I’m posting videos of the G40 Invitational:
A&A- Axis and Allies
A+3.9- Axis and Allies Global 40 with the latest Larry Harris update
AAA- Axis and Allies
AAE- Axis and Allies Europe (the old one released 1999)
AAE40- Axis and Allies Europe '40
AAP- Axis and Allies Pacific (the old one released 2001)
AAP40- Axis and Allies Pacific '40
AAR- Axis and Allies Revised
AA Gun- Anti Aircraft Gun
AARHE- Axis and Allies Revised Historic Edition
AP- Transport
BB- Battleship
BotB- Axis and Allies Battle of the Bulge
CA- Cruiser
CP- Central Powers
CT- Contested Territory
CV- Aircraft Carrier
DD- Destroyer
DEI- Dutch East Indies
DOW- Declaration of War
ECan- Eastern Canada
EE- Eastern Europe
EUS- Eastern United States
FEA- French Equatorial Africa
FIC- French IndoChina
FMG- Field Marshal Games
FWA- French West Africa
G40- Axis and Allies Global
HB- Heavy Bomber Tech
HBG- Historical Board Gaming
IC- Industrial Complex
IPC- money
JP- Jet Power Tech
JTDTM- Japan Tank Dash To Moscow
KAF- Kill America First
KBF- Kill Britain First
KIF- Kill Italy First
KISS- Keep It Simply Stupid
KGF- Kill Germany First
KJF- Kill Japan First
KRF- Kill Russia First
LHTR- Larry Harris Tournament Rules
LRA- Long Range Aircraft Tech
NA- National Advantage
NO- National Objective
OOB- Out of the Box
SBR- Strategic Bombing Run
SE- Southern Europe
SJF- Slow Japan First (then kill germany)
SS- Submarine
SSX- Super Submarines Tech
SZ- Sea Zone normally followed by a number. The number tells you which Sea Zone.
TUV- Total Unit Value
TT- Transport
tt- territory (I know tt is used across the boards in both ways)
UK- United Kingdom
US- United States
USSR- Russia
WCan- Western Canada
WE- Western Europe
WOTC- Wizards of the Coast
WRS- West Russia Stack
WRU- West Russia
WUS- Western United States
R1, UK2, J4, etc. Letter is nation, number is game turn. So… R1: Russia Turn 1 (begining of the game) R4: Russia Turn 4
T1, T5, etc. Generic turn designation, not nation specific unless context makes it nation specific.
Let me know if I’m missing something. and i’ll organize them later.
I updated the title to make it more easily found by people searching Google - � djensen
I fixed the typo in the updated title
Half those acronyms are garbage.
There is only 1 B in Battleship. And there is no A in Cruiser. I refuse to submit to a system designed by a bunch of puddle pirates, who were to afraid to get real jobs, and joined the navy.
Use the standardized 3 letter system.
Your wordng is a little little too harsh. Think about the person who reads this list as a reference and then your comment after. Think if comments could be voted upon.
The sentiment, however, is actually relevant because there is one article in particular on the website that has about 5 comments complaining about the acronyms. I’m even considering a global replace of “BB” with “BB (battleship)” in all articles on the website (not forums).
I prefer spelling out as much as possible when possible but the fact is that many in the A&A community use these and this is a useful reference. :-D
The BB for Battleship is the United States Navy Acronym. Same with the CA, CV, DD, SS, AP all used by The Navy. this isn’t meant for anything more than a reference guild for noobs or someone reading something else and goes “wtf is that suppose to mean” So they can decode what people are saying. Not an attempt to set a standard language of the game.
It doesn’t matter.
I’m offended by the language. :)
What lang. is offending you so I can fix it. So not to run into this problem again. I’m trying to be helpful not offensive.
Yavid, you are being helpful. Gargantua seems to disagree with the system currently being used because it is based on the navy.
Is he an Army guy? if so then I understand. I’m an army brat myself and that’s the only College football (by that i mean sports) game my dad would ever watch was The Army/Navy game.
LOL, Yavid, I mean no offense. I was being sarcastic, but that gets lost over the internet.
There are only a handful of things that drive me abosolutely bonkers in life, and although the list is short… annoying internet acronymns are close to the top.
If the average user can’t undestand it, or the acronymn uses letters that aren’t from the word and DELIBERATELY make things confusing, then the purpose of using an acronymn is faulted, and the user trying to communicate has FAILED.
It doesn’t help that the listed acronyms also are associated with the Navy. :P
I very much agree that using letters that appear nowhere in the word or words is alittle insane. The Navy being the biggest offender. I mean look at them top to bottom BB (battleship) CV (Aircraft Carrier) CA (Cruiser) CL (Light Cruiser) DD (Destroyer) SS (Submarine) AP (Transport) and even PT (Torpedo Boat) not one of them fit. I’m a much bigger fan of short hand like Inf. Art. Fig. Bmb.
a 3 letter acronym system is superior. :)
a 3 letter acronym system is superior. :)
I go for being practical: using an already established system beats having to reinvent the wheel.
A few missing/typos:
IC - Industrial Complex
KBF- Kill Britain First
KIF - Kill Italy First
It’s only established for a few players, like the folks on this forum. However, newer players are not familiar with it.
It’s only established for a few players, like the folks on this forum. However, newer players are not familiar with it.
Some terms are pretty much established with the A&A community, I’d say, like KGF, OOB, etc., since their use started with Classic.
For newer players it is also better to use the US Navy system because if they know any system then that would most likely be it.
And I’m not a US citizen so I don’t really mind whether the Army or the Navy rules :)
My hope is to have a source where someone reading the boards would see something they don’t know what it means check here and go back to reading. I’m not trying to standardize the lang. at all
Thank you Hobbes for your help and the list is updated.
All those Acronyms are spot on. They are the most common ways to make notation of games easier.
What’s a NO?
What’s a NO?
National Objective.
By the way, there’s another acronyms thread over here:
List updated