I took 2 tacs as casualties in Norway. Not sure if you would have prefered to lose ftrs.
2013 G40 League Post Game Results Here - Thread
Stalingradski (axis) wins over Mryogen (allies +12)
whackamatt (axis) wins over Mryogen (allies+10)
wheatbeer (axis) wins over Mryogen (allies +16)
Wheatbeer (axis) over Hank13 (allies +11) in a 6-round drubbing!
Shrimpboatchef (Allies +8) wins over Mryogen (Axis)
Hank13 (Axis) over Stalingradski (Allies)
For unknown reasons, I have a matchup problem with Hank - he thrashed me completely in back to back games.
Hank13 (Axis) over Stalingradski (Allies)
For unknown reasons, I have a matchup problem with Hank - he thrashed me completely in back to back games.
Was it lopsided dice at all?
Remember if Hank completes 13 games (and assuming you are there by then too), then you can try again!
Gamerman01 over Last Jack
Allies get Sea Lion’ed! My Sea Lion cherry popped. 'nuff said.
Wheatbeer over Mallery29
Unknown Soldier (Allies +11) over Odonis (Axis)
Hank13 (Axis) over Stalingradski (Allies)
For unknown reasons, I have a matchup problem with Hank - he thrashed me completely in back to back games.
Was it lopsided dice at all?
In the first game, he went all bombers in the Pacific (with a good sprinkling of US navy). I made a very basic mistake and allowed him a landing spot in China for all of his air… he destroyed my IC in Kiangsu, cut the north off from the south, erased my japanese navy, took everything away in two turns, then turned everything toward the Atlantic. I’m proud to say I still came within one turn of winning on the Europe map, but he killed me fair and square.
The second game he went with the standard G5 mech/armor/air kill of Moscow (a G1 Barbarossa). Yes, I got diced. Examples were a very important 6 infantry on 2 infantry in Shan State in which his two infantry killed all six of my UK troops without loss (25 missed 1s, ouch), but much worse, a 15 piece shift in the taking of Moscow - which were all armor and air. By straight odds, I had set myself up for a counter and he had no follow up. With my position on the rest of the board we would have had a long slugfest, and I would give it a 50/50 from then on.
The most challenging thing for me wasn’t dice - it was an uncanny lack of mistakes on his part. Every move was the perfect move. When I made a mistake, he pounced on it and made me pay to the highest possible degree. I’ve been playing versions of A&A for a looong time - since it originally came out - and I’ve never had someone play flawlessly every single turn for such a sustained period of time, combined with a sprinkling of favorable dice, combined with every mistake I made immediately being turned into a gaping chest wound. I don’t have an answer - I have a matchup problem with him. He brought his A+ game to both games, and I brought a C in the first one, B+ in the second. It wasn’t enough.
I salute him!
Remember if Hank completes 13 games (and assuming you are there by then too), then you can try again!
I’ve already told him - after my counseling for PTSD, once we both meet the driteria, it’s on again! :-)
I’ve never had someone play flawlessly every single turn for such a sustained period of time, combined with a sprinkling of favorable dice, combined with every mistake I made immediately being turned into a gaping chest wound.
For the record, this is not a typical experience for my opponents - re: Wheatbeer & Infrastructure
I’ve already told him - after my counseling for PTSD, once we both meet the driteria, it’s on again! :-)
I worry that at night when you try to sleep you still hear the sound of American bombers overhead :)
(Running and hiding under bed)
Hank13 (Axis) over Stalingradski (Allies)
For unknown reasons, I have a matchup problem with Hank - he thrashed me completely in back to back games.
Was it lopsided dice at all?
In the first game, he went all bombers in the Pacific (with a good sprinkling of US navy). I made a very basic mistake and allowed him a landing spot in China for all of his air… he destroyed my IC in Kiangsu, cut the north off from the south, erased my japanese navy, took everything away in two turns, then turned everything toward the Atlantic. I’m proud to say I still came within one turn of winning on the Europe map, but he killed me fair and square.
The second game he went with the standard G5 mech/armor/air kill of Moscow (a G1 Barbarossa). Yes, I got diced. Examples were a very important 6 infantry on 2 infantry in Shan State in which his two infantry killed all six of my UK troops without loss (25 missed 1s, ouch), but much worse, a 15 piece shift in the taking of Moscow - which were all armor and air. By straight odds, I had set myself up for a counter and he had no follow up. With my position on the rest of the board we would have had a long slugfest, and I would give it a 50/50 from then on.
The most challenging thing for me wasn’t dice - it was an uncanny lack of mistakes on his part. Every move was the perfect move. When I made a mistake, he pounced on it and made me pay to the highest possible degree. I’ve been playing versions of A&A for a looong time - since it originally came out - and I’ve never had someone play flawlessly every single turn for such a sustained period of time, combined with a sprinkling of favorable dice, combined with every mistake I made immediately being turned into a gaping chest wound. I don’t have an answer - I have a matchup problem with him. He brought his A+ game to both games, and I brought a C in the first one, B+ in the second. It wasn’t enough.
I salute him!
Glad I am not the only one who had to endure this experience :)
I might have figured it out - Hank could actually be Larry mingling with and getting to know his troops - like Henry V before the Battle of Agincourt :wink:
My other theory is that Hank is a regular fella who’s good at A&A and beat me a couple times…
Oh crap we’re dealing in theories?
Oh crap!
Where would one hypothetically go to locate one of these theories?
Does this involve thinking?
I’m only good at complaining, not thinking… -
ShrimpBoatChef over Last Jack
Mryogen (Axis) over Entek (Allies +9) Game 2Great game!