[G40] No New Industrial Complexes (Strategic Movement & Reasonable Industry)

  • This set of rules has become quite well-tested & well-loved, although some elements (“Limited Production”) are still under stress testing, particularly for Sea Lion.

    I present it to you to consider using. It restructures the nature of production & unit mobility. The UK can move units rapidly around the map & Germany can redeploy quickly (but not instantly) from the Eastern to Western fronts. Russia may ship her units to the Pacific & back & the Western Allies can begin pumping tanks into France, as soon as they get a toehold. However, overall production values are limited. Italy & India will forever be limited, and Japan may never start producing 9 infantry a turn on the continent.

    See the bottom of this page for what the total production sums are.

    Unconstructable & Uncapturable Industry

    • MajIC/MinICs may never be built.
    • MinICs may never be upgraded.
      • Exception: US MinICs upgrade to MajICs automatically when the US goes to war.
    • A nation may never produce units in an industrial complex that was not originally that nation’s.
    • Note: Captured ICs may be used for strategic movement.

    Limited Production

    • Major industrial complexes produce either 5 units or as many as the PU value of the territory on which it is built, whichever is higher.
    • Minor ICs produce either 3 units or as many as the PU value of the territory on which it is built, whichever is lower.
    • Capital Shipyards: Capital ships (BBs & CVs) may only be built by Major ICs.

    New Facility: Army Base/Barracks

    • ArmB may be built on any territory for 12 IPCs. They produce no units, but are valid endpoints for Strategic Non-Combat Movement.
    • ArmB may be Tactically Bombed (max 6 damage) & are automatically destroyed if captured.

    Strategic Non-Combat Movement

    • Land units which are in territories containing Industrial Complexes or Barracks (hereafter known as “endpoints”) may be moved to other endpoints as a non-combat movement.
    • The number of land units which may depart from or arrive in a territory containing an endpoint is equal to the PU value of that territory.

    Valid Strategic Endpoints

    • To transport land units between two endpoints you must be able to either:
      • Land-to-land: Trace a land route between the two endpoints which only follows cooperating allies’ territories.
        • Exception: For the purposes of strategic movement, there exists a land bridge from Denmark to Sweden. Germany & Italy consider neutral or pro-Axis Sweden cooperating.
      • Sea-to-Sea: Have both endpoints adjacent to the ocean without any enemy warships adjacent to either of the endpoints.
    • Both endpoints must be undamaged. Both endpoints must have been under friendly control since the start of your turn.
    • Note: Land-to-Sea & Sea-to-Land are never valid!

    Strategic Cooperation

    • While at war, certain nations may use valid endpoints controlled by cooperating allies according to the following rules:
      • Germany & Italy share all endpoints.
      • UKE & Cmm share all endpoints.
      • All endpoints in continental Europe may be shared by the Western Allies.

    Pacific Exceptions to Strategic Movement Limits

    • Indonesian Jungle: To represent difficult terrain and lack of infrastructure in the East Indies (uniquely and poorly represented in the PU value of these economically critical territories), treat Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, and Java as 0 PU territories for the purpose of strategic movement.
    • Tokyo Express: With a valid endpoint, Japan may move one extra infantry during sea-to-sea strategic movement on the Pacific board.
      • Note: This means Japan alone may strategically move units to/from the East Indies & worthless islands.
    • Trans-Siberian Railway: With a valid endpoint, the USSR may move two extra infantry per turn to/from originally-Russian territories on the Pacific board.

    Setup Changes

    • Add barracks to the following territories:
      • Germany: Norway.
      • Commonwealth: Malaya, New Zealand.
      • Japan: Iwo Jima, the Carolines.
      • United Kingdom: Egypt, South Africa (replace the Minor IC).
      • Italy: Libya.
      • USSR: Buryatia.
      • United States: Philippines, Hawaiians.
    • Add Minor ICs to the following territories:
      • Germany: Gr S Germany, Romania.
      • Japan: Manchuria.
      • United Kingdom: Scotland.
    • Add Major ICs to the following territories:
      • USSR: Novosibirsk.


    That’s all for the rules. Here’s some bonus if you hate doing arithmetic or are confused.

