Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

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    Can transports unload within a sea zone with an enemy sub in it, during the non-combat movement phase?

    Can you upgrade a Minor IC to a Major IC and place 10 units on it within the same turn?

    1 lone AA artillery unit is being attacked by 1 fighter, is it possible for the AA gun to be destroyed or is a land unit required? if so, would there be a 2nd combat round seeing as the gun only fires once?

    Thanks in advance.

  • @Young:

    Can transports unload within a sea zone with an enemy sub in it, during the non-combat movement phase?

    YES.  Subs only prevent unescorted amphibious assault attempts.

    Can you upgrade a Minor IC to a Major IC and place 10 units on it within the same turn?

    NO.  It was not major at the beginning of your turn.

    1 lone AA artillery unit is being attacked by 1 fighter, is it possible for the AA gun to be destroyed or is a land unit required? if so, would there be a 2nd combat round seeing as the gun only fires once?

    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, the AAA gun will be automatically destroyed if the AAA defense roll misses the fighter, because it has no defense value.  This would be true of multiple AAA guns as well - think transports.  It is inevitable that all of them would be destroyed because the attacking air can roll in perpetuity against 0 defense.

    For example, if the Axis move all 4 Italian AAA and 4 German AAA together to a territory with no other ground or air units, the Allies could destroy all 8 of them with a single aircraft, if the single AAA roll misses (is not a 1).  Or, the Allies could destroy them all with 2 aircraft, as long as the defense is not snake eyes

  • Hello to all.  I had Pacific 1940 for a while, thought it was to complicated, and recently acquired Europe too.  Now I have taken up on learning the game (even though I still haven’t played it due to the lack of space in my house for the board).  So my first question is if air units can scramble to help defend allied ground or sea units in adjacent (or the same) territory/sea zone that aren’t part of the same nation.  Also, can air units scramble to help defending units that are being attacking by non-air units?  Another question of mine is if you have a submarine combined with other units in a fleet and you take a hit, can you choose to lose the submarine?  I got confused with that in the rules.  Also, if you run out of units (you build all your tanks and they all dies is an example) can you build more tanks?  Do you have to substitute a household item as a tank?  In addition, what purpose does the battleboard serve?  I roll a dice for each type of unit (if 1 unit of that type 1 die, if 2 units 2 die, etc.) If the combat stat is 3, and any of the dice roll a 3 or less, its a hit.  That’s how I think it is.  Am I wrong and the battle board is supposed to do this, or am I mistaken and misinterpreting?  Thanks for the help!

  • @DeltaBiscuit:

    Hello to all.  I had Pacific 1940 for a while, thought it was to complicated, and recently acquired Europe too.  Now I have taken up on learning the game (even though I still haven’t played it due to the lack of space in my house for the board).  So my first question is if air units can scramble to help defend allied ground or sea units in adjacent (or the same) territory/sea zone that aren’t part of the same nation.

    Yes, they can scramble to adjacent sea zones, but not territories.  Scrambled aircraft only defend adjacent seazones against naval combat and/or amphibious assaults from that sea zone, even if the amphibious assault is attacking a territory that is different than the territory from which the scrambled aircraft are coming.

    Also, can air units scramble to help defending units that are being attacking by non-air units?

    Yes, scrambled aircraft can defend against naval only, when there is no attacking aircraft.  But again, there is no scrambling to a land territory

    Another question of mine is if you have a submarine combined with other units in a fleet and you take a hit, can you choose to lose the submarine?  I got confused with that in the rules.

    Yes, as long as it is an enemy ship that scored the hit, or an enemy aircraft when an enemy destroyer is still present.  In other words, the only time you can’t take a sub off for an enemy hit is if the hit is from enemy aircraft and the enemy has no destroyers present.  The aircraft in that situation cannot target the submarine.

    Also, if you run out of units (you build all your tanks and they all dies is an example) can you build more tanks?

    If you have the money and the production capacity you can always build a unit.

    Do you have to substitute a household item as a tank?

    If you run out of tank items?  You can use chips under existing tanks on the board to show multiple tanks.  If you still run out of tanks, you could use another power’s tanks and put the country’s symbol thing under it, or use some other item as a substitute, yes.

    In addition, what purpose does the battleboard serve?  I roll a dice for each type of unit (if 1 unit of that type 1 die, if 2 units 2 die, etc.) If the combat stat is 3, and any of the dice roll a 3 or less, its a hit.  That’s how I think it is.  Am I wrong and the battle board is supposed to do this, or am I mistaken and misinterpreting?  Thanks for the help!

