this is all covered under the concept of “Tischsprachen” (Table Talk). it originally meant idle conversation, but in wargames, it means excessive micromanagement, coaching, and interfering with other players moves….extending the game past its average 5 hours to do 4 turns…lol
Like just about everyone who plays this game, of course, I think I have tons of interesting stuff to add during the game both on and off topic (off topic meaning, about the historical war, stories etc.)
This I think is the key; Now that im 40, I dont’ feel the need to manage or optimize the play of my opponents or teammates.
I’ve been assigned one task; roll and play the powers assigned to me.
We have 2 strong players and 2 newer players, and firstly, we always put the stronger players on opposite teams. If my ally is doing something stupid or off base, it simply opens up new possibilities and “errors” that prevent the game from proceeding along the “critical path” which is a vanilla SBR attack on both sides against Russia G2. It has high chances of success and it is boring because we’ve played 40 games that way.
We’ve played 103 games of AxA since 2011. A more competitive game with league players would be quiet, and tense. It would be exciting, but it wouldn’t be a time to see new ideas or hash out “best moves”. When I play WITH the stronger other player, we play against a game-shop pick up group and we come with a pre-conceived plan, whether we are allies or axis.
It isn’t very much FUN to limit the amount of time per turn or talk itself. But I think after you play a lot of games, the desire to see the “critical path” is reduced to league play, forum discussion, and theory.
So I sure don’t stay silent. And all our classic games from ages 19-22 were exactly as you describe. Most of the games with older and more experienced players aren’t quiet or boring, but there isn’t much Tischsprachen. If I needed tight coordination between USA and ANZAC, or Germany and Italy, I take both teams as mine. If I see something that the other player does wrong; I say nothing hoping to exploit it against them in the next game or later that game.
Weaker players simply cannot learn everything by being coached. They have to attempt things that are clearly wrong and get burned for it in order to learn. If they are still not progressing, its because there is too much handholding, not because there isn’t enough. The learning curve in this game is so high, I see people making the same bold mistakes 10+ games under their belt.