• '22 '19 '18

    Tried the G1 Barbarossa.  Baltic states went pretty bad but the Russian counter on east Poland went even worse. I captured Moscow on G5 and allies surrendered round 6.  It worked well enough to try again, but the element of surprise is gone on my opponent so it might not work as well.

  • TripleA

    UK1 is very important against germany barb 1. Drop egypt minor, fighter inf for uk. sink 97. USA 1 carrier dds for atlantic, pull figs in from pac to fill them.  keep bomber on east usa. USA 1 naval is what is used to convoy 97 eventually, subsequent round 2-4 subs to convoy the other spots or more naval if germany buys air.

    UK 2-3 keep middle east italian free, support the 97 convoy, rounds 4-5 fly usa or uk air into russia. After shutting italy down supporting russia with some fighters is a no brainer. The russia battle is typically 5 rounds of shooting or so, 3-8 fighters make a huge difference.

  • Sponsor


    Tried the G1 Barbarossa.  Baltic states went pretty bad but the Russian counter on east Poland went even worse. I captured Moscow on G5 and allies surrendered round 6.  It worked well enough to try again, but the element of surprise is gone on my opponent so it might not work as well.

    That was my point all along, Moscow happens much sooner, but western allies can plan against it as early as turn 1. I’m thinking about a aircraft carrier + a Romanian minor IC G1, and hitting all channel boats, taking paris, and taking the three Russian territories instead of Yugo.

  • '10

    If you save the money instead of buying that Mic for Rom on G1, then your Sealion threat remains credible. But if you buy that Mic, you’re going to see A LOT of scrambling in both sz 110 and 111, and that’s not what you want…

  • Sponsor


    If you save the money instead of buying that Mic for Rom on G1, then your Sealion threat remains credible. But if you buy that Mic, you’re going to see A LOT of scrambling in both sz 110 and 111, and that’s not what you want…

    Good point.

  • Does no one buy a destroyer on G1( with 3  transports?)That way Allies do not know which country you are going to attack on G2 or 3. And surely you would want to kill the Russian sub in the Baltic. I used to buy an AC on G1, but now you need to kill 5 AA  in UK too,  Sealion must be dead in the water. Russia on G2 must be only option left,if you have not attacked Russia on G1. As for scrambling do any Allied players not do? I would if I was them.

  • I haven’t actually tried it out yet, but considered buying a destroyer, transport, and airbase for Norway.  Land 3 planes there and transport in 1 infantry and 1AA.  You have strong scramble cover for your fleet and Russia will lose the Murmansk NO as soon as you put a destroyer in z125.  On G2 you attack on Baltic states and Vyborg.  Then NCM 4 more units to Vyborg with your transports.  Russians probably evacuate Novgorod.

  • Nice idea. My fear is Norway is a good landing spot for US and it would annoy me to gift an air base to them. I know this cannot happen until at least T5 (If Japan do not DOW 1 or 2 of course.) Also,  can you be sure you will have 3 spare Fighters? Protecting the fleet definitely a must on G1 though. That is why I used to buy an AC, but now  West German AB and scrambling rules make me feel safe enough. Surely buying only 1 transport sends a message to UK that Sealion is off and they can spend their 28 in Africa too, spelling the end to Italy? I think we have to bluff a Sealion(3 transports) even if we intend a Barbarossa.

  • Yeah you definitely want to keep stacking infantry there so you don’t lose it!  Do that, and move your fleet to z125 if they mass in Iceland instead of Gibraltar.  Otherwise sit in z112.

    The downside to it is you don’t get to use the carrier when sinking the remains of the UK fleet on G2.  It’s all defensive and no offensive.

  • A G1 attack on Russia is doomed to fail without a strong Italy in the long run!

  • Sponsor

    Found this oldie but a goodie 13 pages back. Posted it over 6 months ago when I first started experimenting with a G1 attack on Russia (which went up against some stiff criticism back then). Not sure how many members here have even tried this strategy, but I think popular opinion on this should have leveled off by now…… right?

  • Ever since Axis and Allies Classic, my axis strategy has been ‘early and often.’ Maybe to a fault, however I really don’t see a problem with a G1 attack. Its like a boxer throwing some annoying jabs before they use the knockout punch. Anything after G1 just allows Russia to get organized.

    I’ve had great success against a capable opponent with the G1 Major IC in Romania and attacks on Bessarabia, Eastern Poland and Baltic States.

  • What exactly does a G1 declaration give you? The only thing I see is headaches when deciding what to do about UK fleet, and being stalled in russia right away.

  • TripleA


    Found this oldie but a goodie 13 pages back. Posted it over 6 months ago when I first started experimenting with a G1 attack on Russia (which went up against some stiff criticism back then). Not sure how many members here have even tried this strategy, but I think popular opinion on this should have leveled off by now…… right?

    good job digging this thread up again.

    i would have said terrible strategy back then. i have created a g1-j4 attack that takes moscow on g5 which is a pretty strong move. i am tinkering with g1-j1, not sure if this will allow usa to put pressure on g before they take moscow, but might open up a pacific victory.

  • What exacly are your buys to take Moscow T5? This just doesn’t seem possible to me.

  • I have calculated out 53 ground units that can get to moscow by T5 (this is if not a single unit was lost along the way) plus I’d guestimate around 20 planes. Russia at the literal worst would have 77 total units in moscow. This is if you killed East poland, Baltic, and besarabia, and he decided to not counter you anywhere. I think I’d take your 73 units vs my 77 all day long since even if you did take Moscow it would literally cost you every single plane.

