Axis and Allies Pacific 1940 2nd Edition ( AAP40.2) FAQ/question

  • '17 '16 '15

    It means just captured by china

    china can place units in only territories they control

  • Barney is correct, it means territories that China just took.

    I agree with you that Japan should not be able to easily blast through China, as they can in this game, but that is the way it is with the current board, rules, and setup.

  • Also, can players skip the combat move phase of their turn?  I know they don’t have to fight, but I’m asking this because of kamikaze strikes.  The rulebook says you can make a kamikaze after Allie’s combat move but before the actual combat.  I think it phrases it like this so that the Allies have to commit before Japan needs to decide whether or not to use it and to make it clear that fighters from carriers will not be disabled (since they take off at the beginning of the combat move phase.)  However, does this also mean that if America is just sitting off my coast to disrupt my convoys and content to not make any combat moves, I don’t still have the option of kamikazing him during his turn?

  • Kamikazes can only be used in response to a combat move by the Allied fleet in a kamikaze zone.
    Allied ships sitting there doing convoy damage can not be attacked by kamikazes.
    The Allied ships have to be attempting an amphibious assault or attacking Japanese boats in the combat movement phase for kamikazes to be used.

    “If an Allied player attacks Japanese units in or declares an amphibious assault from any of these sea zones, the Japanese player can announce at the beginning of this phase that he or she intends to launch kamikaze strikes in that sea zone”

    Note that if the player is not Japanese, kamikaze strikes can never be used.  :wink:

  • Thanks for your help.  I’ll start playing this game right one of these days.

  • '12

    Quick question regarding this errata:

    “The United States begins the game neutral. It may not declare war on Japan unless Japan first declares war on it or makes
    an unprovoked declaration of war against the United Kingdom or ANZAC. Following any such unprovoked
    declaration of war by Japan, the United States will receive an immediate one-time bonus payment of 30
    IPCs, representing the total mobilization and transfer of military assets within the continental United
    States. However, if the United States is still not at war with Japan by the Collect Income phase of its third
    turn, it may declare war on Japan at the beginning of that phase. This is an exception to the rules for
    declaring war (see “Declaring War,” page 11), which may normally be done only at the beginning of the
    Combat Move phase.” (Note that this change applies only to the Pacific rules, and not to the Global

    Does the USA still get this if they remain neutral? For example if Japan DOWs UK/Anzac but not USA, and USA chooses to remain neutral?

  • Yes.  There is no written requirement that the USA declare war on Japan to get the one-time bonus payment.  The sole trigger is Japan declaring war on USA or unprovoked on UK/ANZAC

  • '12


  • General question Europe or Pacific…  Sea zone amphib assualt against an island with a defending carrier and 2 fighters in the sea zone and 1 infantry on the island.  After first round of sea zone battle, attacker has 1 damaged BB and transport with 2 infrantry, and defender chooses to lose the carrier and keep 2 fighters in air over the sea zone.  Question… can the transports land the infantry and start a land battle even though the sky above the attacking BB and TP still has defending fighters?  Rules only state there is a sea battle if there are defending warships and/or “scrambled” aircraft (not aircraft from a carrier).

  • @Carolina:

    Question… can the transports land the infantry and start a land battle even though the sky above the attacking BB and TP still has defending fighters?  Rules only state there is a sea battle if there are defending warships and/or “scrambled” aircraft (not aircraft from a carrier).

    No, the attacker has to kill the defending fighters before being able to land his units. When the Carrier is sunk, the sea battle continues unless the attacker does not retreat.

    HTH :-)

  • French Indo China question - IF Japan does an air only attack against a UK unit in FIC, will that cause Japan to lose the 10 IPC Natl Obj bonus?

  • YES
    You can’t attack FIC and get the 10, and that includes air-only

  • If USA not at war start of their turn 3, US can declare war at start of Collect Income phase.
    Question: Would that declaration be before any rolls for convoy disruptions?  ie. Turn 3 Japan puts a sub off coast of Philippines.  Would that sub would disrupt convoys for USA IPC count on turn 3 (if US declares war)?

  • Yes it is before the convoy disruptions, because those are part of the collect income phase.  The Japanese sub would get to roll for disruption

  • Scramble question: Japan attempting an amphib assault on Philippines where US planes exist with air base.  The sea zone around Philippines has only UK ships (plus the attacking JA ships).  Can US scramble planes to defend in the sea zone? (pretty sure the answer is yes)

  • Yes, Carolina. Up to three planes (any Allied nation, including  US ones), can scramble and defend with the U.K. Ships.

  • If japan is not at war with UK the UK ships can be ignored I think.Alternatively ,If japan is not at war with USA,the UK ships can be attacked.The US planes can’t scramble(no amphibious attack in this case)

  • @ampdrive:

    If japan is not at war with UK the UK ships can be ignored I think.Alternatively ,If japan is not at war with USA,the UK ships can be attacked.The US planes can’t scramble(no amphibious attack in this case)

    Yes, but pretty clear from his question that Japan is at war with both

  • Alaska / Shan State;  These both have dual coasts.  Assume Naval Base marker is good for both sea zones?

  • @Carolina:

    Alaska / Shan State;  These both have dual coasts.  Assume Naval Base marker is good for both sea zones?

    Yes, all naval bases service all adjacent coasts, like West Germany’s serves 112 and 113 both

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