Well, we certainly didn’t set up the army and invade! No sir we’re too good for that. Much easier to install a puppet regime after we assassinate the current leader, but A&A doesn’t include this function, the US is left with DOWs on neutrals.
Hey, what the NSA/CIA do is their business! The United States Government is not in the business of invading non-beligerant sovereign nations. Right? :wink: So we invaded France, Poland, Holland, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Philippines, … lol.
Okay…so that aside, why cannot Switzerland be it’s own little special “no pass” zone? Yes it’s part of the Ibernia block, I just don’t know why and why it’s important that it be in a block at all.
Also, to clarify (since I’m coding this - at least rough draft to send over to YG for a final proof read) Do the Russian ships stop the NO if Russia is not at war with Germany? I am specifically saying Germany! Italy could declare war, but that does not mean Russia is at war with Germany until Russia declares war on Germany.