  • '17 '16 '13 '12


    I have calculated out 53 ground units that can get to moscow by T5 (this is if not a single unit was lost along the way) plus I’d guestimate around 20 planes. Russia at the literal worst would have 77 total units in moscow. This is if you killed East poland, Baltic, and besarabia, and he decided to not counter you anywhere. I think I’d take your 73 units vs my 77 all day long since even if you did take Moscow it would literally cost you every single plane.

    Yes, pending the Russians getting out of position, Moscow is not under threat earlier with a G1 vs a G2.

  • '12


    I have calculated out 53 ground units that can get to Moscow by T5 (this is if not a single unit was lost along the way) plus I’d guestimate around 20 planes. Russia at the literal worst would have 77 total units in Moscow. This is if you killed East Poland, Baltic, and Besarabia, and he decided to not counter you anywhere. I think I’d take your 73 units vs my 77 all day long since even if you did take Moscow it would literally cost you every single plane.

    Don’t forget the consequences of SBR on the Russian factory output.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    UK fighters intercept SBR

  • Sponsor


    I have calculated out 53 ground units that can get to moscow by T5 (this is if not a single unit was lost along the way) plus I’d guestimate around 20 planes. Russia at the literal worst would have 77 total units in moscow. This is if you killed East poland, Baltic, and besarabia, and he decided to not counter you anywhere. I think I’d take your 73 units vs my 77 all day long since even if you did take Moscow it would literally cost you every single plane.

    Wow!, You just calculated all the ups and downs that can happen during a whole game in one small paragraph. This strategy must be called “the anatomy of a Russian turtle”, and I don’t think anything in this paragraph is a fair argument for why not to attack Russia G1.

    Here is my revised attack that does not include a SBR on Russia or UK turn 1. It also includes a significat effort to actually argue the merit of a G1 attack on Russia.


    Purchase New Units
    1 Strategic Bomber
    1 Fighter
    1 Destroyer

    Combat Movement

    SZ#106 - 1 Submarine
    SZ#110 - 2 Submarines, 1 Battleship, 2 Fighters, 2 T.Bombers, 1 S.Bomber
    SZ#111 - 2 Submarines, 2 Fighters, 1 T.Bomber, 1 S.Bomber
    France - 7 Infantry, 4 M.Infantry, 3 Artillery, 3 Tanks
    Baltic States - 3 Infantry, 2 Tanks, 1 T.Bomber
    Eastern Poland - 2 Infantry. 3 Tanks
    Bessarabia - 2 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 T.Bomber

    Non-Combat Movement

    1 Cruiser, 1 Transport into SZ#113 / 2 Infantry from Germany into Norway
    3 Infantry from Norway into Finland
    3 Infantry from Germany into W.Germany
    6 Infantry, 3 Artillery, 1 AA Gun from Germany into Poland
    6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, from S.Germany into Slovakia
    1 AA Gun from Germany into Slovakia
    1 AA Gun from Germany into W.Germany
    3 AA Guns from W.Germany into N.Italy
    1 T.Bomber from Poland into Poland
    1 T.Bomber from Germany into Poland
    1 Fighter from Slovakia into Slovakia
    All surviving air units from the Atlantic into W.Germany

    Place new units
    1 Strategic Bomber into W.Germany
    1 Fighter into W. Germany
    1 Destroyer into SZ#113

    Collect income
    $38 income
    $5 National objective
    $19 Capital gain
    = $62

    FAQ: G1 attack on Russia

    Q: Why didn’t you buy an Aircraft Carrier round one?
    A: I don’t need one because my T. Bomber from Germany is attacking in the Eastern front. However, I will be placing 1 Aircraft Carrier and 2 other sea units in the Med on turn three. This is where I prefer to build my navy, because I’m a big believer in supporting Italy.

    Q: If you support Italy, why didn’t you place a fighter in S.Italy for maximum scramble?
    A: I don’t scramble during Toranto, as Italy I’m losing almost half my navy, I don’t want to lose my air force as well. I use all my German air units in W. Germany to wipe out the british fleet left in SZ#97 in round #2.

    Q: You didn’t attack Yugoslavia or walk on Bulgaria, did you leave to much money behind?
    A: I have made 3 logistical attacks on Russia killing 7 Infantry, taking 3 territories, and $2, rather than an overkill attack for a total of $3, and 5 neutrals. I choose to leave Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Greece for Italy, to ensure their financial stability in future rounds.

    Q: You gave your $5 NO to Russia, are you ok with them in Iraq for another $7 early?
    A: My goal is to get Lenningrad as soon as possible, but getting SZ#125 is also a viable option in regards to taking away the Russian NO. I believe that this strategy paired with Cow’s J1 attack on the Pacific Allies, will prevent Russia from helping against Japan. If Russia wants to divert forces away from the front that was just attacked…. I’m OK with that.

    Q: Russia will just counter and take all their territories back while wiping out Germany’s tanks… do you really want that?
    A: I have tried this strategy 5 times now (record is 3-1-1), and I can honestly say that I was very comfortable with Germany’s position throughout each game (the loss was not Germany’s fault). Even in the games when Germany didn’t get fair dice rolls in round one, their recovery position was still sound. My rational for doing this is… I take away 7 infantry from Russia that are crucial to them, and I force more Russian Infantry to move into range of my next attack. Actually, playing Germany becomes more fun when you see all the battles of attrition between Russia, and Germany instead of a game of turtling.

    PS: If you are attempting a J1 attack on the Pacific Allies, a G1 attack on Russia demands attention from the U.S, and prevents Russia from supporting China.

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