Panther's TripleA pre-release test thread

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Game_of_Thrones, version: 1.3

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Purchase Units - Lannister
                Lannister buy 6 GoldCloaks and 2 Knights; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Lannister
                1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 1 Sellsword moved from Banefort to Riverlands
                1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 1 Sellsword moved from Ashemark to Riverlands
                1 Archer, 6 GoldCloaks, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword moved from Golden Tooth to Riverlands
                1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 2 Sellswords moved from Hornvale to Pinkmaiden
                1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 1 Sellsword moved from Deep Den to Stoney Sept
                1 Archer, 5 GoldCloaks, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword moved from Silverhall to Stoney Sept
                1 Knight moved from Lannisport to Stoney Sept
                1 Knight moved from Sarsfield to Pinkmaiden

    Combat - Lannister
                Battle in Riverlands
                    Lannister attack with 3 Archers, 8 GoldCloaks, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords
                    Tully defend with 3 Archers and 8 Sellswords
                        Lannister roll dice for 3 Archers, 8 GoldCloaks, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 2 :  5/15 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 3 Archers and 8 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 2 :  4/11 hits
                        4 GoldCloaks owned by the Lannister and 5 Sellswords owned by the Tully lost in Riverlands
                        Lannister roll dice for 3 Archers, 4 GoldCloaks, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 3 :  1/11 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 3 Archers and 3 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 3 :  2/6 hits
                        2 GoldCloaks owned by the Lannister and 1 Sellsword owned by the Tully lost in Riverlands
                        Lannister roll dice for 3 Archers, 2 GoldCloaks, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 4 :  1/9 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 3 Archers and 2 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 4 :  1/5 hits
                        1 GoldCloak owned by the Lannister and 1 Sellsword owned by the Tully lost in Riverlands
                        Lannister roll dice for 3 Archers, 1 GoldCloak, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 5 :  0/8 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 3 Archers and 1 Sellsword in Riverlands, round 5 :  1/4 hits
                        1 GoldCloak owned by the Lannister lost in Riverlands
                        Lannister roll dice for 3 Archers, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 6 :  3/7 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 3 Archers and 1 Sellsword in Riverlands, round 6 :  0/4 hits
                        2 Archers owned by the Tully and 1 Sellsword owned by the Tully lost in Riverlands
                        Lannister roll dice for 3 Archers, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 7 :  0/7 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 1 Archer in Riverlands, round 7 :  0/1 hits
                        Lannister roll dice for 3 Archers, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords in Riverlands, round 8 :  1/7 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 1 Archer in Riverlands, round 8 :  0/1 hits
                        1 Archer owned by the Tully lost in Riverlands
                    Lannister win, taking Riverlands from Tully with 3 Archers, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
                    Casualties for Lannister: 8 GoldCloaks
                    Casualties for Tully: 3 Archers and 8 Sellswords
                Battle in Stoney Sept
                    Lannister attack with 2 Archers, 6 GoldCloaks, 2 Knights and 2 Sellswords
                    Tully defend with 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword
                        Lannister roll dice for 2 Archers, 6 GoldCloaks, 2 Knights and 2 Sellswords in Stoney Sept, round 2 :  4/12 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword in Stoney Sept, round 2 :  1/3 hits
                        1 Archer owned by the Tully , 1 GoldCloak owned by the Lannister , 1 Knight owned by the Tully and 1 Sellsword owned by the Tully lost in Stoney Sept
                    Lannister win, taking Stoney Sept from Tully with 2 Archers, 5 GoldCloaks, 2 Knights and 2 Sellswords remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
                    Casualties for Lannister: 1 GoldCloak
                    Casualties for Tully: 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword
                Battle in Pinkmaiden
                    Lannister attack with 1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak, 1 Knight and 2 Sellswords
                    Tully defend with 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword
                        Lannister roll dice for 1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak, 1 Knight and 2 Sellswords in Pinkmaiden, round 2 :  2/5 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword in Pinkmaiden, round 2 :  1/3 hits
                        1 Archer owned by the Tully , 1 GoldCloak owned by the Lannister and 1 Sellsword owned by the Tully lost in Pinkmaiden
                        Lannister roll dice for 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 2 Sellswords in Pinkmaiden, round 3 :  1/4 hits
                        Tully roll dice for 1 Knight in Pinkmaiden, round 3 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Sellsword owned by the Lannister and 1 Knight owned by the Tully lost in Pinkmaiden
                    Lannister win, taking Pinkmaiden from Tully with 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                    Casualties for Lannister: 1 GoldCloak and 1 Sellsword
                    Casualties for Tully: 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword

    Non Combat Move - Lannister
                1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 3 Sellswords moved from Cornfield to Silverhall
                2 Archers, 7 GoldCloaks and 4 Sellswords moved from Lannisport to Silverhall
                5 Archers, 2 Catapults, 11 GoldCloaks and 2 Trebuchets moved from Casterly Rock to Lannisport
                1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 2 Sellswords moved from Sarsfield to Golden Tooth
                1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 1 Sellsword moved from The Crag to Banefort
                1 Archer, 2 GoldCloaks, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords moved from Kayce to Lannisport
                1 GoldCloak moved from Crakehall to Cornfield

    Place Units - Lannister
                2 GoldCloaks placed in Casterly Rock
                4 GoldCloaks and 2 Knights placed in Lannisport

    Turn Complete - Lannister
                Lannister collect 49 PUs; end with 49 PUs total

    Territory Summary for Lannister :

    Banefort : 1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 1 Sellsword
        Casterly Rock : 1 Castle and 2 GoldCloaks
        Crakehall : 1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak, 1 Knight and 4 Sellswords
        Cornfield : 1 GoldCloak
        Golden Tooth : 1 Archer, 1 GoldCloak and 2 Sellswords
        Silverhall : 3 Archers, 8 GoldCloaks and 7 Sellswords
        Faircastle : 1 GoldCloak and 1 Sellsword
        Lannisport : 6 Archers, 1 Castle, 2 Catapults, 17 GoldCloaks, 3 Knights, 3 Sellswords and 2 Trebuchets
        Stoney Sept : 1 flag, 2 Archers, 5 GoldCloaks, 2 Knights and 2 Sellswords
        Pinkmaiden : 1 flag, 1 Archer, 1 Knight and 1 Sellsword
        Riverlands : 1 flag, 3 Archers, 1 Knight and 3 Sellswords
        Port of Lannisport : 2 Galleys and 1 Raft

    Production/PUs Summary :

    Arryn : 34 / 34
        Baratheon : 48 / 48
        Dothraki : 31 / 33
        FreeCities : 55 / 55
        Freefolk : 17 / 17
        Greyjoy : 16 / 16
        Lannister : 49 / 49
        Martell : 32 / 17
        Stark : 40 / 13
        Targaryen : 27 / 10
        Tully : 22 / 22
        Tyrell : 53 / 31

    Dice Statistics:

                1 was rolled 17 times
                2 was rolled 21 times
                3 was rolled 23 times
                4 was rolled 22 times
                5 was rolled 19 times
                6 was rolled 22 times
            Average roll : 3,573
            Median : 4,000
            Variance : 0,228
            Standard Deviation : 0,477
            Total rolls : 124

    Lannister Combat
                1 was rolled 11 times
                2 was rolled 17 times
                3 was rolled 17 times
                4 was rolled 14 times
                5 was rolled 13 times
                6 was rolled 13 times
            Average roll : 3,471
            Median : 3,000
            Variance : 0,345
            Standard Deviation : 0,588
            Total rolls : 85

    Tully Combat
                1 was rolled 6 times
                2 was rolled 4 times
                3 was rolled 6 times
                4 was rolled 8 times
                5 was rolled 6 times
                6 was rolled 9 times
            Average roll : 3,795
            Median : 4,000
            Variance : 0,447
            Standard Deviation : 0,669
            Total rolls : 39

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Game_of_Thrones, version: 1.3

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Purchase Units - Martell
                Martell buy 2 HorseArchers, 1 Spearman and 1 Spearthrower; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Martell
                2 Spearmen moved from Sunspear to Through of Lys
                1 Galley, 1 GreenbloodBoat and 2 Spearmen moved from Through of Lys to South Narrow Sea
                2 Spearmen moved from South Narrow Sea to The Disputed Lands
                      Martell take The Disputed Lands from FreeCities

