, attack Phillipines with Battleship from sz61 with 2 transports carrying 3 infantry & 1 tank.
      If battleship is destroyed together with destroyer during sea battle in the same round of combat, does the 2 Jap transport and the US transport survive? I take it as yes and the land units can proceed to assault the island right?


  • Official Q&A


    Hi, i am new here.



    1. Aircraft movement into/out of island group
      From the rulebook, pg 26, it is stated that
      “To determine range, count each space your air unit enters “after takeoff.” When moving over water from a coastal territory or an island group, count the first sea zone entered as one space. When flying to an island group, count the surrounding sea zone and the island group itself as one space each.”

    So my understanding is when you are flying out from an island, the seazone the island is on is counted as 1 movement. What about landing into an island? My understanding from above is that the seazone and island is counted as 1 movement for landing. Am i right?

    The basic thing to remember here is that every time a unit crosses a boundary between spaces, it uses one movement point.  A fighter taking off from one island and landing on another in an adjacent sea zone will use three movement points - one to enter the sea zone that the original island is in, one to move to the next sea zone, and one to move to the island in that sea zone.

    In a similar example, if that fighter were doing the same thing except taking off from a carrier in the original sea zone instead of an island, it would use only two movement points because it’s already in the origination sea zone rather than on an island within it.


    1. Amphibious Assault
      Example, 1941 Japan turn 1, attack Phillipines with Battleship from sz61 with 2 transports carrying 3 infantry & 1 tank.
      If battleship is destroyed together with destroyer during sea battle in the same round of combat, does the 2 Jap transport and the US transport survive? I take it as yes and the land units can proceed to assault the island right?

    If all of the combat units on both sides are destroyed all at once, transports on both sides are safe from further attack.  In a case like this one, with transports remaining on both sides, the attacker can choose to retreat or to remain in the sea zone and conduct the assault.

  • Krieg,

    Thanks for the clarification.

  • Does this “take off” move also affect CVs?? 1 move for takeoff, but still in the same sea space? Range seems pretty limited then.

  • Official Q&A

    No, it doesn’t.

  • Ok, so just to clarify, a standard fighter would NOT be able to reach Borneo from Japan?

  • Official Q&A

    Correct, but it would be able to reach Borneo from a carrier in the sea zone around Japan.

  • @Krieghund:

    Correct, but it would be able to reach Borneo from a carrier in the sea zone around Japan.

    You mean the SZ AROUND Borneo, right?

  • Official Q&A

    No, I mean Borneo.

    Sea zone 62 (carrier) to sea zone 60.
    Sea zone 60 to sea zone 50.
    Sea zone 50 to sea zone 49.
    Sea zone 49 to Borneo.

  • Okay, making more sense… thank you for being patient. :)  Last dumb question:

    Does attacking or SBR count as a movement?  For example, can a fighter take off from Japan, attack the philippines and land on a carrier around Borneo?

  • Official Q&A

    No, it can’t.  Just passing through the Philippines sea zone counts as two movements (one in, one out), since the fighter doesn’t actually enter the island territory.  However, attacking the Philippines territory would cost two extra movements: one to enter the Philippines from the sea zone and another to exit the Philippines back into the sea zone.

    Your example would look like this:

    1. Japan to sea zone 62.
    2. Sea zone 62 to sea zone 60.
    3. Sea zone 60 to sea zone 50.
    4. Sea zone 50 to Philippine Islands.
    5. Philippine Islands to sea zone 50.
    6. Sea zone 50 to sea zone 49 (carrier).

    As you can see, a standard fighter would be out of movement at the Philippines, with nowhere to land, making this an illegal move.

    However, if the same fighter took off from a carrier in the Japan sea zone, it could attack the Philippines and land on a carrier (perhaps the same one) in the Philippines sea zone:

    Sea zone 62 (carrier) to sea zone 60.
    Sea zone 60 to sea zone 50.
    Sea zone 50 to Philippine Islands.
    Philippine Islands to sea zone 50 (carrier).

    Each time a plane crosses a boundary between spaces (whether between land or sea or both), it uses one movement point.

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