How could Germany have won the war?

  • Germany could have won the war if…

    • They hadn’t started killing the Jews, it was wrong on so many levels: morally, economicly, and militarilly

    • They had invaded Britain in and gone through with Sealion to force Britain to the peace table, demanding that they turnover possession of Egypt and the Middle East so the Afrika Korp could attack through the Caucasus.  In World War I Rommel was a skilled junior officer in a mountain division :-D

    • They had all generals ignore Hitler’s military strategy on any level lower than “Attack (insert country name)”.Â

    • They voided the alliance with Japan. The United States would have seen it as another European war. Do nothing to anger the US. If a ship is accidently sunk, pay for the ship and its cargo.

  • 2007 AAR League

    They should of firstly in britain not been bombing cities because that didnt have the desired effect.  They should of continued to pummel the RAF’s bases and planes.  There is a lot of speculation that if they had done this the battle for the skies would have been won.

    Then dont invade England just contain it.

    Could have gotten around 100,000 british troops at dunkirk if they would have kept up the attack.  Should have in hindsight.

    No playing in the big sandbox.  Those resources should have been used in the push into the USSR.

    Attack headlong into the USSR .  Forget pushing the northern front.  Just contain it.  Forget leningrad, just let it be.  Focus on taking moscow first.  The germans used 3 armies, a north, center, and south army when they invaded.  Should of had one huge army to smash into moscow deploying holding units on your flanks of the center front.  As soon as moscow was reached, attack south to get the oil fields.  If moscow were taken i would argue that stalin would have sued for peace as he moved the capital forther east.  Maybe Omsk.  Anyway, stalin believed in world communism and if he were smashed he would think world communism would fail and that couldnt happen on his watch.  He would of tried to stay alive and in charge farther east to further try to change the world with more time.

  • Stalin did in fact send peace feelers to see what the German terms for surrender would be in oct 41

  • Germany would have won the war if Hitler had allowed his Generals more control over their own armies rather than Hitler pretend to be a General himself and make tactical decisions.  Hitler not allowing General Paulus to break out of the Stalingrad pocket in time to save his army was disastrous.  If he would have let his Generals do what they do best, perhaps Germany would have won.  In the end, Hitler blamed his defeat on his “tools” (Generals) rather than himself.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hitler at the begining drew up the plans himself for the attack into the lowlands and norway.  I think, not sure, even france.  The generals even saw how well it went and gave him huge credit and respect.  Remember hitler did win the Iron Cross.  It takes a badass.

  • I say, don’t forget to bring your heavy jackets to the russian front in the winter of 41/42!! It gets mighty cold up there. You don’t want to lose the initiative and have the russians counterattack while their dressed warmly, and your’e freezing your nuts off!

  • But that would not be necessary if Herr Hitler didn’t invade Yugoslavia or that nation didn’t throw out its pro-fascist government. Or even if Hitler made peace with his position in the fall of 1941.

  • Hitler’s plan was simple–to complete Fortress Europe. He wanted to blockade Britain to submission and crush the red armies so the US would face a Europe impossible to attack. However the U-boat menace was soon tamed, and the Soviets drove the Jerrys back at Stalingrad. Also, they developed the V-2s and Me 262s near at the end of the war. And they didn’t spend resources on nuclear weapons. So it was possible they could have won the war, but many factors contributed to their demise.

  • @balungaloaf:

    Hitler at the begining drew up the plans himself for the attack into the lowlands and norway.  I think, not sure, even france.  The generals even saw how well it went and gave him huge credit and respect.  Remember hitler did win the Iron Cross.  It takes a badass.

    Im not saying that Hitler was a complete moron when it came to making tactical military decisions, he did plan some military operations that were highly sucessful as you have mentioned.  But when he made a HUGE mistake (such as at Stalingrad), he blamed his Generals rather than his poor decisions.  In the end thats what caused the downfall of Germany.

  • I believe that if Hitler would have went for the middle eastern oil maybe he could’ve help Japan with some of their resource issues and prolonged the attack on America keeping them from officially joining the War and let Japan move forward ion attacking Russia from behind.

  • With the UK garrisons in India, Germany would NEVER have been able to provide supplies to Japan.  He could not suply his own units fully by mid-war, he certainly had none to spare, even if he COULD have somehow shipped the supplies.

