I actually really like The Beast. Great film!
World War 2 movies
i too think there should be movies made about the africa front, with rommels german and italian afrika korps. the spanish civil war is also a good idea. i think a new movie on the bismark story could be good as well. they need to start making movies on a story that nobody has made before like the fall of france/belgium/holland. or a story on the eastern front of the germans, including their hungarian and romanian allies. a movie like that would cover interesting topics that havent been touched on in recent movies.
i too think there should be movies made about the africa front, with rommels german and italian afrika korps. the spanish civil war is also a good idea.
I like that idea a lot. They should really make that.
Hell is for heros, with steve mcqueen is good.
from hell to eternity, with audie murphy is ok.
marill’s marauders?
sands of iwo jima is one of my favorites.
i dont know which one is better. tora tora tora or the longest day, they are both epic.
i have tora tora tora and it is much better than pearl harbor. havent seen longest day though, but i need to.
I dare someone to say U-571 or Pearl Harbor. 8-)
The hell with U-571. The best movie ever about submarine warfare is Das Boot and thats final. Pearl Harbor could have been one of the greatest films ever but they screwed it up by putting Ben Affleck in it.
Of course to hell with U-571. :lol: Pearl Harbor did exactly what IL is complaining about. Way too Hollywood and over dramatic.
yes but SPR had no german side to the battle. Longest day had everything and the kitchen sink. Their was no question on every event that happened. It was done with a broad stroke pen. I dont like seudo HBO style storys that focus on some personal story within overlord. I prefer to let history be the story. In longest Day we get everything from both sides.
I also dont like choppy battlefield scenes where you dont see whats going on. Thats a cheap way to make a movie so you dont have to employ thousands of extras. Longest day has a real long scene where you see an entire battle in panoramic view. Its awesome.
A German side is not required. Spielberg wanted Americans to see sacrifice by other Americans. Similar theme in Schindler’s List. If you don’t like his style, then fine. But he wasn’t trying to make a documentary. He was making a movie you feel rather than observe. If Longest Day is anything like A Bridge Too Far then it will feel “big” but very jumpy. I loved A Bridge Too Far, but taking such a broad view, much had to be left out or modified to fit into regular movie time frame. Otherwise, you’d get an 8-hour movie (not a bad thing, but 8 hours is a big commitment).
Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to see some German stuff, and think it’s pitiful that no one will make a game with a German campaign (like Call of Duty). But no one is required to do so, so you take what you can get…
I’m surprised no one has said The Great Escape. I thought it was cool…
I enjoy Great Escape but I’m partial to Stalag 17 myself. Hart’s War goes in the same list as U-571, and Pearl Harbor.
There is the game Panzer General, “Your first mission in operation Fall Weiss, the conquest of Poland is to capture the key cities of Kutno and Lodz.” The speculative scenario where you march on Washington DC is very much fun.
The one’s I would add to the list are one movie and two mini-series:
The Big Red One
Band of Brothers - incredible realism in this one
The Winds of War/War and Remembrance - this one is truly epicSS
sorry, band of brothers was a worthless steaming pile of shit.
it was not real.
when they storm a town, they take zero casualties, or maybe one or two. but kill like um 35 germans. what bullshit. the germans tore through americans every step they took.
the show makes the germans look inept. probably done purposely or by terrible terrible production and directing. even if it was speilburg.
it didnt happen that way.
sorry, band of brothers was a worthless steaming pile of sh*t.
it was not real.
when they storm a town, they take zero casualties, or maybe one or two. but kill like um 35 germans. what bullshit. the germans tore through americans every step they took.
the show makes the germans look inept. probably done purposely or by terrible terrible production and directing. even if it was speilburg.
it didnt happen that way.
I think you must have watched a different series. Plenty of casualties on both sides. Guys dying for meaningless objectives (e.g., the prisoner snatch episode). Gliders getting blown up on D-Day with no chance for the soldiers to get out and fight. Main characters died throughout the series and, if you forgot, it was based on a true story. The guys who survived the war actually survived the war. Get the DVD and you can watch all the special features which include interviews with the guys from Easy company who survived.
sorry, band of brothers was a worthless steaming pile of sh*t.
it was not real.
when they storm a town, they take zero casualties, or maybe one or two. but kill like um 35 germans. what bullshit. the germans tore through americans every step they took.
the show makes the germans look inept. probably done purposely or by terrible terrible production and directing. even if it was speilburg.
it didnt happen that way.
Read the book, then see how wrong you are.
It was great BTW, so much that people I know who had no previous interest in WW2 developed an obsession with the series - and often went on to other WW2 things.
embellished. american propoganda loves to make heros. sometimes out of nothing or very little.
anybody remember the part when they were walking down the road and a mg34 of mg42 opened up on them. nobody was hit. thats bullshit. me and my buddy could only watch the first episodes, even though when they got back onto the history channel i then watched all of them.
especially the episode when they strom that town. you know the one where shifty has to out sniper the sniper. any unit moving into a town like they did in the show. would have been cut to pieces. i love it when germans fire machine guns, nobody gets hit. when americans do they hit mucho germans, like when they are running away through the river.
i’m sorry to say but the germans and russians were much better soldiers than the americans. in the ratio of combat for dead and wounded, even with air support or was it without it, the germans handed our asses to us. we took way more punishment. the russians killed 9 out of every 10 germans killed in the entire war. the rest thats one out of ten, were killed by dutch, norwiegans, french, brits, polish, and us combined.
every scene in that damn show is rediculous. and the acting was terrible.
embellished. american propoganda loves to make heros. sometimes out of nothing or very little.
