@crsluggo Thanks for picture.
It is a pity these units are not more ‘same scale’. Still these vehicles seem to be OK when compared to size of Axis and Allies tank.
Does Risk suck?
If it weren’t for Risk there wouldn’t be games like Axis and Allies. Risk was a necessary step that led to the development of the better games that we have today.
I think risk has its place, or places.
Exactly. I am playing Risk with my 6yr. old stepson right now, wondering when the time is right to bust out the A&A.
I seem to remember a game called castle risk and if I remember correctly, that game did suck.
Ugh risk is never ending at least A&A typically has a clear cut winner after turn 4…
I played monopoly last night and almost got into a fight. I had bring out the Brandy and Rum to cool tensions.
I seem to remember a game called castle risk and if I remember correctly, that game did suck.
Castle risk is definitely broken. As for me there was only Risk and Stratego when I was a kid. AH games came later in high school when I was a memeber of the wargames club.
Classic RISK Kind of Sucks. It can deadlock. The newer versions with secret missions are okay.
Risk is like a gateway drug: it introduces you to bigger and better games. :-D
Yeah. Growing up on RISK is apt to make one interested in Axis & Allies, Supremacy, Diplomacy, any area map war game.
Castle risk is definitely broken.
regular risk is ok, but i think risk 2210AD is much better. it gives you allot more options and connects Australia and South America to the rest of the world. if you ever have bad luck during placement you can always shoot for the moon.
Now there’s a game! It’s no A&A (what is, really) but still very strategic and fun. I have all the Front Line expansions and the five promo “Major” cards.
I think that Risk:Godstorm is a blast. Summon Gods to aid you in battle, wage war in the underworld, sink entire continents. Lots of fun.
I only played this once. At the time I didn’t like it as much as 2210, but I’d like to try it again.
Whatever you do buy Titlist Napoleon edition Risk… thats the bomb!!! its like axis and allies risk. it will cost you 50$ on ebay but its worth the price. They have generals and navys and its totally historical based. Not to mention you can allways sell your copy for more than you paid. Make sure you buy the ottoman expansion as well.
I’ve always wanted this, but lately decided it was probably too costly to justify for a RISK variant. How much strategy is involved? Please sell me on this!
Risk compared to AA sucks. But otherwise its OK at best- Risk 2210 is pretty decent.
K agreed that Risk sux compared to a&A. But I’ve played way too much Risk in my day and enjoyed it alot lol.
I seem to remember Castle Risk being pretty cool.
Risk was fun when we were young.
….butt then we discovered A&A, and that was a better game.
Risk is OK, butt miss a ship unit. Imagine how better it would be with seazones and a ship to transport your army to the place you realy want to attack.
Risk is the gateway drug.
Where can I get my hands on a copy of Napoleon Risk?
A real fun game thats actually allmost as good as AA is a game called Shiroco by TSR hobbies it came out in like 1986. It used a card system for moving the pieces. It was a game of battle in the african campaign ww2. look it up. i own 5 copies and we play mega games with it.
Man where do you store all of your games? Do you have a shed out back or a wine cellar retrofitted to hold boardgames? :-D
Funny video, that show used to come on PBS, but does it come on BBC America anymore? Oh and I love Top Gear, Clarkson and his witty shenanigans along with Captain slow and that short guy who looks like Ryan Seacrest with a British Accent. Awesome show.
I am not a big risk fan too much luck involved for one thing and there is not as much strategy. Risk was not the game that introduced me to strategy games. I was playing chess long before any other game.
I initially learned chess before anything else, but I consider that something else entirely. Chess is on it’s on pantheon. I started with Risk as the first battle and global war game. Then i moved onto A&A because of the simplicity of Risk, it is just too easy, no real thinking needs to be involved. A&A on the other hand I feel strikes a good balance because you have to think but the games move fast enough that it doesn’t become boring.
I initially learned chess before anything else, but I consider that something else entirely. Chess is on it’s on pantheon. I started with Risk as the first battle and global war game. Then i moved onto A&A because of the simplicity of Risk, it is just too easy, no real thinking needs to be involved. A&A on the other hand I feel strikes a good balance because you have to think but the games move fast enough that it doesn’t become boring.
Yeah I agree Chess and Risk are not on the same page. I love both but they are very different games. Risk was the direct predecessor to A&A like a father-son relationship. Chess is some long lost distant relative where you have to do some geneology search to find out how far back it is that you are related.
but both are an excellent start. Theres almost no strategy in risk. just a ton of luck and a dice system as efficient as a bag of rocks….but its a gateway to better games. Chess will make you think. Its not a must for A&A, but its definatley recommended.