Nice one!
HBG's Global War 1939 FAQ
I got also an answer to the following question on :
Can you build a fortification in India (FEC) with money (IPC´s) from Commonwealth or has India to spent the money.
The Question includes air- and navelbases. I would say, no, FEC must spend the money to buy fortications, air bases, and naval bases on FEC territories. UK can only build units.The answer there:
UK can spend money to build FEC facilities but still must satisfy the infantry build requirement
Now I am a little bit confused?!
Can anyone give me an Official answer!?
You can read:
For all Pro-Axis and Pro-
Allied neutrals, armies
increase by 1 Infantry
every 2 turns if not
activated. These extra
infantry are placed in the
capital territories of each
neutral country.So the first time at the beginning or end of turn 2 ???
Page 12 of the rules states, “New facilities can be placed in any friendly territory you have controlled since the beginning of the turn.” Allied territories are considered friendly territories, therefore the U.K. should be able to purchase facilities and place them on French, ANZAC, Canadian, South African, or FEC territories. I would also suggest that these can be built on Chinese territories once Japan is at war with the Commonwealth.
Any comments, Variable or Tigerman?
For our house rules, we add infantry to the capital cities of all neutral capital territories, including true neutrals, at the end of turn 2.
Hi Moose11,
if UK can also build facilities in Chinese territories,
so the US can build the complete infrastructure of their allied ??? -
Once the U.S. is at war with the Axis, yes. Until they are at war, they are not allied with anyone.
You are doing a great job Moose11. Right now we are working on a version 6.0 of the rules that will have soe big and small changes. We will also be sure to highlight all changes made from 5.1to 6.0. Thanks for all the input!
Hi Tigerman,
at what time the 6.0 rules will be finished?
Any Setup Changes ??? -
Hi Tigerman,
at what time the 6.0 rules will be finished?
Any Setup Changes ???We are hoping to have the 6.0 rules out in about 4 weeks. Yes there will be some setup changes but nothing major.
Any News ???
Hi Tigerman,
would be nice to have 6.0 Setup/Rules to Play another game next Weekend! ???
Dude give him/them some time.
He said AROUND the 20th and I’m sure they have been busy with 1914.
Besides the rules are free, you dont pay for them so don’t rush them to get them out.
Update on rule revision. We are in playtest mode and hopefully be done in 3 weeks. My regular job has me working 80 hours a week the next 2 weeks so be patient. We are working on having 6.0 out in 3-4 weeks. I know that’s a month late but we really want to make sure these rules are solid!
Thanks Tiger for update and your time.
“Bump” to follow this thread
Any news it’s been three weeks?
I know that Tigerman is just about done with the revisions. He’s been slammed at work and been quite sick to boot so give him a bit more time. Thanks everyone! :-)
As I purchased GW39, I really like the map.
Looking forward to the changes; better to have them then start playing the game as is. lol
Took me a long time to set up the earlier version, but afterward I had to tear it down before I could play. lol
I am done with the revisions but I need to playtest a couple different scenarios and just set the game up. I’m moving foward!
Where can we get the LATEST Ruleset?
You get them from board game geek. Version 5.1, dated November 3, 2012. For whatever reason, you can only get to the most recent rules by clicking on the May 24, 2012 rules (updates version 5.0) link.