• 2007 AAR League

    I have played online TripleA a few times. Only thing I don’t like about it is the dice seem kinda whack and that you can do non-combat in combat phase.

  • @Jennifer:

    I hate, no, I despise, no, wait, I’d rather Kiss Hillary Roddham Clinton full on the lips then use MapView again.Â

    Don’t hold back, tell us what you really think  :wink:

    Jennifer, any chance I can ask you to put together a complete list of things you think would make MapView a better tool?  Maybe in another thread, or even better here:  http://p078.ezboard.com/fmotcreationsgamingcommunityfrm9Â

    I’m working on the next release (after being away for 2 years) and constructive feedback is desired.


  • '19 Moderator


    I’d rather Kiss Hillary Roddham Clinton full on the lips

    I’d pay to see that…

  • 2007 AAR League


    Jennifer, any chance I can ask you to put together a complete list of things you think would make MapView a better tool?  Maybe in another thread, or even better here:  http://p078.ezboard.com/fmotcreationsgamingcommunityfrm9

    I’m working on the next release (after being away for 2 years) and constructive feedback is desired.


    I have comments, but I’m not so eager to start participating in another board. I’ve started a thread in the software development forum:

  • '19 Moderator

    Mots board is just for comments and suggestions for the Mot modules.  If you want to be sure he hears your suggestions you should post them there.  His board is nothing like this one in terms of content or discussion.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    And it is game destroying, for any person who has a hard time differentiating colors.  An opponent sneaked 20 armor on me because I couldnt see the stupid things

    Ah ha - I knew you were really a man! Very very few women are color blind, and the number that are color blind AND play A&A compulsively - Dude, you’re a dude!!!

    I’m not color blind.  But Mapview uses teh exact same country for a nation’s start territories and the same nation’s units.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I hate, no, I despise, no, wait, I’d rather Kiss Hillary Roddham Clinton full on the lips then use MapView again.

    Don’t hold back, tell us what you really think  :wink:

    Jennifer, any chance I can ask you to put together a complete list of things you think would make MapView a better tool?  Maybe in another thread, or even better here:  http://p078.ezboard.com/fmotcreationsgamingcommunityfrm9

    I’m working on the next release (after being away for 2 years) and constructive feedback is desired.


    Dear, you may not know this, but I never hold back.

    I posted my top ten pet peeves / recommendations in Dan’s thread for you.  Some are totally unfeasible, but most are simple, so simple, Battlemap already does them.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I’d rather Kiss Hillary Roddham Clinton full on the lips

    I’d pay to see that…

    You’d have to pay me with a mapview that can do everything I can do with a physical board and battlemap. =p

  • Love the new pic Jen.  Now we can see your…eyes.  :-P :-D

  • 2007 AAR League

    That looks like a computer generated picture.

  • Yep, that is CG.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, it is an avatar created through a computer.

    And thanks for the positive feedback!

  • Axis and Allies is kind of Captain Obvious for me.  You either keep going with what’s working, or switch to a different plan if your plan isn’t working.

    “Working” doesn’t mean you have to be killing everything.  For example, 1 German tank in Africa while the Allies have nothing there is “working” pretty damn well.

    In that light - the only thing I REALLY need to keep track of is which side is which.  Because my opponent might just say “um yeah . . . you’re the Axis, srsly!” and I’ll be like “wth, how did I get in this mess”.

    So basically - if I know which side I’m playing, I just look at the board and do whatever needs doing.

    It is very rare for me to NOT know what to do; that sort of thing is usually from a mixup over sides.

    TripleA should have a function that lets each player write notes, then when both players hit an “end game” option, they could read each others notes.

  • Hey NPB, where ya been hidin’ lately? Haven’t seen you around here in a while?  Did you eat too many field mice and couldn’t reach your keyboard or what?  :-P :wink: :-D

  • Actually, I moved.  And they shifted my department at work, so I had to stay late and work overtime.  So I haven’t even set up my new place’s internet connection, zomgzorz.

    But they shifted my department at work again, so I have extra time.  And an internet connection.  Teeheez.

    I’m not really worried about getting into trouble for posting at work.  I actually asked people for work so many times, they get annoyed looks on their faces and say “go away”.  Hell, I even asked different departments.


    I’m pretty sure they’re gonna find something for me to do . . . but until then, an owl’s got some back posting to catch up on.

    Well, that’s the OFFICIAL story anyways.  There is a much more exciting story involving two hamsters, a golden eagle, and Nicole Kidman.  But they said it’s a Secret, and I Can’t Tell.

  • Well welcome back.  We always deplore…er, I mean love to hear you expound on the many topics here on the boards.  Don’t forget to tip your local mod on the way in.

  • Thx for the welcome.

    I already tipped the mod to look the other way.

    :evil: :wink: :roll:

    BTW, hawt avvie, Jen.

  • @newpaintbrush:

    Thx for the welcome.

    I already tipped the mod to look the other way.

    :evil: :wink: :roll:

    BTW, hawt avvie, Jen.

    Umm, Jen has a big enough head as it is.  But the fellas around here act like they are starving animals or something . . . sad, sad.  :lol:

    At the risk of missing the obvious, may I ask what “Newpaintbrush” means?  I have been wondering about that one.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Also, there’s no way that someone with Jenn’s amount of life experience looks like that avatar - multiple masters degrees, ten years in the service, kids and a teaching career? That avatar looks 19 years old.

    Besides, we know Jenn’s really a guy, given her difficulty distinguishing the colors on the Mapview board. So I call Shenanigans on all her avatars.

    And I also want to know what NPB means.

  • /old man mode

    At the time, I was painting miniatures as a hobby.  I wanted the name “oldpaintbrush” on account of how I’m a crochety nut case (online), and because I had a lot of old paintbrushes.  Seemed right.  But the name was taken, so I figured - well, I always keep buying new paintbrushes, so I signed up as newpaintbrush

    /old man mode

    I’ve really got to get a more serious email address for business purposes.  Oh wellz.

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