@lebowsky I’m good
Find league opponents here
I’m combining the two threads.
Just state which game you are looking for (G40 or AA50).
If it gets to be an issue we’ll separate the threads.
Well let me be the first to lead things off, then, for the new league season. Looking for a G40.2 league opponent. Message me.
Is the 2012 League done? What are the dates of the league? I can’t seem to find it.
2012 League ends on Nov. 1
Who is/How are we going to manage the League Tournaments?
Jen does G40
I do AA50-41
I’ll play a game of g1940.2 with someone starting on or after Nov 1. PM me if interested.
Looking for a G40 A3 opponent. TripleA - Dice game.
2013 league -
If anyone wants to start the new league year off with a win, let me know.
Looking to dip my toe into the whole league concept for G50. LMK if you’d like to play!
Looking to play my first G40 League game, let me know if your interested
Looking for opponents who want to try AA50-41 with lowluck. (Bmap or AAA)
Let me know.
Looking for an opponent for Global 1940. I am willing to play technology, but I am also okay with no technology. Battlemap only.
You want to rematch (3rd I think) Jen? Battlemap is cool with me as your know. Let tech roll…
I’ll take allies straight up if want…
Actually this would be the 4th game 8-)
I wouldnt miss this for the whole world…I would like to give it a try, Global A+3 or A+3.9 I’ll try Tech and no bid, either side I dont care. P.M. me if interested
Tanks S.A. -
yes, 2013 league…. :lol:
Looking to get another G40.2 league game going. PM me if interested.
I’m new and i would like to give it a try also. would you please let me in. thank you