• I think your being to optimistic for Japan with that move order ncscswitch.
    The Indian attack force will take 4 or 5 hits which means you’ll lose multiple fighters.
    Also if you don’t send in an AC to Pearl, you’ll have a lone BB as your expected survivor. America can sink it without loss and have a BB and tran off Hawaii. Now sending the Japaneese air force will cost you even more fighters.

    Instead of overextending why not just let the UK fleet live and be happy that Egypt counter didn’t happen and the Kwangtung transport is actually alive. If the British go after one of your money island the Pearl fighters are actually in range and productive R2. You can recapture the island easily enough with your bonus transport and Australia will then be weakened and in range during J3.

  • I am just using the SIM results, which says 2-3 Japan ships left alive at Pearl with the forces I specified.

    As for losing FIGs…

    With no fleets in the Pacific, Japan’s remaining 2-3 FIGs and BOM plus 11-14 divisions per turn into Asia with ZERO Allied threat is more than enough to crush Russia, evn if Germany is being hard pressed…

    Not to metnion destroying UK’s income.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Personally, if Hawaii is that light (and I’m assuming no BB because you need it to defend your Transports in Japans sea zones usually) then I’ll send a BB there with fighters, sink the BB and keep the fighters.  America can just build a carrier on R1 which is more effective then a carrier.

    But yea, I’m thinking the UK fleet could chew up a few Jap ships reducing their war making ability and making it much easier to take out later.  At the very least, it forces them to go lighter in the rest of their theater and thus makes them much slower then normal without loosing any assets you wouldn’t normally loose anyway.

    I’m just wondering if it’s a better use of the British Fleet then hitting the sub with your sub/trn/fig and hitting the trn with your carrier/destroyer.

  • @Jennifer:

    well, if you ask me

    these Kwangtung attack is definitely not a good move, almost anything with these units is better than this:   and hitting the trn with your carrier/destroyer.

    so i would consider the Australian idea to consideration, altough it doesnt seem good to me; but it is better than the Kwangtung attack

  • well, if you ask me

    these Kwangtung attack is definitely not a good move, almost anything with these units is better than this:  ˝ hitting the trn with your carrier/destroyer.˝

    so i would consider the Australian idea to consideration, altough it doesnt seem good to me; but it is better than the Kwangtung attack

  • Not a good move? I think it’s very stong. Forgoing it and Egypt counter are my mine hesitations with this strategy.

    Ncswitch your right. Pearl expects multiples survivors. Still, Japan usually has unhindered access to Asia and Pacific naval supremacy anyway. Now your just down some fighters. I still think saying thank you for the tranport and Egypt and waiting a round to destroy the fleet is better. It’s not like those Japaneese Pearl fighters do anything on J2 anyway.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I dunno what you’re talking about.  I usually end up using those fighters on J2 in some capacity…if not attack at least in defense.  Though, I’ve been toying with the idea of hitting other pacific targets.

    With England, you could take Borneo and New Guinee on UK 1.  Remember, if you retake Egypt you will loose everything there on Germany 2 ANYWAY.  So why not stick a thorn in Japan’s side?  Now they’re down 5 of 13 island points.  That’s a full third of their water holdings.  It’s two places they’ll have to reconquer.  It’s two places easily won by the British (at the least you should get Borneo for 4 points.)  You can still defend with your fleet (1@1, 2@3, 1@4) and you can still draw away Japanese forces from Hawaii making him attack lighter.

    Then just send your submarine to sink the other submarine.

    or just use infantry in the attacks giving you a 1.414 to 1 chance to win and use the fighter and submarine to hit the Jap sub and land your fighter on the AC in Hawaii, thus making Japan loose even more in his attack on Pearl or at least forcing him to commit more then he otherwise would.

    or use infantry for borneo and new guinee, send the sub to solomons, send the fighter to kwangtung and land it on the carrier in borneo again.  Now you have +5/30 (17% of Japan’s starting income) killed it’s submarine and it’s transport.

    Remember, when dealing with the Axis the point is to force them to committ strong attack units where they don’t want them.  Get those units as far out of position as possible while maximizing the damage you can do.  After all, the American and British fleets are dead anyway.  Why not use them to maximum effect?  If you can kill off 2 or 3 Japanese fighters, Russia will be miles ahead in slowing the Japanese advance.  It’ll take at least 3 rounds for Japan to recover and probably more like 6 or 7 rounds.  That’s more infantry you can send to Germany, that’s slower Germany can go.