Read the book.
anybody remember the part when they were walking down the road and a mg34 of mg42 opened up on them. nobody was hit. thats bullshit. me and my buddy could only watch the first episodes, even though when they got back onto the history channel i then watched all of them.
Read the book. And you are wrong.
especially the episode when they strom that town. you know the one where shifty has to out sniper the sniper. any unit moving into a town like they did in the show. would have been cut to pieces. i love it when germans fire machine guns, nobody gets hit. when americans do they hit mucho germans, like when they are running away through the river.
Read the book.
i’m sorry to say but the germans and russians were much better soldiers than the americans. in the ratio of combat for dead and wounded, even with air support or was it without it, the germans handed our asses to us. we took way more punishment. the russians killed 9 out of every 10 germans killed in the entire war. the rest thats one out of ten, were killed by dutch, norwiegans, french, brits, polish, and us combined.
Read the book. How is this relevant?
every scene in that damn show is rediculous. and the acting was terrible.
Tell them that. Oh, and read the book, read the book, read the book book book! Then you’ll understand why Dick Winters is the bomb.
great maybe the books good. but putting it into film sucked balls. big ones.
also, books cant be embellished. even eye witness accounts can be embellished.
all i know is that when they were walking up that road, two singe file lines on both sides, and the machine gun opened up from a hundred yards away and hit nobody, i changed the channel.
great maybe the books good. but putting it into film sucked balls. big ones.
also, books cant be embellished. even eye witness accounts can be embellished.
all i know is that when they were walking up that road, two singe file lines on both sides, and the machine gun opened up from a hundred yards away and hit nobody, i changed the channel.
Well, they keep the series pretty damn close to the book. I looked for anything that might have been wrong/incorrect, and can’t recall anything that sticks in my mind.
Did they make it more dramatic? Probably…but that goes for any film.
On the MG inaccuracy - people were hit, it’s just that the book and show focuses more on the Company in general or specific individuals the revolved around Winters. Also, shooting at a targeting range and shooting in a war are two different things. Have you read about people in gunfights from short distances having terrible accuracy? Accounts of officers firing multiple times with a very low hit rate? I think maybe you are focusing too much on what they didn’t show you, and missed out on a lot that they did. If you didn’t like it, fine, but the reasons I hear aren’t very found…
thats old west, because in the heat of the moment they got jittery and werent aiming right. i guess it works for today also.
but the machine gun is an ambush. and they’re waiting, lining you up in the sights, and they miss everyone. i didnt see anyone get hit in that scene, not just the main characters, no one got hit.
everything was way to easy for the americans for me. they take a couple of casulaties while inflicting 5 times as many or more in every battle or interaction with the enemy. thats just not right.
thats old west, because in the heat of the moment they got jittery and werent aiming right. i guess it works for today also.
but the machine gun is an ambush. and they’re waiting, lining you up in the sights, and they miss everyone. i didnt see anyone get hit in that scene, not just the main characters, no one got hit.
everything was way to easy for the americans for me. they take a couple of casulaties while inflicting 5 times as many or more in every battle or interaction with the enemy. thats just not right.
Well, a machine gun can miss. I don’t have all the details, and maybe the production didn’t take everything into account, but I have a vision of people going down. Maybe I’m picturing it because of the book.
Remember that part where Winters sprints across the field, comes over the enbankment, alone, and sees tons of Germans? Well, I’d find that hard to believe, and would have thought you brought that part up, but it actually happened.
Or how about Lt. Speirs running through the German lines twice in Foy? That’s the town in the winter you are thinking of, BTW. Perhaps it didn’t exactly like they portrayed it, but it DID happen. -
Has anyone seen this russian production?
http://youtube.com/watch?v=d48R3XHdavw its called liberetion…
Yes its on my top 5 movie list post!
This was broadcast on Soviet television in the late 70’s and the effort spared no expense for extras because they used actual Soviet soldiers and the budget was basically unlimited. The portrayal all the Germans and Soviets is extremely good. The sets are very realistic and the battles consist of perhaps 10,000 or more soldiers, plus hundreds of tanks ( the germans are mostly tiger 1’s and some decent mockups of elephant and panther).
all the battlefield combat scenes are panoramic which is IMO the only way to film a war movie. You can literally see the 10,000 soldiers.
5 movies were presented
Stalingrad ( 2 parts)
Operation Bagration
Assault of Berlinhowever no english subtitles of this exist. My girlfriend has to translate for me ( shes from Odessa). You wont find any copies of this with english either. I have tried for many years to do this but to no avail. I own all these movies and they are amoung my favorite of all time.
It will cost you at least 100 bucks for the set of movies, unless you rent them from a russian video store and make copies.