I have always wanted to have the battle calculator show more information.
In particular, I found that (especially in dice games), the results of a battle were never close to what the “average” in the battle calculator was. While the battle calc says that “defense have average of 2 units left”, the defense would normally end up with 6+ units left, as an example.
This is because due to the nature of A&A combat, when one side wins they win big, and when one side loses, they lose big. This is simply the nature of dice + the rules of combat + the compounding/exponential nature of having multiple combat rounds.
So I decided to make 2 new statistics:
- Average # of units left for Attacker when Attacker wins the battle
- Average # of units left for Defender when Defender wins the battle
and while I was making these changes, pug and hepster suggested to add statistics for the number of units each side has, and Average # of combat rounds, and also allow you to choose when a player retreats in order to simulate a strafe.
It took some rewriting of the battle class, but the calc can now retreat successfully when the option presents itself. The default is still to “never retreat, never surrender!”
Lastly, in order to not skew the results (for Revised games), the battle calculator will automatically submerge when it is just subs against aircraft. (it already did this for aa50 games, but not for revised games)
so, behold the new battle calculator…