There is a down when you consider the poles of the planet. South pole is down, North is up.
That is arbitrary. North is no more up then south, except that that is the standard way in which it is seen. A map of the world depicts the North Pole at the top, and the South Pole at the bottom. But one could draw a map with south oriented so as to be on top, and be just as correct.
South pole is down, North is up. Stop playing silly diversionary tactics in a vain effort to come off as more intelligent and your make your opponent look like an idiot. Cause I KNOW you’ve said you were cold before and since cold does not exist, only varying levels of heat, you must not know anything about physics then, right? Okay, so stop the trivial crap and argue the arguements at hand or conceed defeat on the topics and move on to the next topic.
what arguments at hand? that you claim the Bible as proof of God? that you use the “bible as metaphor” argument, when before you have interpreted it literally when it served your purposes to do so? you haven’t presented any argument that is worth refuting, so I chose instead to point out the flaws.