  • 2007 AAR League


    I dunno what you’re talking about.  I usually end up using those fighters on J2 in some capacity…if not attack at least in defense.  Though, I’ve been toying with the idea of hitting other pacific targets.

    With England, you could take Borneo and New Guinee on UK 1.  Remember, if you retake Egypt you will loose everything there on Germany 2 ANYWAY.  So why not stick a thorn in Japan’s side?  Now they’re down 5 of 13 island points.  That’s a full third of their water holdings.  It’s two places they’ll have to reconquer.  It’s two places easily won by the British (at the least you should get Borneo for 4 points.)  You can still defend with your fleet (1@1, 2@3, 1@4) and you can still draw away Japanese forces from Hawaii making him attack lighter.

    Then just send your submarine to sink the other submarine.

    or just use infantry in the attacks giving you a 1.414 to 1 chance to win and use the fighter and submarine to hit the Jap sub and land your fighter on the AC in Hawaii, thus making Japan loose even more in his attack on Pearl or at least forcing him to commit more then he otherwise would.

    or use infantry for borneo and new guinee, send the sub to solomons, send the fighter to kwangtung and land it on the carrier in borneo again.  Now you have +5/30 (17% of Japan’s starting income) killed it’s submarine and it’s transport.

    Remember, when dealing with the Axis the point is to force them to committ strong attack units where they don’t want them.  Get those units as far out of position as possible while maximizing the damage you can do.  After all, the American and British fleets are dead anyway.  Why not use them to maximum effect?  If you can kill off 2 or 3 Japanese fighters, Russia will be miles ahead in slowing the Japanese advance.  It’ll take at least 3 rounds for Japan to recover and probably more like 6 or 7 rounds.  That’s more infantry you can send to Germany, that’s slower Germany can go.

    I said this too but I was thinking of using Indian forces for taking islands but I agree with you that even if you do retake Egypt on UK1 Germany can take it back if they want to so you might as well wait for America to liberate it on turn 3-4 because Japan can take Australia/NZ if they want to so you might as well do as much damage as you can distracting them as best you can.

  • If you do not re-take Egypt on UK1, on G2, Germany will gain a minimum of $5 on G2 in Africa.  And that is with only 1 ARM, 2 INF in Egypt, and a new amphib to T-J.  If they have more ARM in Egypt, then add another $1-$2.

    So, UK loses $2 on UK1, and a total of $7-$10 on UK2, nearly 1/3 of their total income.

    And Germany goes over $50 IPC’s, more if they are advancing against Russia…

    G3, after Japan has trashed the UK fleet and re-taken the islands, and is poised to do an early seizure of Australia and New Zealnd in J3; Germany takes South Africa, Persia, and Madagascar.

    By Turn 3, UK is down to an income of HALF OR LESS, depending on if Japan also went after India’s paltry force, and whether or not UK used their TWO TRNs to invade Norway.

  • How do you use the Japaneese fighters? If they land on an AC off Hawaii they are out of range of everything except Hawaii and the American mainland. Hawaii isn’t exactly a spectacular target and America would love for Japan to involve itself in a hopeless assault on LA. They can’t even land in Asia so the only defensive possibiliy is SZ60. I suppose you mean you don’t use them on Pearl Harbor.

    Attacking Japaneese islands is a different idea than merging the fleets since you obviously can’t do both. I’m not sure how good this is. Now Japan CAN spilt its forces and favorably sink the American fleet and much of the British fleet. Yes Germany can divert resources to retaking Africa but by that same logic Japan can easily retake Borneo, especially if the Kwangtung tran lives. If you take New Guinea you weaken Australia. What good is gaining Borneo and Kwangtung for a turn or round if in exchange you then permanently lose Australia and NZ. (Often times these to are too far out of the way for Japan to bother with) India is weakened as well but of course that happens in Egypt counter as well so it’s a push.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Germany takes West Russia, Karelia, Egypt on G1 (maybe Ukraine if it was taken)
    UK Takes Algeria, Takes Borneo, Takes New Guinee on UK1.
    Japan sinks British fleet or American fleet.
    American builds fleet and reinforces Algeria

    (Germany up 4, England up 3)

    Germany takes IEA, FEQ, Congo, maybe gets Archangelsk, maybe trades in Europe with Russia.
    UK builds 3 tanks in india, takes Libya, maybe takes FIC, maybe not. 
    America reinforces Britian, builds fleet

