The question was raised about where I have been

  • One two word location, Jen. 
    Freakin’ Maine!  It really is da bomb.  Just get past the taxes and insane governor and rabid moose which can be confused with an occasional lost canadian…
    Did I say that?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    One two word location, Jen. 
    Freakin’ Maine!  It really is da bomb.  Just get past the taxes and insane governor and rabid moose which can be confused with an occasional lost canadian…
    Did I say that?

    I’ve oft dreamt of having a B&B on a cliff in Maine with my own lighthouse (functioning of course!) where there is a “ladder” (I use that in the manner the US Navy does) to get down to the ocean to collect shellfish on my own waterfront property.

    As for “insane” governor.  Uhm…hi, I’m from Illinois where we consider it to be insane to be an ethical politician and our definition of “honest” politician is one that STAYS BOUGHT lol.

    Heck, I’d be good with the gov from S. Carolina the one that ran off with his mistress or some such a few years ago.  Or Blago from IL wasn’t too bad, at least he had nice hair!

    Still, kinda leaning towards TN assuming I can get a job out there.

  • @Cmdr:


    Glad you are better, need you around to spar with, you know?

    I’m in Kentucky, it’s pretty cool.�  You should look into it.

    I am, had a job offer to do sat tv in Lousiville, KY but had to turn it down, not sure if I can handle climbing a ladder with a dish in my hand right now.

    That, and, I am not overly impressed with Louisville.  However, it is AMAZIG how beautiful Kentucky is from Hazard county all the way west to Metropolis, IL (yea that’s in IL, but its’ darn close to the KY border, and that’s where I crossed over from last time.)

    Louisville is not bad, I visit once in a while.  Lexington is great, small enough to easily get away from, big enough to have some perks like other cities.  And if UK wins anything people go crazy.

  • Don’t move to N.Y. Too high a tax rate, I’m looking at N. Carolina in a few years

  • @Cmdr:


    Sorry to hear about your health woes.

    I concur with your desire to leave this state, as I too reside in Illinois.�  Once my youngest gets out of her local college, all options are open.�  Can’t be soon enough.

    Where ya lookin.  Just because all options are open, doesn’t mean you don’t have a preference.

    KY, Ten, Ark

    Not too far from Ill, but not too far south either.  Gotta be on a lake (fisherman), wife likes boating.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    oh I love boating!

    No, wait, I love sleeping on a boat and getting a sun tan while someone else handles steering, and maintenance, that’s the same thing, right?

    ATM Indianapolis, IN is winning, cause we can get a house as the first owners ever which means no roof, no siding, no HVAC troubles, etc biting us for at least 15 years.

  • Sponsor

    Hope you’re feeling better, and back to gaming soon.

  • Cmdr ,

    Sad to see you leaving the Land on Lincoln ,

    He set many slaves free, yet the current leadership forgot that good deed.  They now seem bent on enslaving anybody halfway productive here with higher taxes and regulations.

    My wife and I are also praying and seeking for a quiet exit anywhere better. 
    She favors CA (not me) and FL, but I prefer TX.

    My mom lives in TN, but they do charge an non Wage state Income tax there.

    Where ever you move  , keep in mind that any governor and with a state revenue surplus, will soon draw in productive new residents from all over.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Lincoln was a tyrant, a hypocrite, and a self serving power monger.

    Good Riddance.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Cmdr ,

    Sad to see you leaving the Land on Lincoln ,

    He set many slaves free, yet the current leadership forgot that good deed. They now seem bent on enslaving anybody halfway productive here with higher taxes and regulations.

    My wife and I are also praying and seeking for a quiet exit anywhere better. 
    She favors CA (not me) and FL, but I prefer TX.

    My mom lives in TN, but they do charge an non Wage state Income tax there.Â

    **Where ever you move  , keep in mind that any governor and with a state revenue surplus, will soon draw in productive new residents from all over. **

    That said… I agree with your other comments Linkon! (Bolded).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Lincoln was a tyrant, a hypocrite, and a self serving power monger.

    Good Riddance.

    I feel much the same about Lincoln.  Before he was president, when the United States made a declaration to the world, it was in the form of “The States stand united in…”  and after Lincoln, addresses to the world are more in the form of “The United States is.”

    In case you don’t catch the subtlety there, it’s a matter of 50 States standing together vs 1 Federal Government declaring.

    ATM, as I said, I’m looking at Indianapolis.  Getting yelled at that my poor car is going to get taxed to death (2013 Prius V 5 Series, for those that wonder) but I retort that they would have to charge me $7,600 a year in extra taxes to equal the tax SAVINGS I get for not owning realestate in this accursed state.  Not to mention, our property values went DOWN yet our property taxes went UP.  Pretty sure Detroit started off the same way, hence why I think Chicago is going the way of Detroit.

    Eh…whatever, I don’t want to get into politics.  Just looking for a new place to live.

  • @Gargantua:

    Lincoln was a tyrant, a hypocrite, and a self serving power monger.

    Good Riddance.

    One of your best trolls yet.  I almost fell for it.

  • I agree with Garg, Lincoln was probably the best president after Teddy of course.

  • @Imperious:

    I agree with Garg, Lincoln was probably the best president after Teddy of course.

    I’m surprised more people don’t say William Henry Harrison.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Oh, I can agree with William Henry Harrison.  What was his term, 3 weeks?  Not even really a good chance to get a nice sex scandal going!

    Best:  Thomas Jefferson (basing this on my US History 1 and US History 2 classes, since I didn’t your history in public school.)
    Next:  James Madison (saved the portrait of George Washington while the British burned Washington D.C. down.)

    The rest, in my mind, are worthless.  I could hear an argument for Reagan, but, was he president, or was he playing the role of president?  He strikes me more as playing the role of the ideal president, talking to the people, listening to the people, but if you compare him to any other president that essentially tells the people to shut up and go away now that he’s in office, I’d say he wasn’t really president so much as actor playing president.

  • Polk was a great President.
    He annexed Texas.
    He also elected not to run twice. Not many have walked away happy after one term: power corrupts.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Perhaps.  Texas was a sovereign nation that choose to join the union, didn’t it?  So at least Polk would have done this without military force, which is a pretty good feat!

  • America has acquired territory without fighting, but I think most wanted Texas and were happy for war with Mexico.
    Unlike we friendly pasta munching Italians, Americans do like a scrap.
    Texas was worth it too: what a state!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, and Thomas Jefferson bought enough land to double the size of the United States and paid off the loan within his term, I believe.  Someone purchased Alaska from Russia too, wow was that a good buy!  Gold, Oil, Pollock (fish for fish sticks), and what beautiful views!

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