This does not belong here. Spend 3 more seconds of time and notice global has its own section.
You forgot: “and welcome to the forum!”.
Love it. Thanks for sharing. Now I know what my game should look like.
J. 8-)
PS I have to clean my keyboard now because I look at the pictures with my mouth open and I drooled all over it. :oops:
haha who won the battle for honolulu? :D how does communist China perform in your games usually?
Alas, after a brave defence by the U.S. forces, Honolulu fell to the Japanese Empire.
Communist China generally gets attacked by the Japanese right away. If allowed to grow, they become a thorn in the side of the Empire.
When I play as the USSR, I generally build up Communist China through annexation of Nationalist Chinese territories and use them to harass Japan.
Germany really seemed to dominate the game? Wow…
Koba, who painted these pieces? They are the most beautiful I have seen.
More (and more detailed) pictures of them would be much appreciated!
Thank you for the compliment LHoffman,
Truth is my wife and I painted all of the pieces you see. She usually does the infantry while I do air and armour. We split on the navies.
Thank you for the compliment LHoffman,
Truth is my wife and I painted all of the pieces you see. She usually does the infantry while I do air and armour. We split on the navies.
You are most welcome. I should be thanking you. I am quite fascinated with the German armor in particular. Any quick tips on what you did?
The faded look is quite unique and more than fitting. I love how the Nazi flag on the vehicles is darkened almost to a maroon. Did you put wash on the pieces.
If you have the time could you throw a few more pictures of them up here?
Much appreciated.
I apply washes and dry brushing.
All the German armour (and a lot of the other nations)are GHQ 1/285.
They are all primed before painting. I generally use Squadron Signal books or Osprey for the colours.
Colours generally used are:
Burnt Sienna (or Rot Braun if you can find it).
German Armour Grey
Panzer Oliv Grun
Sand Gelb
Dunkel Gelb
The flags are GHQ air recognition decals. I use tissue paper and white glue to make a kind of mache. It lays over the armour quite well. When it’s dried, it’s painted with insignia red then the decal is added.
Most of the body painting is done by airbrush.
Wow, good information. Thanks a lot! And again, beautiful work.
No problem.
If you are going to go this route, make sure you but a finish coat of flat clear acryl to protect your work!
No problem.
If you are going to go this route, make sure you but a finish coat of flat clear acryl to protect your work!
Yes, that was one of my first questions to another painter. Wouldn’t want all this hard work to get worn off. Though I haven’t come to that stage yet.
When the time comes, would you recommend a spray or brush-on?
Definitely spray.