@phd_angel This is not the expansion set for Global War, but a stand alone game. You get the rules and setup charts when you purchase the map.
HBG's Japanese Sets
Updated first post.
Can you define the distinction between “fleet” and “heavy” carriers?
Fleet will be same size as OOB, Heavy will be larger to have a different unit type.
Escort, Fleet, heavyCool. Thank you Coach.
It seems this three tiered unit type is a an HBG theme. I kinda like it.
I was just wondering about the “heavy infantry” in the Expansion set. What will they be? Is it like the guy with the Panzerfaust in the Axis Minors sets?
I was just wondering about the “heavy infantry” in the Expansion set. What will they be? Is it like the guy with the Panzerfaust in the Axis Minors sets?
We are still working on that, we have a Paratrooper in first set, SNLF with light machine gun in Amerika, thinking about Infantry with rifle in second with soft hat or Heavy Machine gun.
I was just wondering about the “heavy infantry” in the Expansion set. What will they be? Is it like the guy with the Panzerfaust in the Axis Minors sets?
We are still working on that, we have a Paratrooper in first set, SNLF with light machine gun in Amerika, thinking about Infantry with rifle in second with soft hat or Heavy Machine gun.
I’d like to see an Imperial Guard unit for the third. That way you get a marine, airborne, and elite infantry.
Just saw the Japanese airborne with Type 100 on your facebook page……I like it!
Any timeline for the release date of them? summer? fall?
I think it’s mid-summer.
I think it’s mid-summer.
Currently, I think this is a safe bet. Tough part right now is trying to do a double set of Japanese at the same time as Amerika stuff and WWI stuff with a new method (the 3d modeling you’ve been seeing on FB). Very time consuming work alongside the regular stuff (markers, games, conventions, real jobs :wink: etc).
Yes, variable is correct.
Japan set 1 has 12 models and all 3d modeled and done, manufacturer has them.
Japan set 2 has 12 models, all but 3 3d models are finished.
Amerika has 24 3d models, all but 2 are finished.
WW1 set has 12 3d models, 4 are completed.
There are some 3d models finished in other future sets also.
The sets will go faster now that we have several models already made and not playing catch up. -
Pre-Order is up for the Japanese Supplement Set! Be sure to click on the Image Gallery for a look at all the pieces.
We are using the Supplement Set Pre-Order to fund the Expansion Set going to the factory as well. So, the sooner we sell the required amount of the first set, the sooner we can kick the next one into production. Thank you all for your help in making these awesome sets possible!
Ordered two sets! Is the yellow anywhere near the color of the old original A&A Japanese pieces?
Just saw the Japan Supplement Set on Facebook, looks awesome. Is it possible to get a close up of all the units? Can only see so much from top down.
Below the main picture is a box that says “Image gallery”. If you click, there are a number of pictures.
Wow, i can’t believe I’ve never noticed this feature before!
Wow, i can’t believe I’ve never noticed this feature before!
No problem, just found it myself.
Count me in as dumb. I didn’t know about the feature until I read your post mentioning it.
The yellow-gold colour was designated as “Thai / Veteran” yesterday when I ordered it, but today on the HBG website it’s been redesignated as “Manchukuo” (with the “Thai / Veteran” designation being reassigned to the new HBG light orange colour). Will the orders already placed be fulfilled on the basis of the colour that was selected, rather than on the changed designations?
I’m sure that it will be fine. Check your confirmation email. It states the color that you ordered in the message so I’m sure that you are good to go.