Thanks +1.
What would you guys consider a June 21 1941 Soviet Union and Germany. I’d say Germany has GER, WEU, NOR, SEU, BLK, ALG, and LIB. Not Writing out all Soviet Territories, just the changes on the eastern front, I’d say WRU, BEL, UKR, and EEU.
What would you guys consider a June 21 1941 Soviet Union and Germany. I’d say Germany has GER, WEU, NOR, SEU, BLK, ALG, and LIB. Not Writing out all Soviet Territories, just the changes on the eastern front, I’d say WRU, BEL, UKR, and EEU.
I’ve tried a 1941 scenario for AA Spring 1942 (check the signature). You really need to give Eastern Europe to Germany to help balance it, otherwise G will start with 30 IPCs and Russia with 34. It also makes sense for G to have EE if you consider that it includes Poland, Prussia, Hungary and Chechoslovakia (which aren’t considered a part of the Balkans). The Polish territories captured by the USSR in 1939 were joined by Stalin with the existing Bielorussian and Ukraine republics. The only countries that don’t really fit are the Baltic countries though.
Wasn’t really talking about Balancing of it, just thinking about how it would look. I’d say EE would be Soviet because as you said, Stalin had annexed the Baltic Republics, and Eastern Poland, both of which lie in EE. Also when Looking at GER its bigger than Germany actually is because it includes the Western half of Poland, and Czech which at this point Hitler had Annexed.