Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    The rule says attacking sea units can only retreat to friendly sea zone at the start of a players turn.

    P. 8 says only enemy surface ships make a sea zone hostile, so the retreat it ok, as I read it.

  • TripleA

    For germany’s egypt NO… will germany collect +5 for having an AA gun on egypt?

  • Official Q&A


  • Scenario: There are ships in a sea zone belonging to a nation, for example US boats in SZ 112. The UK performs an amphibious assault on Denmark from SZ112 with only transports.

    If Germany scrambles fighters do these fighters simple blow up the transports? The transports are technically attacking and multinational forces cannot attack together, therefore the US ships could not participate in the fight.

  • Hi Zanetheinsane. You are right to say the Ally cannot defend with the Transports, but they are not automatically dead. The scrambled Fighters still need to hit them. At the end of the round, the surviving Transports can then choose to  retreat one SZ as per usual retreat rules.

  • If you capitol is taken, say London, and the British capture So. Italy later before London is liberated, what happens to the Italian IPCS? Do the Brits get a build phase on the smaller factories? Or are the IPCs lost?

  • Unfortunately, UK collects the IPCs from Italy but can’t use them until London is liberated.  They are in the bank til then.

  • Can I elect not to place units and receive a refund? I think this was legal in global at some point but I can’t find the rule in the 2nd edition rulebook.

  • @Mistergreen:

    Can I elect not to place units and receive a refund? I think this was legal in global at some point but I can’t find the rule in the 2nd edition rulebook.

    I don’t recall this ever being legal in 1st edition or alpha (or any edition previous) and don’t believe it’s legal in 2nd.

  • '10

    Don’t remember this one…

    Is it allowed to NCM a loaded transport into a sz with an enemy sub, and unload the units in a friendly territory ?

  • @Axisplaya:

    Don’t remember this one…

    Is it allowed to NCM a loaded transport into a sz with an enemy sub, and unload the units in a friendly territory ?


  • '10

    that was fast !

  • '10

    Ok, another one (i know the answer, but i want my oponent to be able to see it).

    There is Japanese troops + planes in Philippines , and a big US + UK fleet in sz35

    Now Anzac wants to make an amphibious assault in Phi with 1tr fully loaded, some planes, and a cruiser.

    If Japan decides to scramble, do they only have to fight the attacking Anzac units, or do they have to fight the entire ally’s fleet in sz35 ?

  • Hi AxisPlayer: Only the player whose go it is: Anzac.
    But I understand if you are waiting on a deputy’s confirmation.

  • Allied units in a seazone only defend together, they attack only on their own turns. The Japanese are defending in this scenario (even whilst scrambling), and therefore only have to defend against the Anzac.

  • Hi. If allies (UK) attack , let’s say, Germany in SZ in which there is already another allies ship (example: US submarine) can he remove that unit as casualties ?

    And can I use US destroyer to detect subs while attacking with UK planes?

    We play that way but i think it ain’t by the book.

  • '16

    Allies only defend in an area together, they never attack together.
    So you can’t remove that US sub as a casualty, as it is not taking part in the battle.

    And your ally’s destroyers does not detect subs if you’re attacking.

  • Thank you, we will fix it then.
    We understood something wrong.

  • In the Pacific board, the USSR and Japan aren’t at war yet. Japan has taken India. Can Soviet tanks move into Persia in the Europe board and block Japanese movement, since the Soviets are at war on the Europe board?

  • @kdfsjljklgjfg:

    In the Pacific board, the USSR and Japan aren’t at war yet. Japan has taken India. Can Soviet tanks move into Persia in the Europe board and block Japanese movement, since the Soviets are at war on the Europe board?

    Yes.  But you do realize it doesn’t block japan from attacking persia.  There’s no punishment for Japan or Russia when they declare war on each other, and you don’t need to make an attack to declare war.  So it doesn’t “block” movement for more than the turn it takes Japan to smash through the Russian line in persia.

    The only time the mongolians are affected is when it’s a territory adjacent to mongolia (or korea).  So as long as they aren’t skirmishing in manchuria, korea, or the soviet far east, they can beat each other up as much as they want and declare war on the first turn if they want to.

    There’s actually no reason that Russia would not declare war on Japan on R1, because it opens their territories up for US landings.  If Japan’s going to attack, they’ll attack.  The state of war between them is irrelevant prior to Japan’s attacks, so why be at peace?  No reason at all.

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