    Sounds like you have it right.  You don’t have to use the battle board at all.  If you have a lot of units involved in a battle, though, it can help you organize your units (keep your 1’s together, your 2’s together).

    Depending on how long you’ve had your game, you may still have 1st edition rules.  If you don’t have 2nd edition rules, you can download the PDF here
    and here

    There is an official FAQ to supplement these rules as well.  I don’t have the link handy - I hope someone else will provide it again here (then I can bookmark it too)

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  • @Young:

    A&A Europe 1940 Errata and FAQs

    A&A Pacific 1940 Errata and FAQs

    They updated the FAQ (as of November 24, 2014) with new, modified links:

    I don’t know why they don’t remove the September-links or why they don’t just replace the old files with the new ones.

  • Sponsor

    Thanks Panther, I’ll update my thread with those links.

  • A short question about US movement: I know it is not meant that way (or is it), but the rules say:

    “While not at war with Germany or Italy, the United States may end the movement of its sea units on the
    Europe map only in sea zones that are adjacent to U.S. territories…”

    What if I move to, let’s say, SZ 86 in my nomcombat move, than walk into Brasil… and miraculously my move ended in a SZ that is “adjacent to U.S. territories”?

  • Hi Shaniana.
    You can’t walk into Brazil, until at war.

  • Good point! Thanks!  :-D

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    So if Italy declares war on Russia during R2, and Germany does not on their next turn (R3), Russia can still declare war on all European Axis powers on their next turn (R3)… correct?

  • Correct.
    If Russia is at war with one European Axis power, she can declare war on the other one at any time.

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    If Russia is at war with one European Axis power, she can declare war on the other one at any time.

    Now when you say anytime, do you mean at the begining of Russia’s next turn, or do you mean immediately after Italy attacks? (which would take away the German NO for trade with Russia).

  • Yeah, I meant any time when Russia would normally be able to declare war, which is after purchasing units but before the combat move on Russia’s turn

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    Yeah, I meant any time when Russia would normally be able to declare war, which is after purchasing units but before the combat move on Russia’s turn

    Awesome, thanks Gamerman.

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    If an American aircraft carrier with one US fighter and 1 ANZAC fighter attacks an enemy fleet, and the American aircraft carrier is damaged… than the ANZAC fighter is destroyed right? meaning it can’t land on an adjacent friendly territory like it could if defending right… or could it?

  • It is stuck below decks, until the Carrier is repaired, YG. It will only go down withe the ship, if it is destroyed.

  • That’s right, allied fighters can only take off from their ally’s carrier on the fighter owner’s turn.  If you attack using a carrier with an allied fighter on it, that allied fighter must stay on that carrier - like Wittman said, you could think of it (them) as below decks.  If the carrier takes a hit and is damaged, that fighter is pinned to the carrier until after the carrier is repaired.  The fighter is only lost if the carrier takes the 2nd hit and is sunk

    I know you didn’t ask this, but in an effort to avoid confusing others, when the allied carrier with the allied fighter is on DEFENSE, defending fighters are considered in the air.  If the carrier is damaged or sunk, then the allied fighter would have the chance to land on a different carrier in the zone or to fly 1 movement point to a carrier in a neighboring seazone or a bordering land territory (one movement point).

    In other words, it is only when a carrier is combat moved into an attack and takes a hit that allied fighters are ever pinned to an allied carrier.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Ok, just so I am clear, for an Axis win, they need to hold 8/6 VCs for an entire round from when the condition is achieved.  So G10 to G11, or It10 to It11 and if the allies manage to capture one VC in the interm and then even lose it back to the Axis, the victory condition is reset.

    And tripple A has this wrong.


    FYI: while the rule book says “for a complete” round, I suggest that the FAQ should illustrate the rule for the example of when the 8 or 6 are achieved at the start of a round by Germany or Japan, the allies take one back but then lose it to Italy say, but that this would not result in a win at the end of the round.

  • Karl, it sounds like you have it right.

    J10 to J11, or I12 to I13, yes, that’s right.

    One thing to clarify is that in the case that the Allies get a city, it is completely reset.  The Axis have to get to the requisite number of cities again, and once they do, they have to hold that many cities or more for a complete round (I14 to I15 for example)

    Like when a boxer gets up before the 10 count, the referee has to start counting from “1” again the next time the boxer is down.

    And yes, TripleA is totally worthless on this point, from what I’ve heard

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