Earths Gravity: Past, Present and Future

  • As the Earth rotates beneath the tidal bulges, it attempts to drag the bulges along with it. A large amount of friction is produced which slows down the Earth’s spin. The day has been getting longer and longer by about 0.0016 seconds each century.
    Over the course of time this friction can have a noticeable effect. Astronomers trying to compare ancient solar eclipse records with their predictions found that they were off by a significant amount. But when they took the slowing down of the Earth’s rotation into account, their predictions agreed with the solar eclipse records. Also, growth rings in ancient corals about 400 hundred million years old show that the day was only 22 hours long so that there were over 400 days in a year. In July 1996 a research study reported evidence, from several sedimentary rock records providing an indicator of tidal periods, that the day was only 18 hours long 900 million years ago.

    Eventually the Earth’s rotation will slow down to where it keeps only one face toward the Moon. Gravity acts both ways so the Earth has been creating tidal bulges on the Moon and has slowed it’s rotation down so much that it rotates once every orbital period. The Moon keeps one face always toward the Earth.

    Here is a list of references about the evidence for the slowing down of the Earth’s rotation:

    Growth Rhythms and the History of the Earth’s rotation, edited by G.D. Rosenberg and S.K. Runcorn (Wiley: New York, 1975). An excellent source on the eclipse records and the biology of coral and their use as chronometers.

    Tidal Friction and the Earth’s Rotation, edited by P. Brosche and J. Sündermann (Springer Verlag, 1978). The second volume put out in 1982 does not talk about eclipse records or the use of coral but, instead, goes into the astrophysics of the Earth-Moon dynamics and geophysics of internal Earth processes effects on the Earth’s rotation.

    Earth’s Rotation from Eons to Days, edited by P. Brosche and J. Sündermann (Springer Verlag, 1990). Has several articles about the use of ancient Chinese observations.

    Richard Monastersky 1994, Ancient tidal fossils unlock lunar secrets in Science News vol. 146, no. 11, p. 165 of the 10 Sept 1994 issue.

    C. P. Sonett, E. P. Kvale, A. Zakharian, Marjorie A. Chan, T. M. Demko 1996, Late Proterozoic and Paleozoic Tides, Retreat of the Moon, and Rotation of the Earth in Science vol 273, no. 5271, p. 100 of the 05 July 1996 issue.


    SOMETHING FOR CHENDORA.  I guess the cause of earths girths anamoly is best explained by internal earth factors rather than the spining top idea.

  • @Imperious:



    the name is:

    or do you want to be called Incontinent Leader?


    As the Earth rotates beneath the tidal bulges, it attempts to drag the bulges along with it. A large amount of friction is produced which slows down the Earth’s spin. The day has been getting longer and longer by about 0.0016 seconds each century.

    there is one zero missing but otherwise it is ok.

    Astronomers trying to compare ancient solar eclipse records with their predictions found that they were off by a significant amount. But when they took the slowing down of the Earth’s rotation into account, their predictions agreed with the solar eclipse records.

    Now, start your brain.
    “Ancient” records …. like ancient egypt ? … say, 6000 years ago? … let’s make it 10,000 years ago.
    Even with your number (which is ten times too large) that “significant” amount is 1.6 seconds.
    I wonder how they wrote that down in the “records”.

    Eventually the Earth’s rotation will slow down to where it keeps only one face toward the Moon.

    To the sun.
    The moon is already constantly facing us with the same side. One day, we will face the sun.

    Gravity acts both ways so the Earth has been creating tidal bulges on the Moon and has slowed it’s rotation down so much that it rotates once every orbital period. The Moon keeps one face always toward the Earth.

    It was not the earth creating bulges on the moon that slowed the moon.

    And now the main question:
    What has all this to do with gravity?

  • Falk your doing that personal attack thing again! Please modify your post. A typo is a typo okay?  (re. Chengora)
    I don’t take your poor English and display your spelling abilities. I try to debate the real points.

    “Ancient” records …. like ancient Egypt ? … say, 6000 years ago? … let’s make it 10,000 years ago.
    Even with your number (which is ten times too large) that “significant” amount is 1.6 seconds.
    I wonder how they wrote that down in the “records”.

    The historical record has many viable examples of documentation of these things. Back then they also had a calender if i am not mistaken… :roll:  yes a i believe dramatic events like these were in fact “written down” If something is different each time it happens, then it can be measured at any point in the chain of events. By calculating over time for this small amount with a number of results a trend can be assumed.

