• Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    it’s about eliminating an endangered species

    1. If you do some research you will learn that they are NOT allowed to hunt whales that are endangered.

    2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Whaling_Commission

    The IWC is the body goverening whaling…

    In 1982 the IWC adopted a moratorium on commercial whaling. Currently, Japan, The Russian Federation and a number of other nations oppose this moratorium. The IWC allows non-zero whaling quotas for aboriginal subsistence and also member nations may issue ‘Scientific Permits’ to their citizens. Japan has issued such permits since 1986, Norway and Iceland whale under objection to the moratorium and issue their own quotas. In 1994, the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary was created by the IWC.[3][4]

    The main duty of the IWC is to keep under review and revise as necessary the measures laid down in the Schedule to the Convention which govern the conduct of whaling throughout the world. These measures, among other things, provide for the complete protection of certain species; designate specified areas as whale sanctuaries; set limits on the numbers and size of whales which may be taken; prescribe open and closed seasons and areas for whaling; and prohibit the capture of suckling calves and female whales accompanied by calves. The compilation of catch reports and other statistical and biological records is also required.[4]

    In addition, the Commission encourages, co-ordinates and funds whale research, publishes the results of scientific research and promotes studies into related matters such as the humaneness of the killing operations

    In short, Only certain species can be hunted per quota, there is legality in research hunting, and so it seems perhaps only some nordic countries shirk the IWC as poachers.

    I also LOVE how Aboriginals in my country, are allowed to hunt whales, per the IWC. But of course I’m not allowed to because my skin is the wrong colour.  (But that’s a whole other issue, and lets not get political)

    For the purpose of thier show, I wonder how come Sea Shepard isn’t declaring war on some of the tribes that hunt whales?  And sinking thier boats? (The tribesmen use anti-tank guns and sonar to hunt the whales)  I could support thier cause if they did that.

    That said, should a television show be infringing on cultural rights to hunt?  I wonder…

    Fascinating! :P

  • '10

    You guys need to watch the episode of South Park called “Whale Whores”

    They explain the desire for the Japanese to kill whales and dolphins as revenge for Hiroshima. The US told the Japanese that a whale and a dolphin flew the Enola Gay and dropped the A-bomb. They have vowed revenge ever since, even using Kamikaze strikes on the whales and harpooning the Miami Dolphins.

    Pretty funny stuff.

  • @Vance:


    That was terrible.

  • @Herr:

    Japanese whaling research is nothing but a thinly veiled excuse…

    Without watching any episodes.
    I think these particular Japanese research
    1.  Whale meat prices
    2.  How to pay the bills for a big research boat , crew, etc…
    3.  How to overcome the greenie nazis on the water while you are researching 1 and 2.

  • OK, I sit here and read these posts and see that this whole conversation is one sided.  i watch the show on a regular basis, and in fact I DVR it.  We as a society need groups like this,  taking the fight to them in what ever extreme that is necessary.  Mr Paul Watson the founder and main Captain of Sea Sheppard  was actually one of the founding fathers of Green peace  but was later kicked out for his aggressive tactics in dealing with these poachers.  and I for one think i may join Sea Sheppard.  If anything just to watch these morons up close and personal.  :-D

    For those of you who have trouble understanding this  it was total sarcasm  but i do enjoy watching to see what they do next in there efforts to earn the coveted Darwin Award.

  • Until the Sea Sheppard starts targeting the Japanese fleet with actually missles and gun fire, i choose not to watch. That would make for great ratings, then the next week have the Japanese Navy sink the Sheppard.

  • @DropItTwice:

    and I for one think i may join Sea Sheppard.  If anything just to watch these morons up close and personal.  :-D

    Now theres a thought, perhaps infiltration is the best way to bring them down, from the inside. I’d bet good money the Japanese would pay top dollar to the “round-eye” willing to do this, and I bet there a big bounty if you can deliver Mr. Watson to them….hmmmm, now i’ve got myself thinking deviously  :evil:

  • Were on to something here.  we will need a six man team that can pose as tree huggers.  then we will need a sack of potato s and 1 escape ship.  i sure if we contact the japans government what we are up to they will provide us with some funding  and then some more funding upon delivery.  oh and the sack of potato’s is for Paul,  we will switch out the potato’s with him and no one will know the difference seeing that he is shaped like a sack of them. :evil:  how ever im not going to the artic to get him ill wait for him to do that Mediterranean raid that he does.  course  this is all contingent that the Japanese Government wants him in japan.  they may just want him dumped over board like we did to Obama oops  i mean bin laden.

  • Game’s up. I have infiltrated this site as we thought you A&A people were planning something like this.
    I will get promoted and everything.
    I love whales.
    Not the country(Wales).

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