• I think that moon goddess thing was directed towards me (as the only open neo-Pagan on the boards).

    The Moon is not a Goddess, the moon is a symbol of the Goddess.

    And yes, there is a God too, just not in the judeo-christian sense of it (nor is the Goddess that way either).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Actually, I was referring to ancient cultures with the moon goddess thing.  Just like Mars was a god, etc.

    And the Catholics do not speak for all Christians anymore then Stalin spoke for all Democrats.

    Yes, for a while there the Catholic church supported the scientific idea that the sun revolved around the Earth.  This despite the FACT that the Bible clearly states that God “pitched a tent for the sun.”  Uhm, last time I looked, Tents did not revolve around the campsite.  They kinda stayed in one place, you know?  Being nailed down to the earth, etc…

  • 2007 AAR League

    This is proof that the Bible is scientifically accurate?

    Last time I looked, tents were made of canvas and could be folded up and moved. Also liable to burn if you have open flames in them. Can anyone think of other ways in which the solar system / sky / galaxy is different from a tent? Maybe we should get Stephen Hawking in on this one.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, but the Tent is a metaphor.  Just like God hung the Earth from teh sky.  Ever notice there’s no stars directly below the earth?  Hmm…

    God made his paths to run in the water.  Currents???

    Just a few points of metaphors being used to accurately describe real situations on teh planet.  Whether God said it or not is not the issue.  The issue is that religion had that information while all the scientific “we are our own gods” quacks were running around saying sea monsters and mermaids existed, the planet was flat, the sun revolved around the earth, etc.

  • Ever notice there’s no stars directly below the earth?

    theres no “down” and thus, no “below” in space

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    There is a down when you consider the poles of the planet.  South pole is down, North is up.  Stop playing silly diversionary tactics in a vain effort to come off as more intelligent and your make your opponent look like an idiot.  Cause I KNOW you’ve said you were cold before and since cold does not exist, only varying levels of heat, you must not know anything about physics then, right?  Okay, so stop the trivial crap and argue the arguements at hand or conceed defeat on the topics and move on to the next topic.

  • There is a down when you consider the poles of the planet.  South pole is down, North is up.

    That is arbitrary. North is no more up then south, except that that is the standard way in which it is seen. A map of the world depicts the North Pole at the top, and the South Pole at the bottom. But one could draw a map with south oriented so as to be on top, and be just as correct.

    South pole is down, North is up.  Stop playing silly diversionary tactics in a vain effort to come off as more intelligent and your make your opponent look like an idiot.  Cause I KNOW you’ve said you were cold before and since cold does not exist, only varying levels of heat, you must not know anything about physics then, right?  Okay, so stop the trivial crap and argue the arguements at hand or conceed defeat on the topics and move on to the next topic.

    what arguments at hand? that you claim the Bible as proof of God? that you use the “bible as metaphor” argument, when before you have interpreted it literally when it served your purposes to do so? you haven’t presented any argument that is worth refuting, so I chose instead to point out the flaws.

  • Well actually, the poles are not up or down either, they are tilted 23 1/2 degrees to the solar plane.

    And that is slightly tilted to the galactic plane

    And our galaxy is all kinds of various tilts compared to other galaxies

    UP is AWAY from the planet and out of the gravity well.

  • Also one needs to look at a map from Australia, or simply spend time in the southern hemisphere to realize how Ameri-centric this viewpoint of the world is. 
    Not surprising, considering the source.

  • Can;t blame it all on the Americans on that one… we just held on to the pre-existing prejudices of England, and some from Germany and a few other places in Europe.

    I mean, the Prime Meridian is defined as passing from pole to pole in a straight line through the observatory in Greenwich England.  Now THAT is cultural imperialism to force every nation to determine their place in the world by how far they are away from an observatory in your nation :-D

  • '19 Moderator


    God pitched a tent

    That is the coolest thing I’ve heard in a while.  That almost makes me feel like going to church… no it’s gone…

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