    Eventually the Earth’s rotation will slow down to where it keeps only one face toward the Moon.

    If you are capable of inference it would mean the same thing (the earth stops so people on certain portions of the Earth wont see the moon anymore either). Of course this means the sun as well. because i dont write the complete dynamics of something does not mean that what i am writing is inaccurate.

    What has all this to do with gravity?

    It does not have to do with gravity any more than gravity has to do with Giant Japanese spiders or your hijacking of that topic too. It is offered as a revised post to Chengora who responds to me in a kind fashion UNLIKE YOU!  :mrgreen:

  • Guys, cool this thread down immediately or it will be locked when I wake up in the morning. It’s an incredibly interesting discussion that I want to maintain but it will be civil or it will not happen.

    IL… are you speaking about gravitational change a period as small as that of recorded history? It seems to me like tens of millions of years is too small of a time period for significant change, let alone 6,000.

  • IL… are you speaking about gravitational change a period as small as that of recorded history? It seems to me like tens of millions of years is too small of a time period for significant change, let alone 6,000.

    I am still trying to find the fiqures on this… it may be as great as 20% difference from about 500 million years ago. I am not talking about any period of Human history. I am refering to not less than 65 million years ago.It may take a few days to get the information.

    Please note that i have not brought any problems to this topic but i have been unfairly attacked by you know who. :?

  • @Imperious:

    I try to debate the real points.


    “Ancient” records …. like ancient Egypt ? … say, 6000 years ago? … let’s make it 10,000 years ago.
    Even with your number (which is ten times too large) that “significant” amount is 1.6 seconds.
    I wonder how they wrote that down in the “records”.

    The historical record has many viable examples of documentation of these things. Back then they also had a calender if i am not mistaken… :roll:  yes a i believe dramatic events like these were in fact “written down” If something is different each time it happens, then it can be measured at any point in the chain of events. By calculating over time for this small amount with a number of results a trend can be assumed.

    With the accumulated effect of the shorter days 10,000 years ago to now, we have a difference of “ancient” time to our time of 15 minutes. That is not “calendar”, but an accuracy that was impossible in that times. I doubt that the records said “on the 15th of some month some year, sitting in front of the Sphinx … we had a solar eclipse from 3.20 to 3.45 pm” … while we -recalculating without slowing- would come to “on the 15th of some month some year, sitting in front of the Sphinx … we had a solar eclipse from 3.05 to 3.30 pm”. That kind of record and accuracy in the record is absolutely needed to make the claim that our recalculations would be significantly wrong.

    Eventually the Earth’s rotation will slow down to where it keeps only one face toward the Moon.

    If you are capable of inference it would mean the same thing (the earth stops so people on certain portions of the Earth wont see the moon anymore either). Of course this means the sun as well.

    Month NOT EQUAL Year.
    That would the only possibility to have both the facing to the moon and the sun fixed.

    What has all this to do with gravity?

    It does not have to do with gravity any more than gravity has to do with Giant Japanese spiders or your hijacking of that topic too. It is offered as a revised post to Chengora who responds to me in a kind fashion UNLIKE YOU!  :mrgreen:

    (a) The title of this thread is:
    Earths Gravity: Past, Present and Future
    And inside there is nothing about gravity? Hm
    (b) You shouldn’t be surprised that i am not polite to someone who called me a Hun before.


    IL… are you speaking about gravitational change a period as small as that of recorded history? It seems to me like tens of millions of years is too small of a time period for significant change, let alone 6,000.

    The best measurements mankind can do have a relative accuracy of about 1 in 10^15. So, we can measure the slowing of the earth directly, and we have been able to measure this since 1964 (with atomic clocks). The mass of earth and thus its gravity didn’t change.


    I am not talking about any period of Human history.

    You did when you talked of solar eclipses in ancient records.

  • 10,000 years ago to now… et al

    Even you can figure out the difference however slight if there is any difference over a period of time with a measurable difference. It can be graphed and it can be assumed at any point in time as to its characteristics. Why or how can you disagree with that? IT does not matter who or when did it rather its a measurable difference over time. You focus too much on spelling errors and punctuation and not the overall message.

    That would the only possibility to have both the facing to the moon and the sun fixed.

    I cant figure out your sentence structure. Clarify!

