@panther Thank you for the link. Unfortunately, I have finished translating the whole rulebook, but I’ll be sure to use if I ever translate the 1940 and 1942 versions. Right now, I’m going to work on the Anniversary version instead, even though I don’t own that version (nor the 1940 and 1942 versions). Thank you very much for your help.
Where to buy?
When I try to buy this game it says its not coming out until the 27th? Did the release date get changed? Is 1942(2) still planning on a 27th release?
If it IS available now…where can I buy it? HELP!
41: Some lucky people got theirs early. The date was pushed back to27th July. Cool Stuff or Amazon have it for preorder.
We can only hope 42 is out as planned. People at Gencon have been play testing it. Will not really know until they are not dispatched on the 27th! -
Thanks for the update!
Another update:
I preorderd copies of 1941 and 1942 from Coolstuffinc.com. I got e-mails saying they have been shipped as of 7/24 and the delivery date is 7/27.
Pretty cool huh? -
I just got our copies in today for those of you that purchased from FMG.
Well just ordered my A&A 41 off coolstuff on eBay where it was only $30 shipped as opposed to the $33 shipped thru their site, go figure.