Grasshopper’s G40 Victory Objectives
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Victory Objectives and Victory Tokens
Once a victory objective is achieved, a victory token will be awarded, the side with the most victory tokens at the end of the day wins the game. Victory tokens are awarded immediately upon completion regardless of when, or how the objective was achieved, and a token can never be taken away or awarded twice for the same objective. It doesn’t matter which game round the game ends, however, a win or a tie can only be declared at the end of a full game round.
Optional Rule: The first side to achieve 3 victory tokens will immediately win the game.
New Research & Development Rule:
Research & Development rolls may no longer be purchased, instead, nations are awarded development rolls when victory objectives have been achieved. Once a victory token is gained, the nation with the corisponding (*) instructions listed with each objective will choose a breakthrough chart, and then make a free development roll with the resulting breakthrough taking effect immediately (may not effect units already in battle during the turn in which the breakthrough was achieved).
Here is a list of all victory objectives for each side.
Axis Powers
The Axis control London
(R&D) *The nation that takes control
The Axis control Moscow
(R&D) *The nation that takes control
The Axis control Calcutta
(R&D) *The nation that takes control
The Axis control Sydney
(R&D) *The nation that takes control
North Africa
The Axis control Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, and Egypt.
(R&D) *The nation with the most
The Axis control 6 victory cities on the Pacific map
(R&D) *The nation with the most
The Axis control 7 victory cities on the Europe map
(R&D) *The nation with the most
Global Economy
All 3 Axis powers have a combined total of 136 IPCs on the income tracker
(R&D) *The nation with the most
Allied Powers
The Allies control Berlin
(R&D) *The nation that takes control
The Allies control Rome
(R&D) *The nation that takes control
The Allies control Tokyo
(R&D) *The nation that takes control
The Allied powers control all territories on the continent of Africa
(R&D) *The nation with the most
Paris Liberation
The Allies have liberated Paris
(R&D) *The nation that takes control
Philippines Liberation
The Allies have liberated the Philippines
(R&D) *The United States
The Allies control the Burma road as well as Hong Kong and Shanghai
(R&D) *The United Kingdom
Pacific Fleet
There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
(R&D) *The United States
Modified Research & Development Charts
Chart #1
Heavy Artillery
-All artillery now support up to 2 attacking infantry and/or mech infantry
-Each operational airbase may launch a rocket at an enemy facility up to 4 spaces away. Roll 2 dice for each rocket and choose the best result for damage.
Detection Radar
- All anti-aircraft artillery or built in AA guns now defend at 2 or less, and operational airbases may now scramble up to 4 air units.
Jet Fighters
-All fighters now attack at 4 or less
-During the collect income phase, roll 2 dice and collect IPCs in that amount
Bitz Tactics
-Mech infantry now attack at 2 or less if paired with a tank or artillery, they may blitz without tanks, and they may tow 1 artillery each during non-combat movement.
Chart #2
Super Submarines
-All submarines now attack @3 or less
Improved Production
-All minor ICs now produce up to 4 units, and major ICs now produce up to 12 units. Also, you may remove 2 damage markers for the price of 1.
Nautical Engineering
-Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, and Cruisers are now 3 IPCs cheaper, and Destroyers, Subs, and Transports are now 1 IPC cheaper.
Long-Range Aircraft
-Maximum movement range for all air units is now increased by 1
Super Carrier Decks
-All aircraft carriers may now carry up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers
Heavy Bombers
-When attacking during general combat or a SBR, roll 2 dice for each strategic bomber and select the best result.