In the version I plan on playing, I am going to use a combination of pieces from AA original, AAP, AAE and some miniatures thrown in for good measure.
For Italy, I am using Fucile Modello (AAM) as infantry and Blackshirts (AAM) as elite inantry (similar to marines in AAP….I really really really hate the fact the USA has special troops, but no one else does, I mean, the Japanese had the Special Navy Landing Force, which are Marines, so why does USA get them, but Japan does not?)
for tanks, I am using the L3/35 since they are the same size as the tanks in AAM. Artillery I will use the Bohlers 47mm (which in the game belongs to Romania, but the Italians used as well)
All other pieces are coming from AA original. I am using Germany, which is a lighter shade of grey than in AAE. The destroyers will be the Luca Tarigo from the new naval game.
For China, I am using the AAMinis.
In fact, wherever I can use the AAMinis and Naval Minis I will rather than the generic coloured pieces for each nation.