WARNING: Some additional specific points written in red are covered to take account all Subs naval warfare situations vs Cruisers and vs Subs.
I’m working on a different kind of naval warfare (a variant I played many times on Classic board which creates a much more chess-like action on the ocean) where Subs act as a lonely and separated group even when sharing the same Sea Zone as other friendly surface vessels and transports.
Here is some little things of this new HR about Sub Warfare (nSWHR).
You will see that some anomalies about planes vs Subs created in OOB 1940 and 1942 will disappear:
A) Planes that need another unit to attack subs.
B) Subs being used as naval cannon fodder for air and naval attack or defense.
Here is the basics principles:
As OOB, Sub cannot hit air units.
Aircrafts (Fg, TcB, StB) can attack Subs anytime, they get only A1 (same in SBR combat) and don’t need any DD or other AntiSub Vessel (ASV) to destroy Subs.
Battleship cannot attack submarines.
But, BB still defend @4 against subs, and G40 BB and CV (as OOB) can take 1 hit before going down on a second hit.
However, 1942 BB must be treat as a 1 hit unit vs Subs attacks. So 1 single shot can sink it, and it is a good thing to provide them DD/CVE cover.
Play-testing reveal that this change is to make Subs attack an interesting threat against 2 BBs in 1942 version.
Because they immediately recover at the end of the attacking player’s turn. Without this change, such a fleet with 2 BBs at his core, is virtually invulnerable against Subs attack and won’t requires any DD to provide protection and cover vs Subs.
Cruiser Att @3 Def @3 vs subs but it is not an ASV.
It cannot block Sub Surprise strike attack.
It can go AntiSub Mission (ASM) by itself but
Subs can defend @1 with Surprise strike (same capacity as OOB).
So Subs can sink cruisers without ASV before it can even attack (as OOB Sub rule).
Same last rules applied for 1942.2 Fleet carrier: CV A1D2M2C14 in ASM vs Subs.
Destroyer A2D2M2C8, ASV as OOB block Subs Surprise strike, will give _+1A bonus to any one plane (Fg, TcB, StB) when paired with for ASM_.*
There will be an Escort Carrier unit A0D1M2C10, carrying 1 plane (Fg or TcB) ASV, giving a +2A bonus to any one plane (Fg, TcB, StB) paired with while on ASM.
In counterpart, **subs A2D1M2C6 after a defence roll @1 are able to submerge vs all units at the beginning of the second round of an ASM.
On offence, Subs can attack Subs but they don’t get any First round Sneak Attack nor Surprise Attack vs each others same as they were 2 regular ships unit. Defending Subs can still submerge after the first round attack, as said below.
Submerge: allow Sub to withdraw in the same SZ from any battle at the beginning of the second round, and after.
So Subs become more elusive, and have a better chance to hide even when there is an ASV in the SZ (to the contrary of OOB Global and 1942 where ASV also block Subs Submerge ability).
In this HR, it was possible to give plane another attacking value (as in a StratBR/TacBR escorting and intercepting role) because even when sharing a SZ, you treat Subs groups as they were in separate SZs (except for “SZ of control” determination):
if a player with 2Fgs and 3DDs want to attack a SZ with 2DDs and 4 Subs, for example,
he will have to choose between whether attacking DDs group or attacking Subs group.
So, it means either A) 2 Fgs A3 + 3 DDs A2 vs 2DDs or B) 2 Fgs A1+1* + 3DDs A2vs 4 Subs.
Now subs won’t be the cannon fodder of any surface vessels as the OOB will imply in the example.
2 Fgs+ 3 DDs vs 2 DDs + 4 Subs.
Because, in this situation, assuming you protect the better defending and costlier unit: the defender will loose 4 subs before loosing DDs.
And, as usual, the attacker will think twice to throw DDs with aircrafts when there is a bunch of subs.
It is often better to throw only aircrafts to destroy surface vessels so this OOB battle example will only imply: 2 Fgs vs 2 DDs, since Fgs by themselves cannot hit Subs.
What do you think of this first part of the basic principles for Subs warfare?
On the other side,
when Subs will be attacking, they will attack in a first wave assault of subs only group (before all others units) until retreating or a victory.
All ASV (DD, escort carrier CVE) will block the Surprise attack as long as there is an ASV defending with other vessels.
So any surface vessels sunk by subs will still be able to fire back, as in OOB.
When there is no more ASV, then Subs will retrieve Surprise attack and any ship sunk won’t be able to fireback, as OOB rule.
Planes will be able to defend against subs (Fg @D4, TcB @D3) without the need of DD (or CVE).
However, Subs will also get a special “First round sneak attack”, which differs from Surprise strike:
during the first round, only ASV (DD or CVE+ 1 Fg or TcB carried) can fireback at subs.
In addition, any successful sub making a hit is allowed (not compelled) _**to withdraw from battle before the DDs and CVEs(+ Fg or TcB on it) return fire against it.
However, all remaining unsuccessful subs must endure the ASV units defender’s rolls before choosing whether or not to withdraw from battle at the very end of the first round.
This “First round sneak attack” rule implies that all others ships including Fleet carrier (CV) and any one or two planes on board can only fireback on the second round and after.
So the new CVE and her 1 plane will have a better defensive and distinctive role from the Fleet carrier against subs.
Example: 2 subs A2 vs 1 DD D2 and 2 cruisers D3
First rnd sneak attack, subs roll: “1” and “3”, defender choose to sunk the DD.
1 sub can choose to withdraw. And do it.
(It is not the best tactical choice, but it is for simplicity.)
Since it is the first round, only the DD can roll to fireback.
If it is a hit (“1” or “2”) then the remaining sub is sunk, the battle is over and the 2 cruisers survive.
(Supposing both Subs have rolled a hit, then the battle could be over if both Subs withdrawn because the DD cannot hit any remaining unsuccessful sub. However, 1 last cruiser have survived the battle.)
If the DD miss the shot at the last Sub, then this attacking Sub can withdraw (as OOB said).
But, for the example, suppose 1 Sub stays for a second round.
This lonely sub now have Surprise attack and Submerge since there is no more ASV in the SZ.
As OOB said at the beginning of the round, Sub can either Submerge or make a Surprise strike.
Sub goes for the kill:
a “1” or “2”, then 1 cruiser is sunk without being able to retaliate.
A miss left the possibility to both cruisers to defend @3.
Everything continue as OOB rule said.
Finally, after the battle is concluded,
if the remaining subs didn’t kill all the enemy units in the SZ, Subs must retreat 1 SZ from where they came.
if all enemy units are destroyed in the SZ, then subs can choose to either stay in the SZ or they can still retreat 1 SZ from where they came.
What do you think of this second part of the basic principles for Subs warfare?_