    You shouldn’t be surprised that i am not polite to someone who called me a Hun before

    Post where i have done this? Otherwise try to disguise your animosities for the good of others…

    You did when you talked of solar eclipses in ancient records.

    Ancient records may also include the geological record of the Damm Earth which has specific properties that can be extrapolated. Please open you mind to stop taking a single part of a sentence (ancient records ) and building your own set of walls as how its made to apply. I never posted anything about Egypt or some old man sitting at a table writing crap down in the " records" That was all you pal. When somebody digs up an old skeleton you can infer properties about it even though you were not actually there.

  • I need a question answered:

    Does any increase in barometric pressure have any effect on gravity? treat your answer as if we are dealing in a sealed room with all other things being equal.

  • I guess its time to revise my claim regarding any gravity changes, but i still remember this idea discussed at length in class many years ago. I did find this offered as a better appreciation of what may have happened:

    reprinted from this site-


    Why Were The Animals and Plants Larger During The Jurassic Age?

                Fossil records indicate that the animals and plants, throughout the world, grew to record sizes for a period of time on this earth. This worldwide discovery of enlarged species cannot all be explained by genetic factors. Scientists, led by Dr. Carl Baugh Ph.D. from Glen Rose, Texas, researched the fossil records of plants, animals, and birds. They came to the conclusion that the Jurassic atmospheric had to contain more oxygen and more carbon dioxide with higher pressure than the present atmosphere (14.7psi.). Addition research at the University of Tokyo with tomato plants indicated that the higher pressure with more carbon dioxide stimulated growth factors in plants. Dr. Carl Baugh developed an academic model of this pre-flood Jurassic atmosphere. He believes that the atmospheric pressure was about 28psi absolute.  His academic model calls for about 23% oxygen and ten times more carbon dioxide (3/10 of 1%). His research group has built the world’s first hyperbaric biosphere.

                Fascinated with these discoveries, in the early 90’s I began studies into plant growth processes. This led to my personal discovery of plant enzyme functions and pH modifiers. By the mid 90’s I had built a research greenhouse to experiment with the Jurassic plant growth hypothesizes. Meanwhile, research in the Glen Rose hyperbaric biosphere continued to produce some amazing discoveries with snakes and insects. I also came across hyperbaric oxygen research in Russia that claimed some exciting healing benefits from high-pressure chambers with pure oxygen. In 1995 I turned most of my efforts towards developing a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for people, which would be based upon this Jurassic academic atmospheric model. My chamber was designed to operate at 28 psi absolute range (13 psi gauge pressure). I used air/oxygen concentrators to produce medical grade oxygen for breathing through nasal cannulas. This new design criteria and improved mechanical features proved to be lower cost to build and operate. Doctors began sending people to my research chamber to see what effects pressurized, oxygen-enriched air had on them. Although my research and results were not extensive, I was impressed with the safety and potential use of low-pressure air mixed hyperbaric oxygen chambers.

    The conventional hyperbaric oxygen chambers use much higher pressures with 100% pure oxygen to treat a wide range of medical conditions. There is over 40 years worth of worldwide research in this field and in many cases the results are very good but limited. The high-pressure use of 100% pure oxygen increased oxygen toxicity and reduced the treatment times. Even so, the conventional chambers demonstrated accelerated growth and repair processes while improving the immune system’s functions. The biggest reason for the lack of available chambers has been the high cost to buy and operate these chambers.

    Finally back to the point of this brief, why were the animals and plants so large? Scientists and medical researchers have found that the enzymes, in both animals and people, build and repair their own cells, tissue, and organ parts. Plants also have enzymes involved in the repair and building processes. Enzymes are called into action by growth and repair hormones. The past hyperbaric oxygen research has demonstrated the fact that the cell and tissue regeneration speeds up while at higher oxygen and pressure. I concluded that the enzymes are moving faster during those growth or repair hormone periods. I assumed that more available oxygen allows the enzymes to work faster. This would help explain why the animals and plants grew larger during the Jurassic age. Plants also rely on carbon dioxide (CO2) for their growth processes. The Jurassic studies indicated ten times as much CO2 at almost double the atmospheric pressure. The plants would have also absorbed more carbon dioxide, which through photosynthesis produced more sugar solution for the roots, thus stimulating faster plant growth. I think this research has potential long-term benefits for mankind. I hope more scientists get involved with the necessary funding to carry on.](

  • DING DING DING!  Round 1 billion of IL and Falk!

