2b - Also, if Japan obeys all of the rules regarding its restrictions/obligations toward the Allies & the US during peacetime, and then the US elects to declare war against Japan on its 3rd turn, would that not be an unprovoked declaration of war? What would the implications of this be?
3 - ‘Declaring War’ on page 11 is a little unclear. If a power declares war on an opposing power, then is it true that that opposing power does not also have to declare war back on its next turn? This seems obvious but the wording in the rulebook is a little vague to me.
1. Japan must declare war on UK/ANZAC to attack a dutch territory, OR, Japan may declare war on UK/ANZAC if the commonwealth has already declared war on Japan. Not really contradictory but maybe could have used an edit for language - it’s worded that way so that it should be clear that a state of war must exist between them but doesn’t get into the particulars of who attacked whom first.
No. DOW’s are instantly reciprocal. If the UK/ANZ has declared war on Japan, then they are at war with Japan and Japan is at war with them. There is no need for a Japanese declaration back.
2b. Makes no difference. Once the US is in the war, it doesn’t matter who provoked it. There are no implications nor special rules based on provocation & the US. The only nations where provocation has a rule implication are UK/ANZAC and the Dutch territories.
It is not unprovoked! The Japanese are considered to have attacked Pearl Harbor by this time, regardless of the in-game situation. The USA declaration of war on the Japanese on US3 is considered provoked by the dastardly attack on Pearl Harbor. Same thing for the global game.