• Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    • You frequent a community forum everyday.
    • You have a long established history there, many friends, and some enemies.
    • Due in some part to your conpsiring, and the comments of many others, someone you ABSOLUTELY despise, who has relentlessly harassed you + other users, and who once held power over you, is to be BANNED permanently.
    • And they don’t know yet…

    How do you handle this development?  :-)

  • It’s hard to answer that one because the underlying question could have very different meanings.  The part that says “Due in some part to your conpsiring…someone you ABSOLUTELY despise…is to be BANNED permanently - And they don’t know yet” could mean:

    1. “My actions have led to an unintended negative and disproportionate consequence about which I feel guilty.”


    1. “I stand on the threshold of triumphantly seeing a long-standing foe receive his just desserts beyond my most optimistic hopes.”

    If it’s situation #1, then the question “How do you handle this development?” possibly means “How can I reverse this unfortunate course of events while there is still time?”  If it’s situation #2, then it possibly means, “Is there a good brand of champagne you can recommend for the victory party I’m going to throw?”

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Due in some part to your conpsiring

    Implies consented guilt.  :evil:

  • @Gargantua:

    Due in some part to your conpsiring

    Implies consented guilt.  :evil:

    Ah.  Anyway, I just noticed that there’s a poll at the top of this thread (I initially missed it), and the options given there suggest that it’s situation #2.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I take it this is happening someplace else. Why not try to help reverse the effects of what happened?

  • Well if you are the self appointed “VILLAIN” of a particular community I would imagine the answer has to be C.

    Not sure why this is not moral.

    What is “moral” anyways? Probably should be a topic in another thread.

  • Back in the days of the Chanson de Roland and similar battle epics, it was standard practice for a triumphant knight to encourage his fellow warriors (and himself) by hurling invective at the body of a foe he had just slain in single combat.  Nowadays, that sort of thing is considered bad form.  My recommendation would be option B, “Remain Silent.” Gloating in public is undignified.  Doing it in private, if one must do it at all, is a method that shows more class.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Gargantua’s questions of Morality, solely exist for the purpose of entertainment and enjoyment of aa.org’ers.

    I take it this is happening someplace else.

    Oh, secrets, secrets big D… I am not at liberty to address _tha_t question at this time. :D

    Of course, this could all be an elaborate fiction? Couldn’t it?

    Why not try to help reverse the effects of what happened?

    And fall on your own sword?!?!?! Isn’t that like asking a spider to free the fly from his web… ?

    Perhaps it should be a poll option… :P  I could add it in?

    Great historical reference CWO.

  • '17

    E. You befriend them under a false name ala the Count of Monte Cristo.

  • The question is whether the person is being justifiably banned. If the ban or potential ban is justified all are acceptable with the understanding that the levels of class demonstrated in each action is very different.

    Getting people banned for your amusement is not moral.

  • How do you get someone banned anyway? Is it not your words on the forum that get you banned, not the word of another member?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Getting people banned for your amusement is not moral.


    What if it’s just because -you don’t like them- ?

  • @Gargantua:

    What if it’s just because -you don’t like them- ?

    Not moral either.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    I’m so glad you’re here Frimmel.

    I mean, without your moral compass, how would anyone know that they were wrong to ban people.


    What about people that have been banned from AA.org?  Were all of them morally justified? We’re we right? Or did we act out of convenience?

    Which also calls your morality into question Frimmel… Judging by your comments, what about Spammers?  Is their banishment moral? :D

  • Moderator

    May I reiterate that people do not get banned on the boards for speaking their mind? The rules are plainly displayed.


  • @Gargantua:


    I’m so glad you’re here Frimmel.

    I mean, without your moral compass, how would anyone know that they were wrong to ban people.


    What about people that have been banned from AA.org?  Were all of them morally justified? We’re we right? Or did we act out of convenience?

    Which also calls your morality into question Frimmel… Judging by your comments, what about Spammers?  Is their banishment moral? :D


    The question is whether the person is being justifiably banned. If the ban or potential ban is justified all are acceptable with the understanding that the levels of class demonstrated in each action is very different.

    Getting people banned for your amusement is not moral.

    Spamming is against the rules and justification for being banned.

    If a person on an open forum is breaking the rules of the forum, derailing discussion, insulting other members, spam or whatever then yes the ban hammer should be dropped. It would not be wrong to point out the unacceptable behavior to those wielding the ban hammer.

    Misrepresenting a person as breaking the rules of the forum, derailing discussion, insulting other members or whatever to get them banned because you don’t like them is wrong. It may be within your influence or ability to get people banned but that does not necessarily make you in the moral right to do so.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    If a person on an open forum is:
    1. breaking the rules of the forum,
    2. derailing discussion,
    3. insulting other members,
    4. spam or whatever
    = then yes the ban hammer should be dropped.

    Looks around

    Why do I have the feeling you’re staring at me when saying that?  :-o

    I have never even flirted with those above listed transgressions! lol… not ever I promise.

    It would not be wrong to point out the unacceptable behavior to those wielding the ban hammer.

    What if you only report some people’s indescretions?  What does the Magic 8 ball say then?

    You know what Frimmel… The farther we go down this rabbit hole - the more I’m beginning to think maybe it was YOU who selected the “Conspire to see who else you can get banned” poll option.  :evil: In the Library with the Candlestick!

  • Remain silent.  Let the swine stew in his or her own juices.

  • @Gargantua:

    It would not be wrong to point out the unacceptable behavior to those wielding the ban hammer.

    What if you only report some people’s indescretions?  What does the Magic 8 ball say then?

    You know what Frimmel… The farther we go down this rabbit hole - the more I’m beginning to think maybe it was YOU who selected the “Conspire to see who else you can get banned” poll option.  :evil: In the Library with the Candlestick!

    Well only reporting some people’s indiscretions is between you and your conscience. I try to leave my reporting to spam posts and posts suggesting I should shoot myself. While we all have an obligation to help keep order so to speak those not moderators are not tasked with keeping constant vigil in policing the site.

    I have not cast a vote in this particular poll.

  • Why would you frequent someplace w people you hate ?

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