    You ever see “As Good as it gets”?  Falk kinda reminds me of jack from that.  Very anal, can occasionaly make a good point, but what you mostly notice about him is the way he attacks people (usualy without provocation) and leaves you sitting there stunned thinking to yourself “wow, I can’t believe that jerk said that” (notice, I said “to yourself”.  would never call you a jerk here, but I can still think it).  :evil:

  • Another item of information concerns why large bugs were found in the past. The extrapolations can be in a similiar manner made to include dinasours IMO.

    Bugs like Meganeuropsis  (giant dragonfly) operated with an identical design to their impoverished relatives living today.

    The ability of a creature to grow to it’s  maximum size is capped by some limiting factor.  We are saying here a limiting factor is certainly the atmosphere’s ability to meet a creature’s reparatory oxygen demand.  Reptiles, unlike mammals have no gene to tell their bodies to stop growing for example.  So unlike mammals reptiles grow until some other limiting factor prevents them from growing further.  Giant humans - who by malfunction do not arrest their growth, typically develop an enlarged heart and die of heart failure because the heart and lungs - although enlarging also - are unable to transfer oxygen from the atmosphere to the enlarged mass of body tissue due to gigantism.

    The respiratory system of an insect consists of simple pits in the sides of it’s body which house the alveolar membrane through which the oxygen passes into it’s body.  It cannot by “breathing heavily” increase the transfer rate of oxygen into it’s body.  Fluttering it’s wings likely helps, but basically, it has to stop moving  to “catch it’s breath”.

    Judging by the A/T term in Fick’s Law, we are guessing that:

    the oxygen transfer rate scales up directly with the fly’s dimensions

    The fly’s body tissue weight likely scales up as a cube of it’s dimensions.

    the limiting dimensions due to asphyxiation of a dragonfly like Meganeuropsis increases therefore as a cube root of the the partial pressure of oxygen in the ambient atmosphere.

    the atmospheric partial pressure of oxygen required to prevent a Meganeuropsis from asphyxiating therefore increases as a cube of the fly’s dimensions.

    A Meganeuropsis with a wingspan of 28" - scaled up from living flies having wingspans of say 4" at a maximum - must have been living in an atmosphere with a partial pressure of oxygen of seven cubed times greater in density at the earth’s surface.

    This is all for a fly at rest of course.  The mechanics and difficulties of getting this much more bug into the air and fly is being completely ignored.  We can say that to the respiration rate and oxygen demand of a flying  Meganeuropsis  will NOT scale directly with the bug’s dimensions.  To fly it’s oxygen demand at greater weights must scale at something MUCH MORE than one.  We just don’t know at this point what that scaling would require.

  • @Zooey72:

    DING DING DING!  Round 1 billion of IL and Falk!

    You ever see “As Good as it gets”?  Falk kinda reminds me of jack from that.  Very anal, can occasionaly make a good point, but what you mostly notice about him is the way he attacks people (usualy without provocation) and leaves you sitting there stunned thinking to yourself “wow, I can’t believe that jerk said that” (notice, I said “to yourself”.  would never call you a jerk here, but I can still think it).  :evil:

    utterly pointless.
    If you posted this about IL i would feel the same way.
    useless post . . . .

  • @cystic:


    DING DING DING!  Round 1 billion of IL and Falk!

    You ever see “As Good as it gets”?  Falk kinda reminds me of jack from that.  Very anal, can occasionaly make a good point, but what you mostly notice about him is the way he attacks people (usualy without provocation) and leaves you sitting there stunned thinking to yourself “wow, I can’t believe that jerk said that” (notice, I said “to yourself”.  would never call you a jerk here, but I can still think it).  :evil:

    utterly pointless.
    If you posted this about IL i would feel the same way.
    useless post . . . .

    You’re right CC.  I started reading this thread and was just blown away that falk could get so insulting over a post that is about how the world spins.  I agree with IL a lot, and you falk, but this post should be a common ground don’t you think?  Why did Falk chose to post the way he did?  What it tells me is that he has such a need to be proven right that all else gets thrown out the window.  I just had to laugh about it when I read it, and it led me to the comparison from the movie.

    Think about it, this post is about the spinning of the world!

  • thats right … but you wont see me doing much more than to back up the real points. Ill try to stay away from his baiting tactics.

  • Locked. Warned you both.

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