• I wish I could play A&A all day instead of paying attention to real life.  :mrgreen: Sorry guys for afk’ness, no idea when it will end.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    At least your school was not shot up and closed for a week. :(

    Wish I could ignore real life and stick my face in a math book for months on end!

  • Moderator

    Who has time for Axis and Allies anyways? Not Me!  :mrgreen:


  • Im pretty excited about going to college next year (Either SUNY Buffalo or Penn State Erie), and this second half of senior year will be a breeze.  Theres a lot less pressure now that I know Im going to college, I just need to figure out a way to make it affordable since we’re flat broke around here.

  • Moderator

    Try Junior College for your first 2 years… You can cut your costs considerably and you also get the benefit of transferring credits and saying that you “graduated” from a University…


  • Hahaha, you kind of remind me of my calculus teacher.  Sometimes we go off on tangents (lol) about subjects, and when college came up and somebody said they didnt want to go to Penn State Beaver because it seems to not be a serious school and everyone (including employers) know this, our teacher said “Theres nothing wrong with going to Penn State Beaver, because when you graduate, that f***in diploma isnt going to say ‘Beaver’ anywhere on it.”

  • Moderator

    Beaver, lol… Bout sums up the whole Junior College Experience… I’m taking my first 2 years at a local college at 1/8 of the cost of a good Texas University. And it’s all transferable in the state system… Nothing can beat that.


  • '11

    You could always try a community college, unless that’s what junior college is, I’ve never heard it refered to as that. Community colleges are very affordable and you can get your core classes out of the way, while working and saving up a bit of money. Just a thought.

  • 2 years at a junior/community college is the way to go if you don’t have someone footing the bill for ya.

    You can live at home still, keep whatever job you had in high school, and transfer somewhere as a junior.  When I did this, all my Gen Ed requirements were met when I transferred to NIU.

    Unfortunately, they wouldn’t transfer me into my major that first semester, so it took 4.5 years to graduate.  BUT that was cheaper than 4 years at NIU, and my class load was 13-14 credit hours / semester (4 classes) so 2 classes a day… not too bad.

    Bean… stay in school as long as you can.

    The real world is MUCH worse than the life of a student.

  • Moderator

    Junior College = Community College as far as I know…


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Enlist, get the GI Bill, go to school free AND get paid by the Government to study.

    (Illinois Veteran’s Grant + GI Bill Stipend.  Works wonders.)

    And yes.  Almost all state universities have agreements with the local community colleges (jr colleges) to transfer all courses no questions asked. However, you DO still have to be accepted by the school, accepted by the department and complete the school requirements.  You’ll get out of silly things like Speech and Composition which any layman can teach you and you shouldn’t have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to learn (since community colleges will charge you like 300 to learn that course.)

  • Well both schools shouldnt be too expensive since I will receive federal aid, and in penn state Ill get more PA state aid for being a resident.  Ill take out a few loans and college should end up being a few thousand a year.

  • I agree, my science teacher just game be back a test I got a D on.

    Why can’t he just realize i am a genius, give me an A on everything and then I could go do something important

    like play Axis and Allies

  • Bean… stay in school as long as you can.

    The real world is MUCH worse than the life of a student.

    That’s the effing problem I think. I don’t want to stay in school, but I’m absolutely certain it won’t be any better once I graduate.

    I think I really now appreciate Rudolfo Anaya’s saying: life sucks, and then you die.  :roll:

  • I was one of the few people who was VERY happy at Graduation from HS… glad to be away from those folks.

    College was lots of sex, but also lots of expense.

    Since then, the real world is harder, but the rewards are far better also.

  • '19 Moderator

    HS was good times for me, lots of parties and hanging out with friends.  College was harder (mostly because I skated in HS) but the Parties were better.  After college was harder yet, but the fun was better too, more travel more parties in Mexico etc.  Married life was harder yet, someone else to consider in decisions, but again the rewards get better.  And kids well the trend continues, the parties aren’t what they used to be but their are more fun things, I just took my 2 oldest kids to shoot their first rifles this past weekend great times.

    Great power may come with great responsibility, but great responsibility comes with great rewards.

  • Moderator

    Sweet Dzrt, what did they learn to shoot?


  • '19 Moderator

    I got them both single shot .22 rifles for Christmas.  Last weekend was the first time I was able to get them out to break em in.

    This is an image of my daughters rifle (my son’s is black):


  • Moderator

    FLOWER POWER! ROFLOL! Brilliant, I love it… you should buy one and take it on tour.

    “You just got pwned by my daughter’s rifle…”


  • '19 Moderator

    lol, it’s pretty acurate too, I held a group the size of a dime when I sighted it in, of course they were just learning so it was only 50 feet, but I thought it was still good for a kids gun.  My son by the way, after an hour of shooting, was keeping about a two to three inch group.

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