Another fgt question
If an AC is attacked (say Pearl) and chosen as a casualty in the 1st round of combat can the fgt immediately withdraw after the first round of rolls and land safely on an adjacent allied held territory (say Pearl) or does the fgt need to stay in the battle until it is either destroyed or the enemy withdraws? Thanks
fgt need to stay in the battle until it is either destroyed or the enemy withdraws? Thanks
i think it needs to stay in teh battle unitll the battle ends. it lands right after all combat is resoveled. so i’m pretty sure it has to stay untill the battle is over.
Yeah same principle as a defending Fig on land, must stay til the end.
Under standard rules defender never has the option to retreat, unless it is a sub and no Dest. is present.
DF is correct. And that is true for both OOB and LHTR rules.