I just think it is rather interesting that 2 1/2 years after all this was started up in March 2009 we are still talking about, and I mean just talking about, about these new improved better amazing incredible outstanding units!!! but still NOT HERE!! Always around the corner!! it’s like the Iranians telling Jimmy Carter the hostages will be released any time. This has lasted longer than the 444 days of that crisis.
Yet you have all badmouthed Avalon Hill HASBRO who originally produced these games as chimps and worse. You do not recognize how incredibly difficult it is to produce such a massive complicated game and yet you all call them chimps. But boy are you all ready to forgive this continual “just around the corne it’ll be ready” saga for just one measley set of Italian, no less, pieces!!! At this rate HASBRO would have taken 8 years to produce the 1940 Axis & Allies’.
The continual onslaught against HASBRO is undeserved. The constant berating of Hasbro for making a profit off this game is amusing too. Look at what they have given to us for what the incredible low price of about $80.00 and then compare that to the cost of 2 measley bags of units of two countries! 2 countries for $80.00! 3 counties for $120.00 Hello McFly not cost effective. Do the math.
In the meantime the designer and playtesters get a free ride from you for producing the worst rules of all time apparently! Not my personal opinion, I believe in playing the OOB rules with minor and I mean minor House Rules. Yet they get a free ride. I see no sustained criticisms of them. But HASBRO gets it all!
I have yet to see any real apology from Harris nor from Krieghund about those so called defective rules and we have yet to see any definitive iteration of the Final rules, now in what Alph 3+ mode? Gamma?? anyone??
The real apology should be that they caved in to all the whining that the wwaahhhhh the Axis can’t win! Wah Wah Wah!!! can you imagine that, the Axis not winning a WWII game??!!