@CorporalClegg Thank for your reply.
Yes I did see those, but i thought I didn’t need two separate versions and I am very fond of your layout. So if you one decide to make the last 4 cards to play global, and you would like to share please let me know :-)
Global 1940 Gaming Table
I have just finished the bulk of my new gaming table, and thought that I’d share with the forum. Now I’m looking forward to the first game.
I have just finished the bulk of my new gaming table, and thought that I’d share with the forum. Now I’m looking forward to the first game.
That is an awesome table. Great job on it. :-)
Wow, this is fantastic! Excellent job and your a natural like YG with the video camera. We both have the same IPC tracker too. :)
Fantastic work Buran! What a great display of passion for the game… Halfway through the video I thought the tray areas lining the map were too big, but than you reminded me just how many units you have. This is not only an Axis & Allies table, but also a great place to store your massive collection of customized gaming materials. Thanks for the numerous shout outs, you have made a lot of specialties I wish I had, and I rarely feel jealous of someone else’s Axis & Allies table.
Very nice table Buran! Impressive work.
Beautiful job!
This is a very nice touch to a games table. It’s great to see a variety of game tables out there dedicated AnAers find the time to build.
Thanks everyone.
I really just took lots of ideas from everyone here on the forum, and then mixed them together to get this table. I did take a lot away from you YG your table was the main inspiration for mine. I have added some of your old NO cards that you posted for easy tracking of NO’s and made some of my own for my house rules that I’m still working on, hoping to make a post/video about them in the future. The next big thing for the table will be a new map, as the current one is made up of two maps both from IL and I did download them from the forum. But I have been working on a full map with some of my house rules embedded on it.I have included some photos of a couple of parts of the table. The first is kinda a view of the whole table, with the IPC counter and Tech charts they, and the second is of the trays for Germany. And as you can see every spot that has units is labeled so you know what each unit is, as I have a few extra units thanks to Historical Board Gaming. In my next post the photo is of my abacus and I painted the balls with the same counter as the chips on the board. ie grey for one, green for every three, and red for every five.
There is just so many resources out there that you can use, and this forum has to be the best that I have seen. Seeing what everyone has posted has changed my thinking on many an item for the better.
Nice work! My next addition to my table will be the cover too. The only thing I would say detracts from your table is that there is no “elbow” or “leaning” room. I’m the type of player that will sit at the table w/ my chin in my hands & elbows or forearms on the table to study the board. There is no room for that at all w/ your set up w/o knocking over something or upsetting a tray. That said, it’s still a great design! You’ll be having fun at that table for years to come! Nice work!
Looks amazing man.
Fantastic! VERY nice job :)
I love it! I especially love the plexiglass over the board!