I tried to delete this topic but I guess I can’t. Mods please delete this topic. I’m going to ask my questions in the G40 boards, as it seems like that is probably the better place to ask my questions as they pertain to specifically G40
I took my 1999 Europe, 2001 Pacific, 2004 Revised, 1942, 1942 2nd edition, and 1941 and put them into Artbins. Like you, I left specific campaign, global, and AA50th in their boxes.
I know how to turn a computer on, off, check email after that it starts getting gray. Does any one know of an on line A&A game that can play multi player where all five sides are represented, and play at the same time. Not posting results back and forth like triple A. Is there such an animal out there???
SUD, why must you split the Atlantic Fleet? Brit will need to bring her fleet down to get equipment to Africa, bring the Yanks along if you need fleet defense (I’ve always faced a strong German AF so the fleet rarely splits). If the Brits go light on EQ, maybe mostly tanks and the Yanks do to you don’t strand excess equipment. Yeah for that round ya might not get as much stuff to norway but it’s a small price to pay for not needing another capital ship.