    Germany up 7, England 0

    Germany takes rest of Africa, England Liberates Egypt, England takes or strafes FIC

    Germany up 7, England up 7

    This keeps going and going.  Yea, Germany’s got Africa for a while, but American/England are retaking from the west while England’s got a couple of Jap islands to re-supply it with cash.  Meanwhile, Germany’s trading in Asia and Japan’s got an IC in India to worry about along with having to reclaim islands.  (UK Purchase could be 5 infantry, 1 IC, plenty to defend the homeland against a Germany that doesn’t know what’s going on with England yet.  By the time they do, it’s too late to stage Op. Sea Lion.)

  • 2007 AAR League


    This keeps going and going.  Yea, Germany’s got Africa for a while, but American/England are retaking from the west while England’s got a couple of Jap islands to re-supply it with cash.  Meanwhile, Germany’s trading in Asia and Japan’s got an IC in India to worry about along with having to reclaim islands.  (UK Purchase could be 5 infantry, 1 IC, plenty to defend the homeland against a Germany that doesn’t know what’s going on with England yet.  By the time they do, it’s too late to stage Op. Sea Lion.)

    I didn’t know you wanted an IC in India … no I don’t agree with that I thought you were talking about existing forces.

  • Take Borneo AND build an IC in India?  Forget Borneo, I’m taking India on J1.

  • hmm….I’m witholding my response to this thread but it does bring up some interesting tactics for opening engagements.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Take Borneo AND build an IC in India?  Forget Borneo, I’m taking India on J1.

    How, prey tell, would you like to do that against 5 infantry and an AA gun?  Maybe even some Russian armor and figthers, for good measure?

    I don’t think that IC is falling for at least 2 or 3 rounds, at best.  Meanwhile, you have a british fleet that can move to be with the American fleet making your attacks on them very costly and pointless. (Why kill American Trannies when you have British ones that can die first?)

  • Again, with THAT level of comitment in Asia, Germany is all over Russia like diaper rash… buildiing in Caucuses, etc.

    And to get ARM to India right away, Russia has to forego Ukraine on R1…
    That reduces Russian income, and leaves Germany with some nice bonus forces… probably enough to kill the WRS if they want to, leaving Russia virtually defensless…

  • Taking Borneo and having 5 inf in India are mutually exclusive events.  If you use just 1 inf and 1 ftr to take Borneo the most you can have guarding India without commiting Russian fighters is 3 british inf and 1 russian arm. Japan is 85% to take India on J1 with 2 inf 4 ftr and 1 bom. Japan will lose ftrs but capturing the factory is a 30 IPC ecomic swing.
    Committing Russian fighters means forgoing any attack against Belo and Ukraine which sort of defeats the point of taking Borneo. Your essentially transfering Russian money to UK.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Well, you either attack Borneo or you get the Factory.  If you leave Borneo alone you can have 5 infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 Fighter from England in India, 2 Fighters from Russia in India.  1 IC.  No way does Japan even have a smidgeon of a bat’s chance in heck to even dream of hitting it for at least 2 or 3 rounds.

    Or you give up India, take Borneo then stack it with Aus infantry and put a factory there.  Even if Japan does take it, you tie up his transports if he’s going to use it.

  • I have to agree there ShadowHawk.

    The last thing UK needs with their income dwindling each round is a baby UK next to Japan’s base of operations.  UK has enough to worry about keeping London from the Germans.  Now they want to add anotehr island IC with half the production of London?

    You either just build land units, and spend $15 for the IC, another $12 for INF, then however much more in subsequent turns just to keep $4 of income, or you have to spend ALL of UK’s income to build navy there, then more for land units to move around.

    And again I’ll ask the question… what was Germany doing in the mean time… just a couple of TRNs in the Baltic when UK drops the IC, and it is Sea Lion time…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    And let’s not forget that a unified English Fleet on UK1 will sink the Jap BB/AC and 2 Fighters if attacked.  So which do you choose?  The British fleet or the American fleet to sink?  Because you cannot do both AND use your transports to bolster your forces on the Mainland.

    So, the act of unifying a fleet that’s going to get destroyed anyway, just stopped you from putting 4 fighters, 1 bomber and 4 land units into Asia that would be there for use on J2 and probably cost you a capital ship or two in your attacks.

    For 0 investment, that’s a pretty significant return.

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