@Call77 - thanks, that’s my pal FOlewnik with the steady hand and tiny brush. He’s a professional painter who has work in museums & auto shows that you’d never notice (faux finishes and things like that).
Royal Ark Decals and King George
added some decals to the Royal Ark
more pics
Wow, this is by far your best work. I’m really impressed by these. They look so real. Awesome details on these ships. Nice job man, nice job! :-D
Thanks John-
I will be having some of the Royal Arks available soon. -
Thanks John-
I will be having some of the Royal Arks available soon.Cool, thanks! :-D
Did you ink wash these and dry brush them?
What colors did you use to get that look?
Just curious! :-)
Primer gray, ink wash, then dry brush with ghost gray.
Awesome says it all……very nice work
The battleship paint jobs are simply spectacular. Great work!
Excellent work - it sounds like we all love these pieces! You do wooden decks very well on those battleships.
Nice Work ! As nice as I’ve come to EXPECT from YOUR paint jobs!
Tall Paul**