Is there a Axis and Allies Revised Computer game out?
Or is there one in the process of being made?
- ?
Or were you looking for something with a VAI (very artifical intelligence)?
I think he was talking about a game with acceptable graphics… no sorry old chap…nothing.
Is that iron blitz game any good?
no sorry old chap…nothing.
TripleA is FANTASTIC. who cares about graphics?
The tripleA is just as intense and functional as the board game, if not more- because you don’t waist time setting it up etc.
I can get a 7-9 round game in under 5 hours easily. -
But for Triple A you need a PC that can handle Java (lots of RAM) AND an opponent…
Only AI version worth ANYTHING is the Hasbro CD from 5 or so years ago of Classic… and the AI is incredibly weak.
tripleA is awesome, forget the grafx, and java is SUPER easy to get for free. click download now
if you want to challenge ppl, then get mIRC install, type /join #triplea and you can link up with tons of ppl that will teach you how to improve yer game in seconds, the painful way.
plus its being updated all the time, loyal devs and fan base!
Yeah I downloaded the triplea version and for the most part I love it. (the different versions are very cool) I look foward to more work being down on it.
I am a CD rom version player and am looking for some opponents. I know where you can get the iron blitz version for free. Iron blitz has some fantastic scenarios!
if you want to challenge ppl, then get mIRC install, type /join #triplea and you can link up with tons of ppl that will teach you how to improve yer game in seconds, the painful way.
I tried it and I am the only one in the chatroom :? Maybe you can help me.
Old topic I know and not really answering the question, but if anyone is interested in playing the Hasbro CD ROM version of the game online, you can find a good number of players on the website . I used to play on MSN Zone for 3-4 years before they shut that down. But now there is a new server operated by the AAWC that functions just as well. Don’t have to be a member, the service is free, and I can usually find a game within 15 minutes.
Give that a try if you’re interested in the CD version.
Just FYI: The Hasbro version is 2nd Edition (some folks call it Classic) A&A, not revised.
A whole host of differences…
fewer territories
no Artillery or Destroyers
Different sub and TRN rules
Different techs
No NA’s
etc. -
yea pretty much, it sucks really bad….I have it and hate it~ Im gonna try out the TripleA axis and allies, looks simpler and much more fun~