When the germans attack then it is importent to protect all your expensive units. planes, med, tanks art. but also large stack of infantery. If it is a good german player he will buy 10 infantery in G1 and 10 tanks in G2. In G2 he had move all his planes to the eastern front, ready for an attack. with this force he outnumber your russian infantery, even if you have 15 or 20 inf in a territory close to him. normally I evacuate Leningrad with all of the units there. move them back, and I keep them out of range for the german ground troops. I really hurts in my heart to giv up the city, without any fight, but it cost to much to keep it, and the germans can also get more unit to leningrad than you. but also faster. When you retreat leave one inf at every teritorium to prevent the germans to blizt. Move your troops to moscow. buliding inf here. You do also need to build art, so you can make a counteroffensive. It is at that time the russians get dangerous. Sometime i move the russian far east units back to moscow, because Moscow must not fall.
The most importent city is mosow, it must not fall, otherwise it is gameover. The nex one is Stalingrad. it is easier to recapture than leningrad. Here I try to recapture ukraine because of industrial complex, and it is very close to moscow. finally it is leningrad. I know it is a VC, but as russian you need to be careful with your units. always remember that.
As long as the axis don’t get moscow they don’t win, otherwise they got london…
If you make a counterattack it is importent that your units doesn’t become sitting ducks. special not the expensive onces…
If somebody ever built 10 infantry against me on G1, he would never take Cairo or London. E.V.E.R. Both European Axis navies would be decimated. The Royal Navy would rule the high seas. And 2 IC’s in Africa would be cranking out 6 land units per turn. There is no way the Axis could make it to Moscow/Stalingrad/ and back to hold Cairo/London for a full turn before the Allies could capture Paris or Rome (or Leningrad).
Moscow is NOT game over if the Axis ignores UK with a 10inf buy on G1. 8VCs. Leningrad makes 5. Moscow makes 6. Stalingrad makes 7.
Why are you discouraging a blitz? You just said make sure your valuable units aren’t left vulnerable for a counter-attack. Why would you keep your opponent from making that EXACT same mistake. Don’t let him blitz Moscow, obviously. But if they want to get tanks out from underneath air and infantry cover? Knock yourself out! I’ll even help you move those pieces!
That’s a brutal German play, not a good German play… Those 10 infantry aren’t on Russian soil until G3 anyways. If you’re going to attack G3, there’s no reason to ignore UK for the first 2 rounds. Germany has to at least make UK think about his UK1 purchase and make him pay when he goes mechs and an IC.