You got really good die rolls though. 1 BB, 1 CV, 3 TRN, 2 FIG, 1 BMB should get at least 3 hits, I got one on round one. You got 3 on round one. That’s friggin huge, dude. I was lucky to have mutually assured destruction after that.
And let’s not forget the most likely result of that battle is:
19.7%: left with 1 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
17.9%: left with 1 Bom, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
15.02%: left with 2 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
12.54%: left with 1 Car, 1 dBat.
8.23%: left with 2 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 Tra, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
7.21%: left with 1 dBat.
3.13%: left with 2 Fig, 1 Bom, 2 Tra, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
0.54%: left with 2 Fig, 1 Bom, 3 Tra, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
0.07%: left with 1 Bom, 1 dBat.
0.05%: left with 2 Fig, 1 Bom, 3 Tra, 1 Car, 1 Bat.
0.04%: left with 1 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 dBat.
0.01%: left with 2 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 dBat.
15.56%: left with nothing.
That means, you loose 62 IPCs normally and Brition looses 34 IPCs normally, for that battle. (2 Fig, 1 Bmb, 1 BB, 1 CV, 3 Trn - England) vs (1 CV, 2 Fig, 2 SS, 1 DD - Germany) According to the only AAR calcualtor I can find: (84.4% in favor of England.)
If you do that in LL mode, you get:
33.33%: left with 1 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
32.26%: left with 1 Bom, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
14.4%: left with 1 Car, 1 dBat.
12.34%: left with 2 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
4.31%: left with 1 dBat.
1.38%: left with 2 Fig, 1 Bom, 1 Tra, 1 Car, 1 dBat.
1.98%: left with nothing
98% in favor of England.
So Germany looses 16 IPCs for the Carrier, 20 IPCs for the Fighters and England looses 24 IPCs for the Transports and 10 IPCs for a fighter. 36 IPCs lost by Germany in units that can be used on the land, vs 34 IPCs lost by England for units that can be used to attack the land.
Seems like a wash. Maybe it’s a good strategy, maybe it is not.