Re: Making my own WW1 game…
Hey, y’all. I was wondering how y’all made games, like this one. Please reply if you have an answer!
French Set…need help to finalize set.
Here’s my 2 cents on Vichy France Color: it should be a Darker Blue than the OOB color. Germany Black, Italy Brown, It shows France “coming to the darkside”
A Darker Blue color to represent “Free French” troops set on revenge. An interesting idea.
“Tall Paul”
Here’s my 2 cents on Vichy France Color: it should be a Darker Blue than the OOB color. Germany Black, Italy Brown, It shows France “coming to the darkside”
That’s one of the reasons why I use as Vichy pieces the dark blue standard infantry sculpts from The War Game: World War II ( The additional attraction is that the German-style uniform design establishes an extra connection between Vichy France and Germany.
I prefer light blue for Vichy and OOB for pre- defeat French.
Dark Blue for Free French
For those that do… why do you distinguish between Free French and “pre-defeat” French? Couldn’t you use the same color for both of these?
i agree why would you need a new color for free french when you should just keep them the default french color, or at least use the default color for one of them. my group we dont even need to have any difference in color since Vichy doesn’t move we just use the Vichy token on territories to represent Vichy units
Shouldn’t the french set be white?
I think dark blue would be sufficient.
I compelety agree. I don’t see a need nor do I want a different color for pre-defeat france, free france, and vichy france. Two colors will do fine (waves hand in a “these are not the drods your looking for” kind of way)
LOL, I play Hearts of Iron a lot and they represent Vichy as a Dark Blue-Dark Purple ish color.
you know the more i think about it. the more i like the idea of a dark purpleish/ dark blue color for vichy france. I worry about the oob blue being to close to the vichy blue. I see france and vichy france as Allied France (oob colors) and Axis France (called Vichy for most conversation but it’s basically just that France in the Axis powers) and I want the colors far enough apart not to cause confussion. So a dark purple sounds really good. No one else is purple or close to it.
Is there a new release date for the French set? we seem to have passed the original April 1st date. Just asking for an update.
Afraid that France got pushed back a bit. It seems that there was a bigger demand for the Neutrals so Coach went with them first. Next is Russia which has a June 30 approximate date. After that will be the 2nd German set with no date yet. I think France will come after the 2nd German set. Perhaps late August or September?
I believe Japan is in the queue before France as well. In the meantime, I use the OOB French for pre-defeat and Free French; and the light blue Neutral set for Vichy French. It will be nice to eventually not need blue Russians!
blue russians really was disapointing, I would have rathered blue americans then russians
There is such a thing as “pre-defeat” french?
blue russians really was disapointing, I would have rathered blue americans then russians
I agree. Don’t understand quite what WOTC was thinking using Soviet units to represent French vehicles, planes and ships.
I think of all the OOB pieces available, British units would most likely be a decent representation of French units. A lot of their military hardware were at least somewhat similar in design. Certainly closer than Russian. The French didn’t have anything close to resembling a T-34, but the Matilda could possibly pass for a French tank.
There is such a thing as “pre-defeat” french?
A more neutral term would be “Third Republic French”.
pre-defeat france: it’s France at set up before Germany’s first turn.
I would have prefered blue american’s because through lend lease America built the tanks and plane France fought with after the defeat.
you know what would be really cool, is if you did one french set in that bluish grey they had for germans in revised. it would be perfect for the peopel who want vichy france and you could mix and match with the revised pieces