What would be your recommendation? Im assuming just leave them be?
What are some of your ideas on making cruisers more relevant?
My idea of units is to have each ship has its own role. You can have a look at other strategic games. Whenever units don’t have a specific and distinctive role, it causes balance problems.
The land units in A&A are nearly perfectly balanced.
Infantry = base unit. Cheap, cannon fodder, best defensive unit
Artillery = best attacking unit
Mech+Tank = not as efficient as Inf or art, but faster for flexibility
Now let’s have a look at the Naval units.
Submarine = By far the best in offense. Best in Defense due to being so cheap cannon fodder. Strong convoy. Bypass blockades without dd. Requires DD to negate first strike.
DD = Cannon fodder against air-only attacks. Blocker. Needed to attack subs.
Carrier = Main source of damage in defense. High flexibility due to higher plane range. Great support on landings.
Battleship = Soak one hit. They are actually just bad destroyers without the ability to detect submarines. Unless you can manage to repair them. Each time you repair them, their value has increased a lot. Slight support on landings
What about the cruiser?
Comparison to DD: Far worse in attack/defense. No additional ability against submarines. Too expensive to be used as cannon fodder or blocker
Comparison to BB: Slightly weaker than BB in attack/defense. No soaking. Even weaker landing support.
My idea of a solution:
a) Increase submarine cost to 8. Make them attack on 3, defend on 1.
b) Redesign battleship.
b1) Remove bombard ability.
b2) Remove convoy ability.
b3) New ability: Damage facility. A Battleship can bombard a facility on a coastal territory for 1d6, with a range of 2. This counts as an attack, so no other movements can be made in that turn afterwards. It’s basically like having rockets at sea.
c1) Reduce cruiser cost to 11
c2) Bombard immediately removes the unit from the board, if it hits. Cruisers still attack or defend at 3, but bombard at 4.
Now let me explain my proposals.
The submarine is too strong, I’ve said it often enough. My main concern about the sub is it’s existence as the cannon-fodder unit. That leads to it’s strong defensive value.
Instead I’d like to see the sub as the strategic bomber of ships. Glass cannon style. The increased cost will remove the cannon-fodder status. It’s higher attack damage makes them equally strong in offense (for 24 IPC you get 3@3 instead of 4@2, which is roughly the same. power 9, hp3 vs power 8, hp4).
Cruisers/Battleships/Destroyers: You cannot balance all 3, without giving them different abilities. As long as the cruiser is just a small battleship, math will always find the better of these two. And if cruiser and BB are exactly equal, there would be no reason to buy the more expensive one.
With my proposal, the destroyer will become the sole cannon-fodder unit. In addition it serves it’s current role as blocker and anti-submarine unit.
The cruiser is worse in attack/defense IPC-wise than the destroyer, but is a huge support on landing operations. By far the most landings are small skirmishes, like the battles for the DEI. The new bombard will help there greatly, both sides. The destroyer should still be better at pure sea battles though. I’ve not run the math in detail yet, perhaps bombard needs to be buffed to 5, not sure here.
The Battleship is about as strong as a cruiser in pure naval battles, but has the ability to bombard facilities in addition to it’s soaking skill. Range 2, but only against facilities on territories with access to sea. This gives battleships value after the big naval battle is over (besieging Japan, escorting the transports in the canal).
How many tactical bombers do you see purchased in comparison to fighters and strategic bombers?
Not much, I give you that. They are only very slightly stronger than fighters (10 tacs with 40 offense, 11 fighters with 33 offense) WHEN they are paired with tanks/fighters, while being clearly weaker in defense.
My argument about units needing a pure role is true here too.
At the moment the fighter is the defending plane, the strat the attacking one. But the tac is just a bad mix of both, which is why they’ve not bought much.
Your new air combat system solves this problem partly. Fighters are only efficient as escorts for tacs/strats.
In your latest table, they come off too strong though (I’ve made the math in my last post which proves this).
And while it is okay that Strats are worse in offense, than tacs, because of the higher range, the latest IPC costs are just too much. Tacs are SO MUCH better than strats, that the higher range does in no way pay for the increased cost.
I’m too lazy to work out a cost system for these 3 planes right now. But your first idea actually was better than the latest one.
Make fighters escort-only units which are super strong in offense and defense in the air-battle. I don’t know if attacking or defending fighters should be better in the air battle. How did they work in the real WW2?
Make tacs, that are clearly winning in purpose of fighting ground/naval units in offense and defense, compared to fighters. They should be roughly equally strong like destroyer too, IPC-wise (attack/defense per IPC). (Probably make them stronger than dd and more expensive, in the same rate)
Make strats only slightly stronger in offense IPC-wise, a lot weaker in defense. This places the strat in the current position: being long-ranged glass-cannons.