I’ve tried playing low luck and I don’t care for it myself. I do agree that it speeds up the game, especially in those really big battles. However, I guess I just like the unpredictability of rolling the dice. I like having the chance if I have 2 infantry and get attacked by 6-8 infantry, I might end up rolling two 2s and he ends up getting not a single hit. Of course, he might end up getting 3 or 4 hits and wiping me out while I get nothing on defense. It just seems more thrilling that way, taking that chance. One time I had an attack which included 5 infantry attacking at “1”. I rolled and got FIVE 1s. I couldn’t believe that. What a rush. With low luck, you are cheating yourself of that possibility.
Also, this game really doesn’t take into account the different capabilities of units of different countries. Take fighter planes for example: We have P-38s for USA, Spitfires for UK, Me109s for Germany and Zeros for Japan. Each of these fighters had different capabilities, some were better than the others, some were not as good. In this game though, ALL fighters attack at 3, defend at 4 and move 4 no matter what type of fighter it is. Using Low Luck would make everything even more standardized, which seems kind of boring to me. Taking a chance on the dice, while it doesn’t really answer the differences between types of fighter planes, at least gives you a bit of unpredictability and chance.
If Low Luck is what works for you, then more power to you and I hope you enjoy your games. My games will be strictly roll of the dice.