    Combat - Martell

    Non Combat Move - Martell
                3 Spearmen and 3 Spearthrowers moved from Sandstone to Starfall
                3 Spearmen and 2 Spearthrowers moved from Blackmont to Starfall
                3 HorseArchers moved from Skyreach to Starfall
                2 Spearmen and 2 Spearthrowers moved from Skyreach to Starfall
                2 HorseArchers moved from Yronwood to Starfall
                1 HorseArcher moved from Vaith to Skyreach
                1 Spearman and 1 Spearthrower moved from Hellholt to Skyreach
                5 Spearmen and 4 Spearthrowers moved from Yronwood to Wyl
                2 Spearmen and 1 Spearthrower moved from Vaith to Yronwood
                1 HorseArcher moved from Godsgrace to Yronwood
                1 HorseArcher moved from Lemonwood to Yronwood
                2 Spearmen and 1 Spearthrower moved from Godsgrace to Yronwood
                3 Spearmen and 1 Spearthrower moved from Lemonwood to Godsgrace
                3 HorseArchers moved from Sunspear to Yronwood
                4 Spearmen and 4 Spearthrowers moved from Sunspear to Godsgrace
                1 HorseArcher moved from Ghost Hall to Yronwood

    Place Units - Martell
                2 HorseArchers, 1 Spearman and 1 Spearthrower placed in Yronwood

    Turn Complete - Martell
                Martell collect 36 PUs; end with 36 PUs total

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version:, time: 17:53:00

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 3.7

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Purchase Units - Germans
                Germans buy nothing; Remaining resources: 30 PUs;

    Combat Move - Germans

    Combat - Germans

    Non Combat Move - Germans

    Turn Complete - Germans
                Germans collect 30 PUs; end with 60 PUs total
                Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 65 PUs
                Objective Germans 1 Trade with Russia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 70 PUs

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version:, time: 21:13:36

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II v5 1942 Second Edition, version: 1.8

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Purchase Units - Russians
                Russians buy nothing; Remaining resources: 24 PUs;

    Combat Move - Russians
                1 artillery, 1 fighter and 4 infantry moved from Karelia S.S.R. to Finland

    Combat - Russians
                Battle in Finland
                    Russians attack with 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 4 infantry
                    Germans defend with 3 infantry
                    Russians win, taking Finland from Germans with 1 artillery and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
                    Casualties for Germans: 3 infantry
                    Casualties for Russians: 4 infantry

    Non Combat Move - Russians
                1 fighter moved from Finland to Karelia S.S.R.

    Turn Complete - Russians
                Russians collect 25 PUs; end with 49 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II v5 1942 Second Edition, version: 1.8

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Purchase Units - Germans
                Germans buy nothing; Remaining resources: 41 PUs;

    Combat Move - Germans
                1 armour, 1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from West Russia to Karelia S.S.R.
                3 infantry moved from Belorussia to Karelia S.S.R.
                1 armour and 1 infantry moved from Baltic States to Karelia S.S.R.

    Combat - Germans
                Battle in Karelia S.S.R.
                    Germans attack with 2 armour, 1 artillery and 7 infantry
                    Russians defend with 1 factory and 1 fighter
                    Germans win, taking Karelia S.S.R. from Russians with 2 armour, 1 artillery and 6 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry
                    Casualties for Russians: 1 fighter

    Non Combat Move - Germans

    Turn Complete - Germans
                Germans collect 42 PUs; end with 83 PUs total

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version:, time: 21:43:33

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version:, time: 10:47:39

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II v5 1942 Second Edition, version: 1.9

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Purchase Units - Russians
                Russians buy 8 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Russians
                1 artillery and 4 infantry moved from Russia to West Russia
                1 infantry moved from Archangel to West Russia
                1 armour moved from Archangel to West Russia
                2 infantry moved from Karelia S.S.R. to West Russia
                1 artillery, 1 fighter and 2 infantry moved from Karelia S.S.R. to Baltic States
                1 armour, 1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Caucasus to Ukraine S.S.R.
                2 armour moved from Russia to Ukraine S.S.R.
                1 fighter moved from Russia to Ukraine S.S.R.

    Combat - Russians
                Battle in West Russia
                    Russians attack with 1 armour, 1 artillery and 7 infantry
                    Germans defend with 1 armour, 1 artillery and 3 infantry
                    Russians win, taking West Russia from Germans with 1 armour, 1 artillery and 5 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 13
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 armour, 1 artillery and 3 infantry
                    Casualties for Russians: 2 infantry
                Battle in Baltic States
                    Russians attack with 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 2 infantry
                    Germans defend with 1 armour and 1 infantry
                    Russians win, taking Baltic States from Germans with 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 armour and 1 infantry
                    Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry
                Battle in Ukraine S.S.R.
                    Russians attack with 3 armour, 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 3 infantry
                    Germans defend with 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 3 infantry
                    2 armour owned by the Russians retreated to Caucasus
                    Germans win with 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -16
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry
                    Casualties for Russians: 1 armour, 1 artillery and 3 infantry