  • @ncscswitch:

    With the UK garrisons in India, Germany would NEVER have been able to provide supplies to Japan.  He could not suply his own units fully by mid-war, he certainly had none to spare, even if he COULD have somehow shipped the supplies.

    Thats not completely true.  Yes, India was garrisoned pretty well, so Germany aiding Japan with supplies overland would have been impossible.  However towards the end of the war, Germany was sending Japan their jet fighter technology via U-Boats through the Indian Ocean and did so quite succesfully.  So sending supplys would have been a possiblity……but I highly doubt that the supply system beetween Germany and Japan would have lasted very long unscathed.

  • You are talking a COUPLE of disassenbled ME262’s and other tehcnological innovations via a couple of U-boats basically AFTER Germany had fallen.

    BIG difference between that and full-scale supply runs from say Egypt to Burma…

    And I am not just talking about land transfer… the UK (and US) both maintained effect air and naval superiority in the Indian Ocean for the duration of the war.  Britain was never kicked out of Port Morresby, or Rangoon…

  • Germany went around cape horn and had supply ships in the south atlantic and a few in the indian ocean. they did indeed send some goodies to Tojo. Tojo had some 100 Japanese me 262’s in some underground mountain in japan ready for our operation Olympic.

  • @ncscswitch:

    You are talking a COUPLE of disassenbled ME262’s and other tehcnological innovations via a couple of U-boats basically AFTER Germany had fallen.

    BIG difference between that and full-scale supply runs from say Egypt to Burma…

    And I am not just talking about land transfer… the UK (and US) both maintained effect air and naval superiority in the Indian Ocean for the duration of the war.  Britain was never kicked out of Port Morresby, or Rangoon…

    Well that is a “what if” situation.  It may have been possible, but since it never did……I guess well never know for sure.  Most likely it would have failed after a few weeks.

  • Regarding full scale German shipments to Japan early in the war, 2 words…

    Flying Tigers

  • @ncscswitch:

    Regarding full scale German shipments to Japan early in the war, 2 words…

    Flying Tigers

    Flying Tiger Tanks? O.o

  • 2007 AAR League

    Germany only had one chance and that died with the battle of Britain. If Germany would have waited until 1944, then that would have also given the allies more time to arm and think about future German agression. Hitler hit France at the right moment, but only an idiot opens a second front without finishing the first. The intelligent German generals knew that it was all lost when the Luftwaffe was unable to bring Britain into submission. U-Boats and firebombing Britain into submission would have done the job. Germany was not ready, nor would have been ready for a seaborn invasion (sea lion) for years to come.

  • 2007 AAR League


    El Jefe posts:

    “forget the Master race crap.  Jesse Owens was a good lesson.”

    That episode is a great propaganda piece that keeps getting repeated by History, while if you look up the facts you will notice that Germany won more medals in 1936 than at any other time before or since… they had a huge lead over all other nations at this event… Just look at the results… This “little fact” has gotten the brush off for too long. I am not saying they performed better because they believed in the “nazi superman concept”, but it shows what happens when people belive in what the nation is doing and the direction its heading.

    Can you say cheating?

  • There were many things the Germans could have done differently. The biggest obstacle for Germany to win the war was Hitler being the supreme commander.
        Hitler was a fanatic and an awful commander. The holocaust required a great amount of resources but his anti-semitism is who he was and how he unified the country from the depression so there is no way we can remove that. Hitler did refuse to have women work in the factories. The Russians, along with many other countries, used everybody to work in the factories and were capable of producing double the tanks in a month than the Germans.
              When Hitler saw the 262 jet fighter he demanded it be used exclusively as a bomber. It delayed the production for 1 and a half to 2 years of the me-262, which would despite the setback, still become the first mass produced jet plane in history. They eventually went around Hitler and made it back into a fighter. Imagine jet airplanes obliterating the bombers hitting germany, and germany controlling the skies.
              Hitler also messed up D-Day because he would not allow 3 of the 6 tank divisions to be moved in Normandy without his consent. Well, Hitler slept late into the morning on D-Day. Around 11:00-12:00 A.M. late.
          Hitler made many mistakes. If Hitler had not screwed up the me-262 and D-Day, Germany could have survived longer. If the war would have gone on for 1 more year, Germany would have had the Atomic bomb. Plus, they had a stealth jet bomber that was successfully flown and was being modified for strikes against the U.S. 
          Then there is the Russian front and ordering that no one surrender or retreat. We can list his failures for a long time.

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