    Note on Production Totals

    • Germany has a total production of 16:
      • 5 from the W German major IC
      • 5 from the German major IC
      • 3 From the Gr S German minor IC
      • 3 from the Romanian minor IC
    • Pacific Commonwealth has a total production of 7:
      • 5 from the Indian major IC
      • 2 from the N S Wales minor IC
    • Japan has a total production of 11:
      • 8 from the Japanese major IC
      • 3 from the Manchurian minor IC
    • The United Kingdom has a total production of 10:
      • 6 from the British major IC
      • 2 from the Scottish minor IC
      • 2 from the Canadian minor IC
    • Italy has a total production of 8:
      • 5 from the N Italian major IC
      • 3 from the S Italian minor IC
    • The USSR has a total production of 16:
      • 2 from the Novgorod minor IC
      • 2 from the Ukrainian minor IC
      • 2 from the Volgograd minor IC
      • 5 from the Russian major IC
      • 5 from the Novosibirsk major IC
    • The US has a total production of 44:
      • 10 from the Western US major IC
      • 12 from the Central US major IC
      • 20 from the Eastern US major IC
  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @hengst :+1: Cool always nice to see a new take on a fun game. Maybe give some Game examples when explaining the new rules.

    Your Limited Factory gets a :muscle: Here’s what the Global Redesign came up with from multiple members

    1. “FactoryLimited_ChangerMustActivate”
      Air and Naval Bases now cost 12. All captured and newly constructed Minor Factories may only produce Artillery, AAguns, Armor, Mech Infantry, Mobile Infantry, Marines, Elite and Infantry. If a NB is present you may also build Subs, Transports, Escort Carriers and Destroyers. If an AB is present you may also build Fighters and Tac Bombers.

    ABs are required to build Fighters, Tac Bombers, Bombers and Air Transports. Bombers and Air Transports may only be built in Factories on originally owned Territories that also have an AB. In addition, Bombers and Air Transports may not be built in the following territories: Kwangtung, Egypt, Norway, Alaska, West India and Korea. May not build at an AB with 3 or more damage. Note: You may not place new Fighters on CVs. All air units may only be placed in the Territory that contains an AB as well as the correct Factory.

    NBs are required to build all Naval Units. BBs, CVs and CAs may only be built in Territories with originally owned starting Factories. These Territories must also have a NB (Need not be original NB). May not build at a NB with 3 or more damage.

    New Zealand receives a Minor Factory to allow ANZAC Air builds. Quebec receives a NB to allow for Naval builds.

    The Central United States receives a NB to allow for additional prewar Naval builds. This addresses Capital Ships and Bombers being built in newly conquered Territories. It should also be noted that UK may only build Air Units in UK at game start. This makes the UK AB a prime Axis target.

    May also be activated via Map Options.

    Found it to be way Fun :) Nice to see someone testing stuff.

    Rock On !!!.png

  • @barnee Have you experimented at all with chinese-esque placement rules for infantry? That is, every nation can plop down as many infantry in a controlled territory as the IPC value of said territory; no IC required?

    Been kicking around in my head but I haven’t put in even a modicum of the huge amount of effort that would be needed to balance it.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @hengst Not for the Global map. Years ago Xeno Games had World at War I think it was called, and it had that feature. Seemed like it benefited Germany from what i remember. Different Map but I suspect it would benefit Germany on the E Front quite a bit on Global.

    Did try @Black_Elk s
    "MilitaryBase_Produces_2inf MilitaryBases C12. May place in any territory of 1 PU or less. Maximum of 1 Base per territory. May receive up to 6 damage. Cannot place Infantry if 2 or more damage. May only palce 1 with 1 damage. Has AA capability same as Factories.

    Seemed as if it overpowered some of the Pacific Islands if I remember right. Tried it in Middle East with Italy and Soviet Asia as well. Seemed to work good there.

    I’m a intermediate player at best, so my conclusions should be taken as such. Thought it was fun option though. It’s there if players want to try it anyway :)

    Just looked at it. Have to activate with German Tech. I need to clear the Notes up on it. Probably just make it a Map Option.
    Can’t remember if you can capture or if they auto Destroy. I think you can capture

  • @barnee Give the barracks/army base rules in this post a try. It’s similar, but you only get to move as many units as the IPC value of the territory; so less broken for the pacific.

    Japan gets an exception, and can move +1 inf to any pacific island/coastline (w/ an army base). Maybe saves them a transport; I’ve hardly seen the exception used much less exploited in any playtest game thus far.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @hengst yea i read through them again. Some cool ideas. The End Points are interesting. Kind of a Railroad type thing. For Land anyway.

    Got a couple other things going, but yea, gonna check it out some more :)

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