    Non Combat Move - Russians
                1 fighter moved from Baltic States to Russia
                1 fighter moved from Ukraine S.S.R. to Caucasus
                1 aaGun moved from Russia to West Russia
                2 infantry moved from Soviet Far East to Buryatia S.S.R.
                1 infantry moved from Yakut S.S.R. to Buryatia S.S.R.
                2 infantry moved from Evenki National Okrug to Yakut S.S.R.
                1 infantry moved from Novosibirsk to Sinkiang
                1 infantry moved from Kazakh S.S.R. to Szechwan
                1 submarine moved from 4 Sea Zone to 7 Sea Zone

    Place Units - Russians
                1 infantry placed in Karelia S.S.R.
                4 infantry placed in Caucasus
                3 infantry placed in Russia

    Turn Complete - Russians
                Russians collect 28 PUs; end with 28 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II v5 1942 Second Edition, version: 1.9

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Purchase Units - Germans
                Germans buy 13 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;

    Combat Move - Germans
                Turning on Edit Mode
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to 28 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to 29 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to 33 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to 32 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to 31 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to 30 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to 38 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
                EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode

    Non Combat Move - Germans
                1 destroyer moved from 32 Sea Zone to 30 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 30 Sea Zone to 32 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 31 Sea Zone to 29 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 29 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 29 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 33 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 28 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 38 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone

    Place Units - Germans
                10 infantry placed in Germany
                3 infantry placed in Italy

    Turn Complete - Germans
                Germans collect 37 PUs; end with 39 PUs total

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version: 1.8, time: 17:44:11

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version: 1.8, time: 19:58:42

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Civil War: A House Divided, version: 2.2.3

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Turn Complete - AI_Confederate_Commanders
                AI_Confederate_Commanders collect 0 PUs; end with 0 PUs total

  • Civil War: No chance to post turn summaries (more than 20000 characters-error)!

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version: 1.8, time: 21:31:24

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version:, time: 19:42:56

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II v5 1942 Second Edition, version: 1.9

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Purchase Units - Russians
                Russians buy nothing; Remaining resources: 24 PUs;

    Turn Complete - Russians
                Russians collect 24 PUs; end with 48 PUs total

  • Test summary from TripleA, engine version:, time: 19:11:17

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 3.9

    Game History

    Round: 1

    Research Technology - Germans
                Turning on Edit Mode
                EDIT: Removing units owned by British from United Kingdom: 4 aaGuns, 1 bomber and 2 fighters
                EDIT: Removing units owned by French from United Kingdom: 1 fighter
                EDIT: Removing units owned by British from Scotland: 1 aaGun and 1 fighter
                EDIT: Removing units owned by French from France: 1 aaGun and 1 fighter
                EDIT: Removing units owned by French from Southern France: 1 factory_minor
                EDIT: Removing units owned by French from Normandy Bordeaux: 1 factory_minor
                EDIT: Adding units owned by French to Southern France: 1 factory_major
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Western Germany: 3 bombers
                EDIT: Adding Technology Heavy Bomber for Germans
                EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode

    Purchase Units - Germans
                Germans buy nothing; Remaining resources: 30 PUs;

    Combat Move - Germans
                1 bomber moved from Western Germany to United Kingdom
                1 bomber moved from Western Germany to France
                1 bomber moved from Western Germany to Southern France

    Combat - Germans
                Strategic bombing raid in France
                        AA fire in France :  0/1 hits
                    Bombing raid in France rolls: 8,6 and causes: 8 damage to unit: factory_major
                    Bombing raid in France causes 8 damage total.
                Strategic bombing raid in Southern France
                        AA fire in Southern France :  0/1 hits
                    Bombing raid in Southern France rolls: 5,3 and causes: 5 damage to unit: factory_major
                    Bombing raid in Southern France causes 5 damage total.
                Strategic bombing raid in United Kingdom
                        AA fire in United Kingdom :  1/1 hits
                    1 bomber killed by AA
                    Bombing raid in United Kingdom causes 0 damage total.

    Non Combat Move - Germans
                1 bomber moved from France to Western Germany
                1 bomber moved from Southern France to Western Germany

    Turn Complete - Germans
                Germans collect 30 PUs; end with 60 PUs total
                Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 65 PUs
                Objective Germans 1 Trade with Russia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 70 PUs

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